if innovation solutions to problems are needed at Nucor, how do you think they will emerge?...

if innovation solutions to problems are needed at Nucor, how do you think they will emerge? that is will internal or external forces bring about the Needed innovations? explain

In: Operations Management

R2.82: If two processes have the same value of Cp but process one has a Cpk...

R2.82: If two processes have the same value of Cp but process one has a Cpk value of 1.33 and process two has a Cpk value of 0.67, what can be said about these processes?

A. The second is better centered than the first

B. The first is not capable, the second is

C. The first is in control, the second isn’t

D. The first is better centered than the second

In: Operations Management

Whole Grains Inc. uses statistical process control to ensure that its health-conscious, low-fat, multigrain sandwich loaves...

Whole Grains Inc. uses statistical process control to ensure that its health-conscious, low-fat, multigrain sandwich loaves have the proper weight. Based on periodic process sampling, the following observed weights (in ounces) were recorded:

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4

Sample 5

Sample 6

Loaf # 1







Loaf # 2







Loaf # 3







Loaf # 4







Provide the following values:
X-double bar =                  R-bar =  

You are asked to compute 3σ control limits for X-bar and Range charts. Provide the following values:
A2 =                     D3 =                     D4 =                    
For X-bar Chart,           LCL =      UCL =                              
For R-Chart,                 LCL =     UCL =  
Is the process under control? (Enter YES or NO):
NOTE: All values should be rounded to the nearest hundredth (two decimal after dot, for example 9.99)
  Whole Grains Inc. uses statistical process control to ensure that its health-conscious, low-fat, multigrain sandwich loaves have the proper weight. Based on periodic process sampling, the following observed weights (in ounces) were recorded:

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4

Sample 5

Sample 6

Loaf # 1







Loaf # 2







Loaf # 3







Loaf # 4







Provide the following values:
X-double bar =                  R-bar =  

You are asked to compute 3σ control limits for X-bar and Range charts. Provide the following values:
A2 =                     D3 =                     D4 =                    
For X-bar Chart,           LCL =      UCL =                              
For R-Chart,                 LCL =     UCL =  
Is the process under control? (Enter YES or NO):
NOTE: All values should be rounded to the nearest hundredth (two decimal after dot, for example 9.99)

In: Operations Management

In your textbook, read mini-case A Change at the Top at Proctor & Gamble: An Indication...

In your textbook, read mini-case A Change at the Top at Proctor & Gamble: An Indication of How Much the CEO Matters?

in order to answer the questions below.


What makes a CEO’s job so complex? Use the mini-case to provide examples that help support your answer.

A. G. Lafley joined Procter & Gamble (P&G) in 1977 as brand assistant for Joy dishwashing liquid. From this beginning, he worked his way through the firm’s laundry division, becoming highly visible due to a number of successes including the launching of liquid Tide. A string of continuing accomplishments throughout the firm resulted in Lafley’s appointment as P&G’s CEO in June 2000, a post he held until retiring in mid-2009. Bob McDonald, who joined P&G in 1980, was Lafley’s handpicked successor. McDonald took the top position at P&G in July 2009, but resigned under pressure in May 2013. Lafley, revered by many, was asked to come out of retirement and return to P&G as president, CEO, and chair of the board of directors. Lafley said that when contacted to return to P&G, he agreed immediately to do so, committing to remain “as long as needed to improve the company’s performance.” However, speculation is that Lafley likely would not remain beyond three years.

What went wrong for McDonald, a long-time P&G employee who seemed to know the firm well and who received Lafley’s support? Not surprisingly, a number of possibilities have been mentioned in response to this question. Some concluded that, under McDonald’s leadership, P&G suffered from “poor execution globally,” an outcome created in part by P&G’s seemingly ineffective responses to aggressive competition in emerging mar- kets. Other apparent problems were a failure to control the firm’s costs and employees’ loss of confidence in McDonald’s leadership. Still others argued that McDonald did not fully understand the effects on U.S. consumers of the recession in place when he took over, and that, during that time period, P&G “was selling BMWs when cash- tight consumers were looking for Kias.” The net result of these types of problems included P&G “losing a step to rivals like Unilever.” In turn, this caused investors to become frustrated by “P&G’s inability to consistently keep up with its rivals’ sales growth and share price gains.”

But why bring Lafley back? In a few words, because of his previous success. Among other achievements during his first stint as P&G’s main strategic leader were building up the firm’s beauty business, acquiring Gillette, expanding the firm’s presence in emerging markets, and launching hit products such as Swiffer and Febreze. An overall measure of P&G’s success during Lafley’s initial tenure as CEO is the fact that the firm’s shares increased 63 percent in value while the S&P fell 37 percent in value. Thus, multiple stakeholders, including investors and employees, may believe that Lafley can return the firm to the “glory days” it experienced from 2000 to 2009.

Product innovations are a core concern and an area receiving a significant amount of attention. Analysts suggest that P&G needs to move beyond incremental innovations, seeking to again create entirely new product categories as it did with Swiffer and Febreze. This will be challenging, at least in the short run, given recent declines in allocations to the firm’s research and development programs. These reductions have resulted in a product pipeline focused mainly on “reformulating rather than inventing.” Additionally, efforts are underway to continue McDonald’s strong, recent commitments to reduce the firm’s “bloated” cost structure and reenergize the competitive actions it will take in global markets.

Restructuring P&G’s multiple brands and products into four sectors, each of which will be headed by a president, is a major change Lafley is initiating. Currently, the firm has two global business divisions—beauty and grooming and household care. Final decisions about the precise compositions of the four sectors were not announced by mid-2013. Speculation, though, was that each sector would be formed “to reflect synergies between various businesses.” For example, one expectation was that paper-based products such as “Bounty paper towels, Charmin toilet paper, Pampers diapers and Always feminine care products” would be combined to form a sector. Moreover, Lafley’s replacement was expected to be selected from among the four presidents who would be chosen to lead the new sectors.

In: Operations Management

Describe the steps for the Naïve Bayes Algorithm

Describe the steps for the Naïve Bayes Algorithm

In: Operations Management

Purpose of the Assignment: The assignment is designed to provide learners the opportunity to demonstrate their...

Purpose of the Assignment:

The assignment is designed to provide learners the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to develop effective and well-structured questionnaires that will enable them to gather the required data for their re- search. The goal of this assignment is to monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback.

Your task is:

Please develop and upload a well-structured Survey / Questionnaire (12 - 15 questions) that will enable you to gathering valuable data for your research.

In: Operations Management

How would you classify the MIS departments of comparative companies? Do these classifications have a significant...

How would you classify the MIS departments of comparative companies? Do these classifications have a significant meaning or impact that is relevant to company performance? How and why? Based on your experience, how do organizational structure and strategy relate to MIS needs? What do you foresee is the difference between IT and MIS? Are both of these terms relevant and necessary? How would you measure the effectiveness of your company’s IT and MIS investment? If you are currently not employed, what measures would you expect to use and why?

In: Operations Management

Required 1-2 paragraphs Discuss why the courts are so important in defining civil liberties, for both...

Required 1-2 paragraphs

Discuss why the courts are so important in defining civil liberties, for both the national government and the states.

In: Operations Management

Research your chosen company (ideally from your home country). Consider ONE environmental issue of either AIR,...

Research your chosen company (ideally from your home country). Consider ONE environmental issue of either AIR, LAND, WATER or ENERGY that need to be addressed and identify sustainability initiatives created by the business/organisation.

What SPECIFICS can you say about the initiative. A few questions to help:

  1. When did/will the initiative start?
  2. Is it global, local, regional?
  3. How big is the problem being addressed – be specific?
  4. How successful has it been?
  5. What model of sustainability do you think the initiative following - Market, Regulatory or Sustainability approach? Explain
  6. Which stakeholders least benefit from the initiative?
  7. Can you think of any (potential) unintended consequences?

Write a brief feedback responding to the various questions (and more you might raise) and include useful links found.

Submit to Forum for review during class


In: Operations Management

How is performance measured and assessed? Is it a comprehensive and reasonable process? What is measured...

How is performance measured and assessed? Is it a comprehensive and reasonable process? What is measured and how is it measured. How can it be improved? in uae

In: Operations Management

Compare and contrast the Four Generic Strategies addressing cost and uniqueness based on the work of...

Compare and contrast the Four Generic Strategies addressing cost and uniqueness based on the work of Michael Porter in terms of possible advantages and disadvantages. .

In: Operations Management

HealthNut University’s Benefit Program This activity is important because as a manager, you must be able...

HealthNut University’s Benefit Program

This activity is important because as a manager, you must be able to determine the most effective benefits to provide to your employees. There are many variables that impact the effectiveness of employee benefits. Evaluating your employees’ preferences, needs, the industry best practices and what the organization can afford are just a few.

The goal of this activity is to demonstrate your understanding of the various types of benefits available to offer employees as well as the regulations that may apply in your organization.

Read the case of the new benefit program at HealthNut University and select the best option for each scenario provided.

The employees at HealthNut University (HNU) have not seen a change in their benefits offered in several years. Meanwhile, the organization is experiencing unprecedented growth in the demand for its services thereby needing to ensure they are able to retain their valuable employees. HNU currently has 482 employees when combining administration, staff, and faculty members in the United States. Mr. Reuben, the Director of HR, has received approval to create a new benefit program for the employees.

Mr. Reuben begins by collecting both benchmark data from the industry best practices as well as conducting a survey of its current employees to identify what they value in a benefit program. While Mr. Reuben understands he will not be able to provide for every need, he knows the options need to be narrowed down to those the company’s employees desire the most.

The survey revealed the employees greatly value time off in various forms as well as an interest in long term benefits. Therefore, in addition to ensuring HealthNut University offers the legally mandated benefits, Mr. Reuben begins creating the new benefit program for HNU.

One of the most important issues for Mr. Reuben to address beyond the desires of the employees for particular types of benefits is that of ensuring each benefit policy is legally compliant. Which law/regulation applies to the benefits the company may utilize?

In: Operations Management

What are some of the differences in estimating the benefits for CRM investments versus determining the...

  1. What are some of the differences in estimating the benefits for CRM investments versus determining the return on more traditional investment situations?
  2. Please use at least 2 additional materials (e.g. videos, articles) to illustrate your answer.

In: Operations Management

Why cultural differences/Economics factors/Global locations/Political organizations that a company needs to consider when identifying a target...

Why cultural differences/Economics factors/Global locations/Political organizations that a company needs to consider when identifying a target segment in an international market? Use an example to illustrate.

In: Operations Management

Johnny Walker works at High Energy Co. His secretary, Mrs. Prim Proper, is very efficient and...

Johnny Walker works at High Energy Co. His secretary, Mrs. Prim Proper, is very efficient and has worked with him for five years. Lately, she is complaining that her wrist hurts. After several doctor appointments, she was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome and given a brace and corticosteroid shots to relieve the pain. Mrs. Proper continued the treatment for a year at which time it was proven ineffective and her efficiency dramatically diminished. What kind of remedy should Mrs. Proper seek? Does High Energy have to keep her in the position or can it fire her due to a Bona Fide Occupational Qualification? How does workman’s compensation affect the case?

In: Operations Management