What processes in a FinTech organization or a business can benefit from benchmarking? How? Are there...

  • What processes in a FinTech organization or a business can benefit from benchmarking? How?
  • Are there challenges that may become present when trying to conduct benchmarking? What recommendations do you have to overcome these obstacles?
  • Demonstrate how each of the benchmarking tools (Best Practices, Peer Benchmarking, SWOT Analysis, Collaborative Benchmarking and etc…) can be used to ensure success?

In: Operations Management

In your own words, what is sustainable marketing? and Give an example of a company that...

In your own words, what is sustainable marketing? and Give an example of a company that offers a societal marketing concept and briefly explain what their approach is. (Please do not use Tom's Shoes. It's an overused example

In: Operations Management

consider the following learning objective: at the end of this training, employee should be able to...

consider the following learning objective: at the end of this training, employee should be able to use powerpoint to creat formal presentation on an assigned topic.
which training method would you recommend for this objective?

In: Operations Management

Ann, an employee of GRP, Inc., negligently struck Bob, who was walking across an intersection in...

Ann, an employee of GRP, Inc., negligently struck Bob, who was walking across an intersection in front of GRP, Inc.'s place of business. Ann was driving a company car, which she had permission to operate 24 hours a day. Fortunately, Bob was not severely injured. He did, however, sustain a broken leg. As a result of Bob's injuries, he was unable to perform the essential functions of his job as an Assembly Line Worker at ABC, Inc.. That company could not accommodate Bob's six - nine week recovery for the broken leg (the company employed less than thirty employees).

Bob is suing both Ann and her employer, GRP, Inc., for negligence. As it turns out, Ann's driver's license was revoked (convictions for DUI's). GRP, Inc. has since terminated Ann's employment, contending she failed to report the loss of her driver's license. A corporate policy, which she signs off on each year, requires all employees to notify GRP, Inc. about even minor traffic offenses if such employees are given use of corporate vehicles. GRP, Inc. denies it has any liability for Ann's alleged negligence. BoB is maintaining that GRP, Inc., which obviously has "deeper pockets" than Ann, is responsible for his pain and suffering, job loss and related damages totaling $50,000.00 or more.Analyze Bob's claims for both.What are the company's defenses against such claims? Who wins? Why / why not?

In: Operations Management

The guarantee of the product is also clearly seen on the website of under armour (...

The guarantee of the product is also clearly seen on the website of under armour ( 280 words)

In: Operations Management

Research is defined as “a systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order...

Research is defined as “a systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and research new conclusions”. Research also included designing research projects and performing statistical analysis. Design a research project that you feel would benefit the Clemson University Athletic Department. The research question is: What are the positive and negative effects of caffeine on athletic performance?

Included within your design and your research question, please provide a purpose statement, at least two hypotheses, a null hypothesis, the dependant and independant variable, a description of the type of data you will gather and how you will gather it, who is your population and how will you sample that population, and the type of statistical analysis you would use to analyze the data. Finally, please also discuss the potential benefit(s) the study would have on the athletic department.

In: Operations Management

Bob was hired as an independent contractor for GRP, Inc. for a six-month term. Bob has...

Bob was hired as an independent contractor for GRP, Inc. for a six-month term. Bob has expertise in process manufacturing, which GRP, Inc. needed to complete a project it was hired to perform. Bob was required to work at GRP's premises between 8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.. He was required to report to Frank, his immediate superior on the project. Frank is an employee of GRP, Inc.. Bob was allowed to take morning and afternoon breaks and a one-hour lunch break as was the practice for all of GRP's employees. Bob was required to sign an Independent Contractor Agreement with GRP, Inc. prior to his acceptance for this assignment. GRP, Inc. paid Eric every two weeks, just as it did regular employees. No taxes or withholdings were taken from Bobc's check issued by GRP, Inc.. GRP, Inc. also did not contribute to unemployment insurance for Bob.

Three months into the project, it was determined that Bob's expertise was not as significant as he represented. Frank has issued two performance warnings to him. Indeed, upper-level management personnel concluded that Eric's performance did not meet the company's expectations. The company fired Bob for "cause", based upon two points: (1) he misrepresented his qualifications; and (2) failure to perform / poor performance.

Bob has filed actions with the Illinois Department of Employment Security seeking unemployment compensation benefits following his termination. Further, he has filed an action for overtime pay violations through the Department of Labor. The latter claim is based on Bob's working three hours each night on the project after the 5:00 p.m. shift ended. He claims he worked far in excess of a regular forty-hour workweek, but was not paid overtime compensation. In effect, Eric contends, in both claims, that GRP, Inc. improperly "misclassified" his employment status. He argues that, even though he signed an independent contractor agreement, the agreement was imposed upon him by GRP, Inc. and should have no legal effect as he was not really working as an independent contractor, but as an employee.

Bob's claims raise a complex, but often common situation. Who eventually prevails? Why / why not.

In: Operations Management

What factors do companies consider when deciding on possible global markets to enter? Using your words...

What factors do companies consider when deciding on possible global markets to enter? Using your words list them and then briefly explain what they mean. also, Name a company or brand that was once local and then went global and has since become an industry leader? Consider firms from the past 10 - 15 years. also indicate the first country with which they did business and was a successful expansion?

In: Operations Management

In 2013, TCCC introduced “Coca-Cola Life” to the family of Coca-Cola brands (i.e., Classic, Diet, and...

In 2013, TCCC introduced “Coca-Cola Life” to the family of Coca-Cola brands (i.e., Classic, Diet, and Zero). While Coke Life is available in the U.S., it has been gradually rebranded into “Coca-Cola Stevia” in some markets, including Australia (since 2017), New Zealand (since 2018), and Singapore (since 2018).

Compare these two (2) branding strategies in terms of their potential to achieve stronger brand equity.

In: Operations Management

Discuss how Spotify attempts to provide a total customer experience (CX) with its customers

Discuss how Spotify attempts to provide a total customer experience (CX) with its customers

In: Operations Management

Which of the following is an example of a workgroup or departmental information system? A. ACH...

  1. Which of the following is an example of a workgroup or departmental information system?


    ACH Funds Transfer system


    Ordering office supplies on a vendor’s system


    Accounts Payable system


    Calendar and to-do list management

  2. Software that provides capabilities used by a particular industry, such as a ticketing system for airlines or banking systems to process financial transactions, is known as a _____________________.


    thin-client application


    vertical-market application


    thick-client application


    horizontal-market application

  3. Future trends in ERP products include the following, except _______________.


    ERP vendors will pursue cloud-based offerings


    ERP vendors will evaluate mobile applications for interfacing with their products


    Data security will be a major concern for many new ERP offerings


    ERP vendors will be able to offer upgrade paths to cloud-based offerings that require minimal effort

  4. Alternative approaches for ERP application programs to meet customer requirements include the following, except ______________.


    Configure parameters that specify how the application programs work


    Modify application program code


    Change customer business processes to handle processing the way the software does


    Change operating systems to increase parameter options for the application software

In: Operations Management

how to write controlling for a coffee shop project ??

how to write controlling for a coffee shop project ??

In: Operations Management

Milton Friedman: States that there is only one social responsibility that organizations have and that is...

Milton Friedman:
States that there is only one social responsibility that organizations have and that is to
use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase profits. Therefore, there
is no need for corporate social responsibility as the organizations main goal is profitmaking.
With the above organizations have four responsibilities.
1. Discuss at least four responsibilities.
2. Discuss at least four major factors that influence consumer buying Behaviour.

In: Operations Management

Using the marketing mix “Place” and “Promotion”, explain how Lazada and Shopee changes the retailing industry....

Using the marketing mix “Place” and “Promotion”, explain how Lazada and Shopee changes the retailing industry.   

In: Operations Management

Using Apple ... 1. Describe the methods that you plan to use to create global presence...

Using Apple ...

1. Describe the methods that you plan to use to create global presence and visibility in your advertising campaigns.

2. Select the best promotional tools to promote your product in the global market. Discuss the associated pros and cons of these tools as well as any ethical concerns.

In: Operations Management