Was it ethical for the search engines to comply fully with the DOJ subpoena discussed in...

Was it ethical for the search engines to comply fully with the DOJ subpoena discussed in the case?

"The Wall Street Journal article was referring to January 19, 2006, when the Department of Justice subpoenaed Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and AOL for data on user queries submitted to their online search engines and a random sample of one million indexed web addresses (Mohammed, 2006). The Department of Justice sought to use this data to combat child pornography. "

In: Operations Management

4 Should search engines continue making the search data available to researchers outside of the organization?...

4 Should search engines continue making the search data available to researchers outside of the organization? If so, what should be done to protect consumer privacy while allowing researchers to use the data?

In: Operations Management

Q3. What is social exchange theory? How companies and employees can balance the exchange between them?                         &nb

Q3. What is social exchange theory? How companies and employees can balance the exchange between them?                          

Q4. What is ethical sourcing? How the unethical sourcing can bring serious concerns for the famous companies like ‘Nespresso’?   (Answer with reference to ethical sourcing article).                                                                                    

In: Operations Management

▪ Research and describe how information and communication technologies are playing a vital role during COVID-19...

▪ Research and describe how information and communication technologies are playing a vital role during COVID-19 pandemic in enabling many of us to carry out our regular duties from the comfort of our homes.

In: Operations Management

describing e-learning and e-training sectors during COVID-19 3.3.1 Definition 3.3.2 Benefits 3.3.3 Case Study from Oman...

describing e-learning and e-training sectors during COVID-19

3.3.1 Definition 3.3.2 Benefits 3.3.3 Case Study from Oman 3.3.4 Challenges/Risk

In: Operations Management

Q1. Discuss any three methods concerning how CEO’s Pay can be linked with performance. Elaborate you...

Q1. Discuss any three methods concerning how CEO’s Pay can be linked with performance. Elaborate you answer by providing example of each method.             

Q2. Starbuck is taking the following CSR initiatives:

Now more than ever, the future of coffee depends on the healthy trees. More than 21 million trees have been donated to coffee farmers since 2015, to replace trees that are declining in productivity due to age and disease, such as coffee leaf rust. We are working towards a goal of providing 100 million climate-resilient coffee trees to farmers by 2025.”

Based on the provided information, develop an appropriate decision-making matrix

Decision making matrix










In: Operations Management

Company: Unilever 1.Background of company 2.How they achieve strategic fit 3.what is lean or aglie 4.Why...

Company: Unilever
1.Background of company
2.How they achieve strategic fit
3.what is lean or aglie
4.Why they fall in lean or aglie.

In detail please about 1 page each

If possible.

In: Operations Management

Q1. What are the two approached to promote ethical behavior? Express your opinion about which approach...

Q1. What are the two approached to promote ethical behavior? Express your opinion about which approach is better and why?      

Q2. Discuss how ‘poison pill’ and ‘Golden parachute’ can increase the cost of takeover?  

Q3. Discuss how microfinance can be a useful CSR technique.                               

Q4. Do you agree with the statement that “one way to deal with excessive CEO pay is the Clawback provision”? If yes, then please explain why?

Q5. Respond to the following quote concerning Nike’s relationship with its global network of over 700 independent supplier factories:

The relationship is delicate…. NGOs have berated firms such as Nike for failing to ensure that workers are paid a ‘living wage.’ But that can be hard, even in America…. In developing countries, the dilemma may be even greater: ‘In Vietnam, [Nike’s] workers are paid more than doctors. What’s the social cost if a doctor leaves his practice and goes to work for [Nike]? That’s starting to happen.’


In: Operations Management

Management by objectives (MBO) is a method which uses objectives to motivate as well as to...

Management by objectives (MBO) is a method which uses objectives to motivate as well as to
control employees. Assume you are a senior manager of an insurance company supervising a
group of young insurance agents who have just joined the workforce. How would you apply the
MBO approach in your work? Explain.

In: Operations Management

1-What are the two approached to promote ethical behavior? Express your opinion about which approach is...

1-What are the two approached to promote ethical behavior? Express your opinion about which approach is better and why?

2- Discuss how ‘poison pill’ and ‘Golden parachute’ can increase the cost of takeover?

3- Discuss how microfinance can be a useful CSR technique.

4- Do you agree with the statement that “one way to deal with excessive CEO pay is the Clawback provision”? If yes, then please explain why?

In: Operations Management

Q4. What is ethical sourcing? How the unethical sourcing can bring serious concerns for the famous...

Q4. What is ethical sourcing? How the unethical sourcing can bring serious concerns for the famous companies like ‘Nespresso’?   (Answer with reference to ethical sourcing article).

                                                                                                                                                           3 Marks                                                                                        

In: Operations Management

1. what is internet+ 2.which company is using internet+

1. what is internet+
2.which company is using internet+

In: Operations Management

Punita Nagarajan, a business studies graduate recognized that a door-to-door fresh fruit and vegetables delivery service...

Punita Nagarajan, a business studies graduate recognized that a door-to-door fresh fruit and vegetables delivery service may be a potential business opportunity. She believed that households would be willing to pay a small delivery fee to get fresh fruits and vegetables directly from farms delivered at their home. Before she developed a detailed business plan, she needed to check that her ideas are on the right track. To do this, she decided to conduct some research into attitudes towards fruit and vegetable shopping among households.

Question. Which of the research design you would recommend to Punita here? Explain why you say this research design (selected by you) is appropriate for Punita to use.

In: Operations Management

Suppose that one of your friends who is about to graduate is considering purchasing a franchise....

Suppose that one of your friends who is about to graduate is considering purchasing a franchise. What advice would you offer him or her before signing the franchise contract? (200 words – 30 marks)

In: Operations Management

Using examples from the Ghanaian environment, describe the key components of facility decisions and explain how...

Using examples from the Ghanaian environment, describe the key components of facility decisions and explain how they influence a supply chain capabilities in terms of responsiveness and efficiency.

In: Operations Management