This process is for Senior Management and shows how the Senior Management controls the project. Which...

This process is for Senior Management and shows how the Senior Management controls the project. Which process am I referring to?
This is a very short pre-project process that gathers the necessary data to start the project. Which process am I referring to?

In: Operations Management

Review the example outline of Balanced Scorecard items. Describe a targeted objective for each area below...

Review the example outline of Balanced Scorecard items. Describe a targeted objective for each area below that you would recommend for Walmart's company's business.

- Customers

-Managers/ Employees

-Operations/ Process

-Community/Social Responsibility

-Business Ethics/Natural Environment


In: Operations Management

With examples, discuss the key elements of leadership.

With examples, discuss the key elements of leadership.

In: Operations Management

Chapter 6 in Ethics. Discuss reason. Discuss ability to be taught and promulgated. Discuss the Golden...

Chapter 6 in Ethics.

Discuss reason.

Discuss ability to be taught and promulgated.

Discuss the Golden Rule Principle.

Discuss the value of life principle.

Discuss the principle of individual freedom.

In: Operations Management

1. Do you think the Harley deal was too one-sided? Why or why not? 2. If...

1. Do you think the Harley deal was too one-sided? Why or why not?

2. If you were a Harley or GM employee and union member, would you have voted for the new deal? Why or why not?

3. Do you think it is appropriate for a government entity (such as the state of Pennsylvania) to take an active role in union– management negotiations? Why or why not?

In: Operations Management

1) Decide on a product or service you are marketing. 2) Create an advertising strategy for...

1) Decide on a product or service you are marketing.

2) Create an advertising strategy for each channel within a multi-channel marketing campaign:

Television Advertisement

Online / Mobile / Social Media


Direct Mail





3) What are the common themes and strategies behind all of your different types of advertisements?

In: Operations Management

You as manager have just returned from vacation and your assistant relates this to you: As...

You as manager have just returned from vacation and your assistant relates this to you:

As you know our senior salesperson, Carla (C), retired last month. Carla’s hobby is fly-fishing. Tamar, our administrative assistant in HR, was in charge of the retirement gifts. Tamar selected a fishing rod, tackle and fishnet along with a week’s stay at a fishing lodge in LaFluer, Canada. As part of the package, Tamar went to a Julia's Gourmet Food Store (J) and asked the clerk for suggestions for a fishing enthusiast. The clerk suggested a box of smoked salmon (as a joke) which was packed by S LLC (S). Tamara liked the idea and checked with the clerk about the salt amount in the preserved fish. She knew that Carla had extremely high blood pressure. The clerk assured her that it would do no harm to such a person. Tamar bought the salmon. Two days after the retirement party and a one month before Carla was to go on the Canadian fishing trip, she tried the salmon. After an hour and eating one portion, she had a near stroke.   The emergency room doctor commented on the high salt level in Carla's blood. She was unable to go on the trip. The cost of the trip was $6,000 and non-refundable. Carla’s hospital and doctor bills totaled $8,800.

Carla had the salmon examined at the University of Massachusetts culinary lab and the results indicated that the salt amount was “in excess of industry standard” for that type of processed fish.

What legal actions exist and what theories support any legal actions in this scenario?

HINT-many warranties

In: Operations Management

Discuss what justice involves. Discuss comparative justice and criteria for rewarding people. Discuss John Rawls and...

Discuss what justice involves.

Discuss comparative justice and criteria for rewarding people.

Discuss John Rawls and his theory of justice.

Discuss punishment.

Discuss problems with determining what people deserve.

Discuss human rights.

In: Operations Management

Reference: Public Relations, Engagement, Conversation, Influence, Transparency and Trust. By: Tom Kelleher 1. Explain the importance...

Reference: Public Relations, Engagement, Conversation, Influence, Transparency and Trust. By: Tom Kelleher

1. Explain the importance of the First Amendment to PR.

2. What basic guidelines of copyright law should public relations professionals know about?

3. Discuss how traditional media, social media, and offline word of mouth interact in the spread of crisis information.

4. Describe how issues management can prevent or lessen the impact of crises.

5. Consumer activists are very vocal about the misdeeds of corporations. How should a company react to charges and allegations from activist groups such as PETA? As a public relations professional, which factors would go into your decision making if faced with this situation?

In: Operations Management

If you were managing workflow within teams, how would you attempt to keep team employees motivated...

If you were managing workflow within teams, how would you attempt to keep team employees motivated within your current organization? Explain your response, and use at least one academic source to support your points.

In: Operations Management

what impact does COVID-19 have on the operations of the Airlines Industry especially American Airlines?

what impact does COVID-19 have on the operations of the Airlines Industry especially American Airlines?

In: Operations Management

Discuss the meaning of determinism. Discuss social-cultural determinism. Discuss fatalism and hard and soft determinism. Discuss...

Discuss the meaning of determinism.

Discuss social-cultural determinism.

Discuss fatalism and hard and soft determinism.

Discuss existentialism and human consciousness.

In: Operations Management

I would like for each of you to discuss at least four influence tactics that you...

I would like for each of you to discuss at least four influence tactics that you are particularly gifted in employing when leading change. Why are you drawn to these tactics and what do you think makes them effective. Changing gears a little, when you are on the receiving end of influence tactics, which four tactics are you particularly receptive to and why? Provide some examples with your responses.

In: Operations Management

Course : Physical security Provide a reflection of at least 2 pages double spaced (without bullet...

Course : Physical security

Provide a reflection of at least 2 pages double spaced (without bullet points) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Course : Physical security

In: Operations Management

Your client wants to know why how his company can enter into contracts with outsiders when...

Your client wants to know why how his company can enter into contracts with outsiders when it is an artificial entity.

Explain to your client how companies exercise their legal capacity and powers, use examples to demonstrate?

In: Operations Management