Discuss the global and international challenges facing firms and why this is a strategic issue.

Discuss the global and international challenges facing firms and why this is a strategic issue.

In: Operations Management

Consider the example of laptop manufacturing, a grocery store checkout system or any other process you...

Consider the example of laptop manufacturing, a grocery store checkout system or any other process you have experience, and detail with examples 5 different dimensions of product quality and how you would measure them.

The question is below:

Detail 3 general goals of Six Sigma. With the same example of the same process as in Qn 4A, detail where these two goals can be applied.

In: Operations Management

Assignment: Please write a few paragraphs on your thoughts on sentencing an indigent, uneducated individual to...

Assignment: Please write a few paragraphs on your thoughts on sentencing an indigent, uneducated individual to pay fines and restitution for the crimes that they have committed. Please be sure to include references for any materials that you may use.

In: Operations Management

What unconscious factors might also affect your negotiation performance?

What unconscious factors might also affect your negotiation performance?

In: Operations Management

Describe and discuss strategy review, evaluation, and control processes, criteria, and methods used.

Describe and discuss strategy review, evaluation, and control processes, criteria, and methods used.

In: Operations Management

6. Cathy was primary student. She bought a bracelet online as her mother’s birthday present. Cathy...

6. Cathy was primary student. She bought a bracelet online as her mother’s birthday present. Cathy used her father’s personal data and credit card information for the payment. The bracelet seller emailed his acceptance of the order to Cathy. Finally, Cathy’s father want to refuse the payment.
Does Cathy’s father claim it is a voidable contract between Cathy and the bracelet seller? Please explain.

7. Mr Shek had a flat to sell and he places an advertisement in the newspaper with a price stated. Mrs Leung called Mr Shek that she was interested to visit him next day. Finally, Mrs Leung was interested to buy the flat with the said price.
Who is the offeror? Who is the offeree?

8. Explain the following terms implied by Common Law with examples.
a. hire-purchase agreement
b. employment contracts
c. landlord & tenant
d. banker/customer relationship
9. Please explain the types of damages claimed by the innocent party under the common law.

10. Alan agrees to sell a piece of land Kim, who agrees to buy to erect a new habitation. Kim regrets and breach the contract.
a. Please explain the term of specific performance
b. Discuss whether Alan can sue Kim for specific performance in his cases?

11. A house owner enters into a contract with a renovation company to renovate his
house. Work commences but when the renovations are partially complete, the owner locks up the house and goes away without a word to the builder. Is it possible for the renovation company to bring the case to the court? If yes, what kinds of damages can be recovered for breach of contract?

In: Operations Management

How would Xiaomi then evaluate the effectiveness of the HRD programs? 600 WORDS

How would Xiaomi then evaluate the effectiveness of the HRD programs? 600 WORDS

In: Operations Management

Give examples of criteria that can be used to divide the network into different VLAN?

Give examples of criteria that can be used to divide the network into different VLAN?

In: Operations Management

Fill in the yellow-colored columns by matching these scenarios with the right category (Tangible Benefit/Intangible Benefit/Tangible...

Fill in the yellow-colored columns by matching these scenarios with the right category (Tangible Benefit/Intangible Benefit/Tangible Cost/Intangible Cost). Explain why.






With the new system, it is expected of an increase of appointments to be filled at short notice. The expected increase in appointments made = 1 in 3 minutes = 200 slots = RM1000 per slot = RM200,000

Tangible Benefit


The system has allowed for nurses in reducing the need to do double data entry process. It has been acknowledged that staff frustration has been reduced.

Intangible benefit


The company has decided to outsource the project to ITMS, and the company has to pay RM250,000 known as vendor installation and consulting to ITMS.

Tangible Cost


Since the new system is expected to be completed next year, it is expected that there will be potential disruption to the existing system.

Intangible Cost


With the new program introduced in UNITEN, it has allowed for UNITEN to have strategic and competitive advantages compared to other universities.


The current system requires staffs to do repeated data entry which caused diversion of attention to their daily responsibilities.


This new system has lowered the cost of paper supplies throughout 2020.

Tangible Benefit


With this new system, since it applies a new OS environment, end-user training will be conducted to all CIMB staffs for familiarization. The training cost will be paid by the CIMB.

Tangible Cost

In: Operations Management

qn 1. Discuss management, production/operations, and human resource issues vital for successful strategy implementation.

qn 1. Discuss management, production/operations, and human resource issues vital for successful strategy implementation.

In: Operations Management

What is the role of marketing in strategic planning process? Explain how marketing works with its...

What is the role of marketing in strategic planning process? Explain how marketing works with its partners to create and deliver customer value.

In: Operations Management

What is the forecast and MSE using Additive Seasonal Forecasting? 2019 is the holdout sample. Shipments...

What is the forecast and MSE using Additive Seasonal Forecasting? 2019 is the holdout sample.

Shipments Fasteners
Jan-17 335798
Feb-17 297853
Mar-17 318399
Apr-17 311730
May-17 363876
Jun-17 296832
Jul-17 297513
Aug-17 321144
Sep-17 317677
Oct-17 325487
Nov-17 272937
Dec-17 276282
Jan-18 335439
Feb-18 310514
Mar-18 407754
Apr-18 356169
May-18 345322
Jun-18 331997
Jul-18 343059
Aug-18 350277
Sep-18 265205
Oct-18 389332
Nov-18 310474
Dec-18 308429
Jan-19 385807
Feb-19 332529
Mar-19 407606
Apr-19 361946
May-19 453432
Jun-19 412892
Jul-19 447359
Aug-19 363769
Sep-19 361232
Oct-19 451421
Nov-19 363724
Dec-19 331619

In: Operations Management

1. Insomnia, a coffee bean broker, has 4 warehouses from which it can ship to 3...

1. Insomnia, a coffee bean broker, has 4 warehouses from which it can ship to 3 main buyers. The demand for coffee beans at buyer 1 is 800 pounds, at buyer 2 it is 1000, and at buyer 3 it is 500. Each warehouse holds an inventory of 2000 pounds of coffee beans. The warehouses can only ship coffee beans in full pounds. Given the transportation costs below, they need to determine how product should be shipped between the warehouses and the retailers in order to minimize total cost.


To Buyer

To Buyer To Buyer
Warehouse 1 2 3
1 8 10 7
2 6 4 9
3 3 5 6
4 5 2 4

Transportation Costs ($)

a. Write a formulation for this problem, following the 4 Step approach. (Include this in your submission too)

b. Carry work over to Excel and solve via Excel Solver and report on findings:

• What is the total cost?

• How many units should be shipped between each warehouse and buyer pair?

In: Operations Management

Write 1 to 3 paragraph to answer this question: What labor standards regarding safety, working conditions,...

Write 1 to 3 paragraph to answer this question:

What labor standards regarding safety, working conditions, overtime, and the like, should Nike hold foreign factories to: those prevailing in that country, those prevailing in the United States, or something in between?

In: Operations Management

Write a paper about how “ Free study application “ is aligned with developing trends among...

Write a paper about how “ Free study application “ is aligned with developing trends among each: social, environmental, technological, economic and political ) and how this topic connects to the world future vision.

Please each topic in a paragraph.

In: Operations Management