How do you think these relate to food trucks and why? As a customer, what dimensions...

How do you think these relate to food trucks and why? As a customer, what dimensions of design and quality would you use to assess the quality of a food truck? Involving: Product life cycle, differentiation, house of quality, value analysis, documents for production, TQM, leaders in quality, and benchmarking are justfew of the concepts you should be familiar with.

In: Operations Management

Question 1: Analytical Thinking Question                                 ______/8 marks Read th

Question 1: Analytical Thinking Question                                 ______/8 marks

Read the following narrative and construct a USE CASE DIAGRAM to model the City healthcare management system

In the City Healthcare Management System, to book an appointment, the patient can either call the receptionist at the Clinic or log in the website. The patient submits file number, telephone number, select the time, and select the doctor. The clinic receptionist prepares the patient file, and send it to the checkup room. Upon arrival to the clinic, the patient checks in, and proceed to the waiting area. The Nurse call the patient, checkup the patient, records the information, and sends the file to the doctor. The doctor investigates the patient, request tests, write prescription, or transfer to the hospital either inpatient or outpatient. In case of inpatient transfer, the receptionist book admission after the patient has a bed allotted in a ward. The patient pays the admission fees, the receptionist enters the payment in the database, and print payment invoice.

In: Operations Management

Before attacking this week's discussion forum, you will want to read, make notes from, and thoroughly...

Before attacking this week's discussion forum, you will want to read, make notes from, and thoroughly understand several key concepts:

  1. Aggregate Planning
  2. Supply Chain Management
  3. Master Scheduling
  4. Inventory Management
  5. Demand Forecasting and Lead Times
  6. Economic Order models
  7. Economic Production Quantities
  8. Strategies for managing uneven demand
  9. Tools and/or systems used to control inventory, establish EOQs, and forecast demand
  10. Day-to-day scheduling methods and systems

IMPORTANT: Once you have a good handle on each of these concepts and how they affect a business, pick any 4 concepts that you want to evaluate where you work. If you are not familiar with planning, supply chain management, inventory management, and order models within your business, find someone who is and gather information as to how your organization manages planning and inventories. If you are in a service related business, you will want to evaluate how the concepts you have selected relate to your business? If you are in the military and not familiar with these concepts, you may have to interview someone who is involved with logistics or planning.

In: Operations Management

A convenience store recently started to carry a new brand of soft drink. Management is interested...

A convenience store recently started to carry a new brand of soft drink. Management is interested in estimating future sales volume to determine whether it should continue to carry the new brand or replace it with another brand. The following table provides the number of cans sold per week. Use both the trend projection with regression and the exponential smoothing​ (let alphaαequals=0.4 with an initial forecast for week 1 of 581​) methods to forecast demand for week 13. Compare these methods by using the mean absolute deviation and mean absolute percent error performance criteria. Does your analysis suggest that sales are trending and if​ so, by how​ much?




























​(i) Obtain the trend projection with regression forecast.

The forecast for week13 is ?. ​(Enter your response rounded to the nearest whole​ number.)

Specify the mean absolute deviation​ (MAD) and mean absolute percent error​ (MAPE). ​(Enter your responses rounded to two decimal​ places.)





In: Operations Management

SucceSSion ManageMent at general electric86 General Electric (GE) is widely recognized for its leadership talent and...

SucceSSion ManageMent at general electric86
General Electric (GE) is widely recognized for its leadership talent and its succession management system. One of the best examples of succession management is how GE’s former CEO Jack Welch shaped and elevated the company’s phi- losophy, practice, and reputation for developing leaders. In a speech, Welch stated, “From now on, choosing my successor is the most important decision I’ll make.” GE’s commitment to developing leaders from within has yielded positive results for both the company’s employees and for GE. In fact, the program has been so successful that it’s been widely emulated by other global organizations.
Measuring and developing talent lies at the forefront of GE’s business strategy discussions. GE’s operating system, referred to as its “learning culture in action,” entails year- round learning sessions in which leaders from GE and outside companies share best practices with one another and generate ideas for new practices. Every GE business is responsible for having succession plans for key leadership roles.
GE’s succession management system is fairly simple. GE man- agers and executives are moved from job to job every two to three years, and each job change or promotion is a well-thought-out
process that provides managers with much-needed experience and exposure to certain elements of the business. This has allowed GE to build a management team that is very knowledgeable and experienced. Performance management and leadership assess- ments help to identify future leadership talent, and a comprehen- sive leadership development plan helps prepare these people for what they need to be ready for the next level. GE’s employee management system tracks individual employees’ progress and regular organizational succession reviews help to keep the talent pipeline full. GE also makes it one of its business leaders’ top goals to help their people grow and move them along their career paths. In addition to business results, leaders are also expected to hit employee growth and development targets.
1. Do you think that GE’s approach to succession manage- ment would work for all organizations? Why or why not? 2. What are some possible disadvantages of moving people
to new jobs every two to three years?
3. Why does GE’s succession management approach work
so well?

In: Operations Management

Question 1 Odyssey manufactures mountain bikes. One well-known and established competitor of Odyssey was Bazookadale Bicycles....

Question 1

Odyssey manufactures mountain bikes.

One well-known and established competitor of Odyssey was Bazookadale Bicycles. Bazookadale concentrates on customer service and had introduced a new computer system just before the Holiday season on November 15, 2011 to help retailers fit customers with the right frame size. The computer system automatically generated a customer database and was given free of charge to the retailers. The retailers loved the system because (1) it allowed them to keep track of who their customers were; and (2) it opened opportunities for marketing and after-sales services like coupons for maintenance, add-ons, etc. This last point was crucial, since retailers typically have low profit margins on bicycles but high profit margins on accessories (e.g., speedometers, racks, etc.) and soft goods (shirts, etc.).

Odyssey's management learned about the frame fit/marketing system on January 15, 2012. Odyssey’ management spent 3 months considering whether the frame fit/marketing system was a good idea. They decided it was a good idea and to develop their own system. Then Odyssey’s management spent 6 months working on two systems similar to Bazookadale’s with two different software companies. The management of Odyssey spent after 1 month deciding which system was better and choosing one vendor. The chosen system then was distributed to all stores and started working smoothly on January 15, 2013. By that time, at least four other bicycle companies had already implemented similar systems.

  1. What are the time lags in responding to the frame fit/marketing system technology? Calculate the overall lag.
  2. Comment on Odyssey’s responsiveness.
  3. Is Odyssey's frame fit/marketing system giving Odyssey a competitive advantage? Why or why not? (2 points)

Question 2

List the keywords for all the concepts in the I-T-O Model.

Question 3

List the 5 strategies to increase organizational responsiveness. Give a one paragraph description of each strategy.

In: Operations Management

1: What is meant by the term "globally responsible corporate citizen"? 2: Describe three (3) ways...

1: What is meant by the term "globally responsible corporate citizen"?

2: Describe three (3) ways managers can develop a "code of ethics." Provide examples in your response.

3: Multi-national enterprises (MNEs) have been criticised for having a "cash-cow" perspective of their host country's resources. Explain why this may be the case and provide examples in your response.

In: Operations Management

Do you agree that Social Loafing is similar to Theory X?. Give an example to support...

Do you agree that Social Loafing is similar to Theory X?. Give an example to support your answer ( long answer ).

In: Operations Management

Please answers the below True/False and Multiple choice questions from Business Law. (Please provide a brief...

Please answers the below True/False and Multiple choice questions from Business Law. (Please provide a brief explanation to answers if possible)

Chapter: Securities Law

1.             The first state law regulating the sale of securities was referred to in the book as the Kansas ______ law:

                a.            state securities

                b.             green stock

                c.             red flag

                d.            blue sky

2.             Which of the following best describes the so-called Howey test?

                a.             the investment of money

b. a common enterprise

                c.             with an expectation of profits

                d.            not generated through the efforts of the investors

                e.             all of the above are part of the Howey test

3.   The first version of a prospectus is called a red herring. True/False

4.   The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 required CEOs of large companies with publicly traded stock to personally certify that financial reports filed with the SEC are accurate. True/False

5.   The SEC does not rule on the merits of securities offering, (that is, the likelihood of success of the proposed business). True/False

6.   A no-load mutual fund differs from a load fund in that the no-load fund does not charge an annual expense fee to its members. True/False

7. Rule 10b-5 deals with the issue of securities fraud. True/False

8. A limited partnership interest should be considered a security under the Supreme Court's Howey test. True/False

In: Operations Management

List and explain at least 6 ways online businesses can use data that is generated from...

List and explain at least 6 ways online businesses can use data that is generated from their online activities to improve revenue opportunities.

Specifically newspaper companies and PayPal or a similar company to PayPal

In: Operations Management

what are the federal government role and key activities related to public health? select one of...

what are the federal government role and key activities related to public health? select one of the eleven operating division of the U.S department of health and human services and describe their mission/ purpose. discuss and example of a public health services they provide. how does this differ from the role and function of local and state health department?

In: Operations Management

BBC Banking Corporation has recently launched a training program for its newly hired executives to acquire...

BBC Banking Corporation has recently launched a training program for its newly hired executives to
acquire learning while they are doing their jobs. In this regard, these executives will work with a mentor
or buddy in different departments at planned intervals. In doing so, it enables them to know well about
the banking systems, functions, and work processes. Based on the case, you are required to:
(a) explain the type of training mentioned in the case,
(b) discuss the adopted training methods, based on (a), and
(c) suggest what other training method would be considered, in addition to the suggestions given in

In: Operations Management

1. Which of the following tools are used to get the shape of the distribution. A)...


Which of the following tools are used to get the shape of the distribution.

A) Matrix diagram

B) Histogram

C) Affinity Diagram

D) Check sheets

E) Process map


Which of the following tools are used to organize ideas.

A) Matrix diagram

B) Histogram

C) Affinity Diagram

D) Check sheets

E) Process map


Which of the following is true of random variation?

A) It is uncontrollable.

B) It is centered around the mean.

C) It is within + or – 3 standard deviation of the mean.

D) All of the above.

E) None of the above


An R chart is used to monitor __________.

  1. Variation of the Mean
  2. Process Dispersion
  3. Trend in mean value
  4. Trend in standard deviation

5. A 3 Sigma Process should not have more than _______defects per million opportunities

  1. 2700
  2. 3.4
  3. 30,000
  4. 66,807

In: Operations Management

Please answers the below True/False and Multiple choice questions from Business Law. (Please provide a brief...

Please answers the below True/False and Multiple choice questions from Business Law. (Please provide a brief explanation to answers if possible)

Chapter: Agency Relationships

1. “By definition, independent contractors are not employees.” True/False

2.   John lies and tells Bill that he, John, is Mike's agent, when he is not. Bill enters into a contract with John for the benefit of Mike. Mike can still ratify the contract John entered into for him. True/False

3. In #2 above, when John lied, he created an agency by estoppel. True/False

4. As a general rule, death of a principal terminates an agency as a matter of law. True/False

5. Employers are generally liable for all intentional torts committed by their employees if they occur on the job, even if they have no relation to their employment. True/False

6. A power of attorney is a special type of agency relationship where the agent must be a licensed attorney. True/False

7. Actual authority of an agent may be express, implied, or apparent. True/False

8. Respondeat superioris a type of vicarious liability. True/False

9.   An agency can be terminated by:

                a.             agreement of the parties

                b.             impossibility

                c.             bankruptcy

                d. all of the above

10. An alleged principal's ratification of a contract entered into by a person who was not her agent can only be express, it may not be by implication. True/False

12. When an agent has paid for the right to exercise authority for a business, the agency created is called an agency coupled with an interest. True/False

13. A special agency is open-ended and not limited to a particular transaction or series of transactions; it is an agency where continuous service by the agent is expected. True/False

14. An agent can have two general classes of authority, actual and apparent. True/False

15. In a disclosed agency situation where the third party knows who the principal is, the third party can sue the principal or the agent if the principal breaches the contract. True/False

16. John is an employee of XYZ Co. While making a delivery, he stops at the 7-11 store to get a cup of coffee. While pulling out of the store's parking lot (back on his way to make his delivery) he negligently causes an automobile accident. His employer is not liable because he was not at the 7-11 to further his employer's business. True/False

17. Employers are generally liable for the negligence of their independent contractors that causes injury to innocent third parties. True/False

Chapter: Business Organizations

1.   The business judgment rule does not immunize members of boards of directors from liability to stockholders that come about from the bad business decisions of those directors. True/False

2. Corporations are not required to incorporate under the law of the state where their corporate headquarters is located. True/False

3. The portion of a corporation’s profits that has not been paid out as dividends to shareholders is known as retained earnings. True/False

4. An S Corporation can have no more than five hundred shareholders. True/False

5. The president and other top officers of a corporation are elected by its shareholders. True/False

6.   A corporation is not effectively organized until its Bylaws have been filed with the Secretary of State. True/False

7. A corporation must be incorporated in the state where it is headquartered. True/False

8.   The term “ultra vires” means

                a.             highly toxic

                b.             extremely profitable

                c.             beyond the powers

                d.            none of the above

9.   The federal disclosure rules that regulate franchising are created by the Food and Drug Administration (the FDA). True/False

10. Limited liability companies essentially have the same tax treatment as partnerships. True/False

11. Limited partners are investors who do not generally participate in managing the business. True/False

12. All partners in a limited partnership have limited liability. True/False

13. The severance of the relationship between a partner and a partnership is called dissociation. True/False

14. Limited liability companies are created by agreement of the parties, no filing of documents with the state is required. True/False

15. In their relations with one another partners are fiduciaries. True/False

16. The simplest form of business organization is the

                    a.             sole proprietorship

                    b.             general partnership

                    c.             limited partnership

                    d.            limited liability company

17. Franchises fall into the following categories:

                a.             distributorships

                b.             chain-style business operations

                c.             manufacturing or processing plant arrangements

                d.            all of the above

18. Shareholders vote on matters that change the corporation's structure or existence, such as a merger with another firm. True/False

19. A written authorization to cast another shareholder's vote is called a quorum. True/False

20. Directors, but not managers, are subject to a duty of loyalty to the corporation. True/False

21. To help ensure federal taxation as a partnership, state LLC statutes:

                    a.             place restrictions on transferability of member interests

                    b.             provide for continuity of life

                    c.             provide for unlimited liability

                    d.            all of the above

22. Limited partners are investors who may not participate in managing the business. True/False

23. The withdrawal or death of a partner causes the partnership to be dissolved, but many partnership agreements have provisions to allow the partnership to continue despite such events. True/False

24. Partners in a general partnership owe a fiduciary duty to one another. True/False

25.   The corporation is the oldest and simplest form of business organization. True/False

26. A general partnership is a separate legal entity distinct from the owners for all purposes. True/False

In: Operations Management

Questions 1-3 rely on the following facts: Alex and Barb, friends since childhood have begun a...

Questions 1-3 rely on the following facts:

Alex and Barb, friends since childhood have begun a newsletter for fans of their local music scene. The newsletter follows local bands, advertises shows, reviews new albums and provides other news. They’ve kept their day jobs, but spend much of their free time producing the newsletter which they create each week in the garage of the house they rent together. They distribute it for free but earn a profit through sales of advertising, and they often at least break even and even turn a small profit.   Their dreams are much bigger and they plan for the newsletter to eventually be their sole employment. The newsletter was originally alex’s idea, and he put the first several issues out while he was a college student. When he told Barb about it, she asked if she could help and said “just tell me what to do.” They bought printing equipment to do a more professional job, deciding between themselves to each pay for half of the equipment cost. They both worked on the actual production of each issue, both made sales of advertising space and made deliveries of the newsletter. They do not keep formal books except for the checkbook of the joint checking account where Alex deposits checks from advertising clients and pays firm expenses. They have never written down any sort of agreement between themselves.

Barb’s uncle Charlie, who is wealthy, was sad to hear that money was tight and made two offers to the pair. He offered Barb and Alex $5000 to cover expenses for their business. When Barb insisted the offer was too generous, he said “hey, don’t worry kid, pay it back when you can, I’m proud of you.” Second, he introduced Barb and Alex to a friend named Paul, who runs a local nightclub. Charlie gave Barb Paul’s business card and Alex and Barb were able to use Charlie’s introduction to land a lucrative advertising contract with the nightclub to advertise upcoming shows. As a down payment, Paul sent Alex and Barb a check for $1500.

However, for reasons that are unclear, Alex and Barb, shortly afterward stopped publishing the newsletter and absconded with Paul’s $1500 payment. Charlie being the only person left around, gets sued by Paul for breaching the contract.

  1. Which of the following suggests that Alex and Barb formed a partnership?
    1. Evidence of sharing profits
    2. Capital contributions
    3. Evidence of sharing losses
    4. All of the above
    5. B and C only.
  2. Given the informal way in which Alex and Barb formed their business, which would likely be the biggest surprise about the legal aspects of the business they had?
    1. Alex’s exposure to personal liability
    2. Barb’s exposure to personal liability
    3. Barb’s right to have an equal say in governing the company
    4. A and C are correct
    5. B and C are correct
  3. Paul’s claim against Charlie will likely:
    1. Succeed because Charlie stated his intent to act as an agent for Alex and Barb.
    2. Succeed because Charlie is vicariously liable for the acts of Alex and Barb as someone who introduced them to a business contact.
    3. Fail because even though Charlie could be liable, there isn’t enough proof that Alex and Barb should owe the money.
    4. Fail because Charlie is not liable for the acts of Alex and Barb.

In: Operations Management