
In: Electrical Engineering

write a verilog code to implement a digital system that has an odd counter that counts...

write a verilog code to implement a digital system that has an odd counter that counts from 1 to 11. Also, this system has an output Y that detects a specific number in the odd counter. Test your code when you detect the number 3, the output Y is 1, if the counter value is set to 3, otherwise 0.


Expert Solution


Verilog code is developed to get the counter to count only odd numbers from 1,3,5,7,9 and 11 and reset to 1. It has one output called Y = 1 when the count is equal to 3.

Verilog code:

module count4bit (Clock, reset, Y, Q);
input Clock, reset;
output Y;
output reg [3:0] Q;
always @(posedge Clock)
if (reset)
Q <= 1;
Q <= Q+2;
if(Q > 10)
   Q<= 1;
assign Y= (Q == 3);
///end of the code/////////////////

Test bench code:

module tb_Odd;

   // Inputs
   reg Clock;
   reg reset;

   // Outputs
   wire Y;
   wire [3:0] Q;

   // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
   count4bit uut (

   initial begin
       // Initialize Inputs
       Clock = 0;
       reset = 1;

       // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
        reset = 0;

       // Add stimulus here

            initial forever #5 Clock = ~ Clock;

//end of the test bench code/////////////////

SImulated results:

The design has inputs Clock and reset

outputs Y and Q

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