Question: 1
In terms of codon recognition, how is termination
fundamentally different than elongation in protein
Translation is the process by which triplet Codes present on
mRNA is translated to protein, and this process is called as
protein synthesis.
- There number of triplet code each coding for a amino acid.
- AUG is the start codon and it codes for methione.
- UAA, UGA, UAG is the stop codon, it does not code for any amino
- Translation starts when small and large subunit of rRNA binds
to the mRNA start site.
- Large rRNA has A site and P site. At A site the tRNA brings the
amino acid and its anticodon arm has sequence complementary to mRNA
triplet code.
- The rRNA moves forward to the next codon the Amino acid on the
A site is moved to P site. A site is empty again the new tRNA
brings amino acid based on the triplet code of mRNA.
- The two amino acids at A and P site forms a peptide bond
between them, the rRNA moves forward to the next codon the
Elongation process continues.
- Temination is the process at which the rRNA when it reaches the
site of stop codon, the triplet codon which does not code for any
amino acid, no tRNA will be there to involve in the elongation
process, and the protein synthesis stops.
Elongation is protein synthesis continues and the protein grows,
Termination is protein synthesis stops and the protein is
Question: 2
Splicing of introns:
mRNA is made of introns – non coding regions and exons – coding
For the mRNA to be functional it has to be processed by the
removal of introns, and exons has to be joined together.
Splicing by spliceosomes:
- Spliceosomes are SnRNPs with proteins.
- The SnRNP are U1, U2, U4, U5, U6.
- These spliceosomes bind to the introns at the 5’ and 3’ end of
introns and break the bonds and remove them the adajacent exons are
joined by covalent bonding.
- Different exons are joined to form different mRNA transcripts
this is called as alternative splicing.
- mRNA resulting from alternative splicing codes for different

Question: 3
Transcription is the printed version of DNA.
- Transcription is the process by which the code in the DNA to
synthesize a protein is produced as mRNA.
- DNA has nucleotides Adenine, Guanine, cytosine, and
- When DNA produce mRNA through the process of transcription the
Thymine is replaced with Uracil.
Rho dependent termination:
- In prokaryotes Rho protein is the factor based on which the
termination of transcription occurs.
- It is the homohexameric protein which recognises and binds to
C-rich sites in the transcribed mRNA.
- After binding to mRNA it undergoes ATPase activity and
subsequent ATPase helicase activity to unwind RNA-DNA hybrids and
release RNA from the transcribing elongation complex.