
In: Psychology

As you are considering the various functions of self, how might how we view ourselves impact...

As you are considering the various functions of self, how might how we view ourselves impact how we view others? For example, in DQ1 we have been discussing biases and how easy it is to judge an individual by appearances. How do self-concept and self-perception influence our judgments of others? According to research conducted by Horton (2003), “The physical attractiveness stereotype (i.e., inferences regarding the sociability and integrity of the target) was contingent upon self-perception. Participants who rated themselves highly on attractiveness regarded attractive targets as more sociable (marginally so) and as having more integrity than did those participants who regarded themselves as less attractive” (p. 146).


Expert Solution

As we know that the person and the environment effect each other. Clearly the environment effect us. We can not ignore it, but at the same time our behaviour changes the environment according to self . Environment here means or sorrounding ,it may a classroom or it may be any institution environent.

Have a look at some terminology----------

SELF- CONCEPT-------: It means what type of self image a person poses for himself.

SELF- PERCEPTION-----:It means how the person see himself .

(these are the general meaning which becomes usefull in further explanation)

From the above question its clear that firstly there is a need of explaining about "understanding one own's Behaviour"--------Most of us would admit that we invest the most time and congnitive energy in thinking about ourself. THere are few methods of knowing ourself such as.......

1. Social comparison :-- there is a basic drive to evalute one's openion and ability.

2. Knowing our emotions :-- we evaluate our abilities and openions by comparing them with those of others, with the idea that , the way we identify our emotional states might

also be influenced by comparison with other

3. Self - Perception :--It means how self-knowledge unfolds, people come to know there own attitude

, beliefs etc

From the above answer it become easy to understand about the self-concept, self-perception which influences our judgement of others. following are the points........

STERIOTYPES :-- It is a cluster of beliefs usually lacking a rational basis, regarding the members of some

group or class of people ,eg.. that politicians are opportunist. Steriotype influences the judgement of others. Following are the factors that develop steriotype are.....

1. Socialization--- Parents are important agents of socialization,who encourage there child. to develp striot.

2. Imitation--- We simply imitate belief,openion,attitudes to become acceptable member of society.

3. Traditional and Folkways---

4. Social and cultural Distance--

PREJUDICES :-- It is generally a negative attitutude towards the member of some social , ethnic of

relegious group. It is a self concept or self- perception of a person which influences the judgement to others. following are the types of prejudices--------

1. Recial prejudice.

2. Sex prejudices.

3. Cast prejudices.

4. Language prejudices.

5. Religion prejudices.

MINORITY :-- It is said to occurs when the minority subgroup attempts to change the majority. For example

,Teacher often influence their students beliefs about polotical and religious leaders frequently influence the behaviour of the followers is known as majority influence.

PERSUASION :-- It also influence the judgement to others , Persuasion is define as a change in attitude or beliefs based on information received from others , focuses on written or spoken message sent from source to recipient.



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