
In: Operations Management

When we select team members, we might have to ask ourselves which elements of team participation...

When we select team members, we might have to ask ourselves which elements of team participation we can teach or refine – and which, if not there, are deal breakers? What are the skills you consider teachable / refine worthy – and which are deal breakers? Go deep on this question, e.g. what are the top 2-3 skills you would look for in a team member that you consider teachable and which 2-3 skills, if not present, are deal breakers?


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Skills and competencies are considered to be the essential elemnts of our human resource is the organisation. Every skill or competency we teach, develop or introduce in our employees help to achieve a better level of growth and development in the overall performance of the organisation.

The skills I believe for the employees which are either teachable or to be refined are:

1. Communication Skills: These skills are considered to be one of the important skills in the employees which always have room for improvement. An employee should be equipped with the best of communication to skill to negotiate or present his/her ideas and convey in an effective manner.

2. Managerial Skills: Managerial skill on the other hand are to be introduced within the employees by either giving and presenting examples in front of them and making them learn about rhe role of the manager and the importance one plays in the organisation.

3. Leadership Skills: Leadership skills are again either improved or are introduced within the employees to make them familiar with the concepts of motivation, influence and direction which helps increasing the performance.

The skills I believe for the employees could be deal breakers if they lack are:

1. Appropriate behaviour: An aggressive behaviour or a dominating behaviour is considered to be an ill effect on the personality for the organisation. Thus, lack of proper personality and an appropriate behaviour tends to be a deal breaker for the employees in the organisation as they have a direct impact on other stakeholders.

2. Knowledge of Technical Skills: Again, technical as well as managerial knowledge is the basis for managing and controlling everything in the organisation. A person lacking the appropriate amound of technical knowledge would not be considered as a good employee or a good manager.

3. Cooperative Skill: At last, ethical as well as cooperative skills are the team binding skills which should be essentially present in every employee working in the organisation. Nobody likes or wants to hire a person who lacks a cooperative skill to work with the team, thus makes it an essential skill to be equipped with.

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