Pathophysiology of end of stage renal failure. please at the minimum of 8 to 10 sentence.

Pathophysiology of end of stage renal failure. please at the minimum of 8 to 10 sentence.

In: Nursing

. In the following situations, state the likelihood that a claim of negligence could be substantiated....

. In the following situations, state the likelihood that a claim of negligence could be substantiated. Do you have enough information to make this determination? If so, identify the person or persons whom you think might be held liable. If not, determine the additional information that you might need to make a decision.  

A. A patient has had recent surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff. The PT instructs the PTA to progress the exercises “as tolerated,” and the PTA has the patient start exercises using resistance. When the patient returns to the physician for a follow-up examination, the physician informs him that the repair does not appear to have been successful.

B. A patient has sustained a hip fracture and is not allowed to bear weight through the involved lower extremity, but he has difficulty maintaining his non-weight-bearing status during activity. While ambulating in physical therapy, he frequently puts his full weight on his involved leg despite being reminded not to do so. The patient later needs a hip replacement as a result of the fracture not healing properly.

C. A patient performing stabilization exercises on a ball falls to the ground and breaks a wrist when the ball suddenly ruptures.

In: Nursing

Helicobacter pylori Infection: ACG Updates Treatment Recommendations Why might eradication treatments fail when it comes to...

Helicobacter pylori Infection: ACG Updates Treatment Recommendations

  1. Why might eradication treatments fail when it comes to clearing H. pylori infections?
  2. How might antibiotic susceptibility testing be used to circumvent treatment failure?

In: Nursing

--Compare a contrast a duplicate, overlap, and overlay "MPI errors watch video --Why is it important...

--Compare a contrast a duplicate, overlap, and overlay "MPI errors watch video

--Why is it important to avoid MPI errors? Illustrate with an example.

In: Nursing

How you can develop your own transformational leadership style by applying the four elements intellectual stimulation,...

How you can develop your own transformational leadership style by applying the four elements intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspiration, motivation, and idealized influence to your nursing practice.

In: Nursing

How you can develop your own transformational leadership style by applying the four elements of intellectual...

How you can develop your own transformational leadership style by applying the four elements of intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspiration, motivation, and idealized influence on your nursing practice.

In: Nursing

describe the how the circulatory system that utilizes a gastrointestinal system functionsin a) delivering oxygen and...

describe the how the circulatory system that utilizes a gastrointestinal system functionsin a) delivering oxygen and nutrients and b) getting rid of CO2 and wastes

In: Nursing

evaluaton of medication effectiveness of diazepam

evaluaton of medication effectiveness of diazepam

In: Nursing

Why is heart murmur sometimes present in anemic patients?

Why is heart murmur sometimes present in anemic patients?

In: Nursing

What resources do you use to improve your awareness of your communication skills in the professional...

What resources do you use to improve your awareness of your communication skills in the professional setting? What are the most effective communication skills that nurses bring to collaborative interactions? Why are those so important in your own practice?

In: Nursing

How does the iris promote eye color as well as the dilation and constriction of the...

  1. How does the iris promote eye color as well as the dilation and constriction of the pupil?
  1. What is the role of eyelashes when a foreign body invades the eye?
  1. Define the terms miosis, mydriasis, accommodation, near point, and cycloplegia in relation to the eye structures and functions
  1. Explain primary, secondary, and congenital glaucoma —as well as closed-angle glaucoma and open-angle glaucoma.

In: Nursing

What is the principal treatment for patients with open-angle glaucoma and the types of drugs used...

  1. What is the principal treatment for patients with open-angle glaucoma and the types of drugs used to control IOP?
  1. What are signs and symptoms of glaucoma and appropriate nursing interventions.
  1. A patient comes to the emergency department (ED) complaining of sudden headache, blurred vision, eye pain, and halos seen around white lights. He denies previous treatment of this problem. He states that he hit his head yesterday while fixing a bathroom sink. The nurse triages the patient and sends him immediately to the ED for further evaluation by the health care provider. What type of assessment should the nurse perform on this patient? Why does the nurse evaluate this patient’s complaint as a true emergency?
  1. A patient with acute closed-angle glaucoma is prescribed IV mannitol, an analgesic, and an antiemetic. What should the nurse caring for the patient look for after the mannitol is administered? Why did the health care provider order an analgesic and antiemetic? What type of environment should the nurse set up for this patient?

In: Nursing

If the goal is how to develop reliability and resilience in health care systems while embedding...

If the goal is how to develop reliability and resilience in health care systems while embedding a vision of zero avoidable harm into the culture of health care is it possible to reach "zero harm".

Describe what achieving this goal requires(what does an organization have to do).

In: Nursing

Read the case study. Then answer the questions at the end of the case study. The...

Read the case study. Then answer the questions at the end of the case study.
The patient is a 60-year-old Caucasian female presenting to the emergency department with acute onset shortness of breath. Symptoms began approximately 2 days before and had progressively worsened with no associated, aggravating, or relieving factors noted. She had similar symptoms approximately 1 year ago requiring hospitalization. She uses BiPAP ventilatory support at night when sleeping.
She denies fever, chills, cough, wheezing, and sputum production but does get short of breath easily.
There are no known ill contacts at home. Her family history includes significant heart disease and prostate malignancy in her father. Social history is positive for smoking tobacco use at 30 pack years. She quit smoking 2 years ago due to increasing shortness of breath. She denies all alcohol and illegal drug use. There are no known foods, drugs, or environmental allergies.
Physical Exam
Initial physical exam reveals temperature 97.3 F, heart rate 74 bpm, respiratory rate 24, BP 104/54, BMI 40.2, and O2 saturation 90% on room air.
Pulmonary/Chest: No respiratory status distress at this time, tachypnea present, (+) wheezing noted, bilateral rhonchi, decreased air movement bilaterally. Patient barely able to finish a full sentence due to shortness of breath.
ABG: Initial arterial blood gas with pH 7.39, PCO2 52, PO2 53.6, HCO3 24, and oxygen saturation 90% on room air.
1. What is your interpretation of the ABG results?
2. Based on the findings, what is the clinical diagnosis?
3. What medication would you anticipate the health care provider ordering?
4. What is the difference between Bipap and CPAP?

In: Nursing

describe how a closed circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients and picks up waste and carbon...

describe how a closed circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients and picks up waste and carbon dioxide. What types of organisms use a closed circulatory system?

In: Nursing