In: Nursing
The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal, and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.
According to the “” the adoption of the evidence based by the nurses is 15% which is lower than the expectation of the inuitute of medicine of the United States. The expectation of the IOM is that by 2020 the number of nurses who will be adopting and employing evidence nursing will be 90% which makes the model impossible to come to a realization. According to this goal the clinical decisions completely supported by timely, accurate, up to date information and it will reflect on the best available evidence. The Evidence Based Medicine can most appropriate capable to provide care to each patient, delivers the most value and leads to improvements in the nation’s health. It can ensure innovation, quality, safety, and value in health care. Several researches were concluded that the patient’s evidence-based care can reduce patient complications and decrease healthcare costs by as much as 30%.
For implementing evidence-based practice more education is necessary, the more confidence is given by more education. But the longer working nurses in healthcare had the less interested they were in learning more about evidence-based practice. The average nurses of many hospitals were educated at a time when evidence based practice was not well integrated into educational programs. So due to this reason many nurses are practicing the way they were taught in traditional healthcare system in which they work. When new graduates who have learned to take an evidence-based approach to care are meeting these nurses in real-world settings, they encounter this prevalence of a this is the way we do it here culture.
Many educational institutes faculty tend to emphasize teaching rigorous research methods and critique of existing research rather than how to put research findings to use in clinical practice settings. For evidence-based practice nursing education, new direction and cultural changes in healthcare settings is necessary.