In: Psychology
A good Questionary play remarkable role to achieve goal of research and provide accurate information which leads sound interpretation and analysis of data. Practice of examplary Leadership posses several prominent skill like mustual understanding , model of new way to lead the role , create a trust worthy atomsphere , inspired a share vision , enble others to act and encourage from bottom of heart .so a good Questionary must be asses all the key skill of a examplry leaders through interview . Following Question should be asked .
1. Have you ever had got a chance to showcase of your leadership skill to a large number of people or with a team ?? How could you manage the team and make them consistent in their work??
2. Give an instance where you play you importants role in team ?? How much you influnce other with your vision and skill ??
3. If you have face such challenging situation , then what kind strategy , you have to follow to overcome from the situation or solve the problem ??
4. How to make a healthy and democratic work environment and inspired other to achieve the goal ??
5. What kind skill and attribute should be possess to show a examplary Leadership ?? Would you like take opinion of other team members and why ? How to possess feedback of to your team member ?? How to deal with emergency situation ?¿
All the above Questionary helps to assess a good Quality leadership skills like taking good decision and assesses another leadership personality traits like agreebleness , extrovert , openness , honesty etc .