
In: Computer Science

//JAVA //basic please for learning programming 2. Thank you. Write the Class Variables Class Box is...

//basic please for learning programming 2. Thank you.

Write the Class Variables
Class Box is to have the following private data members:

  • height of type double
  • width of type double
  • length of type double

Write the following Overridden Method
Class Box is to have an overridden equals() method that does the following:​​​​

  • tests to see if the parameter represents an object (null test)
  • tests to see if the parameter object is of the same class type as the calling object (class test)
  • determines if the calling object and the parameter object store identical data values for the corresponding data members (variable to variable test)

Write the Get and Get Methods
Class Box is to have standard get/set methods for each data member
Write the following Auxiliary Method
Class Box is to have an auxiliary method getVolume( ). The method is to have an access of public and return a value of type double. The method is to do the following:

  • calculate and return the volume of the box
  • volume is calculated by multiplying the length of the box by the width of the box by the height of the box

Write the Constructors
Class Box is to have two constructors with the following specifications:

  • a no-arg constructor that initializes each double data member to zero
  • a constructor that takes three parameters, each representing one of the class data members. the arguments are to be listed in the order of (height, width, length)

Class: Box
Write the class header
Write the following Overridden Method
Class Box is to have an overridden toString() method that does the following:

  • displays the following information in the format presented:

Height: display height of the object
Width: display the width of the object
Length: display the length of the object
Write the following application class: BoxApp.

Class BoxApp is to do the following:

  • create an object of type Box named smallBox that has a height of 3, a width of 4 and a length of 5;
  • create an object of type Box named mediumBox that has a height of 6, a width of 7 and a length of 8;
  • create an object of type Box named unknownBox that has a height of 0, a width of 0 and a length of 0;
  • test to see if smallBox equals unknown box. If they are equal, display the word true. If they are not equal, display the word false.
  • output the following information for smallBox

Height: the value of the height property
Width: the value of the width property
Length: the value of the length property


Expert Solution

public class Box {

   private double height;
   private double width;
   private double length;

   public Box() {
       height = 0;


   public Box(double height, double width, double length) {
       this.height = height;
       this.width = width;
       this.length = length;

   public boolean equals(Object obj) {

       if (this == obj) {
           return true;
       if (this == null || obj.getClass() != this.getClass()) {
           return false;
       Box box = (Box) obj;

       return box.getHeight() == this.getHeight() && box.getLength() == this.getLength()
               && box.getWidth() == this.getWidth();

   // Auxiliary Method
   public double getVolume() {
       return height * width * length;

   // getters and setters

   public double getHeight() {
       return height;

   public void setHeight(double height) {
       this.height = height;

   public double getWidth() {
       return width;

   public void setWidth(double width) {
       this.width = width;

   public double getLength() {
       return length;

   public void setLength(double length) {
       this.length = length;

   public String toString() {
       return "height:" + height +"\n"+ "width:" + width +"\n"+ "length:" + length ;

public class BoxApp {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Box smallBox= new Box(3,4,5);
       Box mediumBox=new Box(60, 7, 8);
       Box unknownBox=new Box(0,0,0);
       System.out.println("The following information for smallBox");




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