In: Psychology
How difficult is it to get regular, full time work? Have you, or has anyone you know, lost a job and had to take temporary employment? How do you feel about temporary employment and about the companies that look to hire temporary workers?
Full-time employment relates to job or work for a minimum number of set hours, as dictated by the employer. Full-time work is associated with advantages or benefits like annual leave, sick leave and health insurance. These kinds of advantages are not usually present in part-time or temporary or flexible jobs. Full-time employment has a standard workweek. Five days/eight hours workweek is common in various organizations, providing full-time employment. It is important to note that full-time employment in the United States has reduced from 129021 thousand in July 2018 to 128577 thousand in August 2018. It is also important to note that full-time employment in the United States (U.S) averaged 97835.49 thousand from 1968 to 2018. Full-time employment had attained an 'all-time low' of 64640 thousand in January 1968, and an 'all-time high' of 129021 thousand in July 2018. Since full-time employment in the United States has reduced, it shows that it is difficult to attain full-time employment.
Yes, I know a friend of mine who lost a job and had to take up temporary employment. There was layoff in his company, so he was involuntarily removed from his position. Temporary employment has been defined as a kind of job or work, which is restricted to a given time, depending on the requirements of the employing organization. Temporary employment has also been termed as odd jobs, contractual employment, seasonal employment, interim employment, outsourcing and freelancing. Temporary employment can sometimes provide benefits (like the benefit of health insurance). Temporary work helps an individual to gain experience. It provides flexible hours for work. But the temporary staff of a company can become overstrained, resulting in problems, such as wage deflation. In the United States, when workers were steadily replaced by temporary earners, it led to innumerable people being employed in 'low-paid temporary jobs'. It is important to note that in the United States, the wage/hour given to a temporary earner is 75% to 80% of what directly selected employees are paid. Unfortunately, temporary workers are entitled to few or no employment benefits in many companies. Temporary workers rarely experience a change in job situation like becoming full-time workers.