In: Nursing
Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities, CDC 2016: 11. Which of the following is not one of the health disparities covered this report? a. Diabetes Prevention in American Indian and Alaskan Native communities. b. HIV prevention for high-risk men who have sex with men. c. Infant mortality rates in Hispanics. d. Eliminating Hepatitis A. 12. Specifically, how does this report define health disparities? a. 13. Which of the following groups do not have lower screenings rates for colorectal cancer? a. Those without insurance b. Households with low income or low educational attainment c. Racial and ethnic minority groups d. All of the above groups have low screening rates for colorectal cancer. 14. Which of the four overarching goals of Healthy People 2020 does this seek to address? a. b. c. d. 15. What are the 6 key components to effective public health program implementation? a. b. c. d. e. f. 16. “The conditions in the environment in which persons are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality of life outcomes and risks” is the definition of: a. Social determinants of health b. Health equity c. Health status d. Health disparities
11. The report has not covered Infant mortality in Hispanics. because It has covered the asthma among the black and Hispanic children and it complication and shows report higher than white children. It has covered diabetic health improvement and prevention of diabetes among the among American Indian and Alaska native. It also covered the HIV prevention for high risk men who have contact with another men, and reducing hepatitis A by means of vaccination
12. Health disparities is variation of health results and their reason among people according to report
13. The following groups do not have screening rates for lower colorectal cancer according to report THOSE WITH INSURANCE. Other people have lower screening rates for colorectal cancer are racial and ethical, households low educational or low income groups. Because of socio economical factors such as low education, low income, racial and ethnicity causes low screening rates among people. Health services are not reached
14. Healthy people 2020 have many goals. Minimizing health disparity is one of the major goal in healthy 2020 1. IT tries to achieve health equity 2. Removing disparities 3. Increase health 4. minimize health disparity is one of major goal the health
15. There are 6 key components1. Innovation is a means of creating a new ideas or new methods in the program helps to achieve the program 2. Rigorously established technical package is the evidence based intervention helps to achieve the program instead of using many interventions. Because many interventions is to be small effect on problem and never relieve problem. Therefore in order t o create technical package, it is import to identify evidence based practice, target population, result of intervention, cost of intervention. 3. Management is implementation of the program. Sometimes implementation of program is not successful even though there is adequate commitment of leaders, resources. There should be adequate monitoring of health and disease and risk factors and implementation of program 4. Partnerships is one of the key component where private and public makes partnership and share resources. There should be partnership at different level in the government. Each one committed to the care and has responsibility in providing care, 5. Commitment is commitment to the programs by the political leader that leads to success of the program by means organizing resources, maintain and coordinating program in a smoothful way. Because political leader are policies for the public and change the policy when needed 6. Communication helps to achieve program effective. There new communication tools are used for success of the program. it helps to remove public perspectives in the health issue.
16. Social determinants of health is the conditions in the environment in which persons are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, age that affect a wide range of health functioning and quality of life outcomes and risks. Social determination of health is place where education, workforce, living conditions that affect the humans health. Health equity means health service is distributed equally to all people without discrimination. health disparities means health care variance among people of community, country