
In: Economics

sry guy I had no idea what subject to put this, so put under Economics. Pls...

sry guy I had no idea what subject to put this, so put under Economics.

Pls do not hand wrtitten the answer , this is for easy reading

1)Do you think features such a GPS driving directions and digital assistants are beneficial for society as a whole?why? list the pro & cons. What about other aspects of the digital realm such as communication and social media?


Expert Solution

The phrase "every coin has two srides" go well with every thing. . So every feature whether it is digital assistance or GPS has their two distinct aspects. A thing becomes beneficial to a society when it is used in moderation and in a usefull purpose. The world has reached in a point where people can achieve everything on their fingertips. Digital world has brought that comfort where people are able to explore the world on their own. There are both pros and cons of GPS and digital assistance which are mentioned below.


1) GPS helps people to navigate a unfamiliar place and offers the option of shorter distance route to save time and long travel ordeals.

2) People can avoid the most congested road during the peak hours with the help of GPS.

3) Check accidents and crime rates as GPS allows people to track the culprit behind the rash driving and other nuisance caused by driving wheels.

4) Help us to keep track of our loved ones when they are travelling.

5) Courier and delivery companies are benefitted most from the use of GPS as it helps them to keep track of their things and safe delivery to their customers which saves lot of money and save from the fear of things being theft or misplaced.


1) If the GPS technology is not updated with time to time, it might mislead the user and cause lot of troubles. For eg. some times some particular roads are closed for the purpose up construction activities or others. If this phenomena is not updated, the user might end up stuck up in traffic or wasting his time navigating another route to his destination.

2) To keep the GPS activate, one need to keep his phone charged all the time failing which might land him trouble.

3) The price of devices having GPS are costly.

4) Some times people might stalk someone or spy with the help of GPS which is the most dangerous side of using GPS.

5) Unemployment in courier, delivery and driving vehicles companies alsoing are in rise as GPS has lessened their task by keeping track of everything reducing the need of supervisers and record keepers.

Overall if we see, GPS brings great benefits to the society as it allows people to explore things and keep track of their valueables.

Like GPS, Digital asistance has its own pros and cons which are as follows:

1) Digital assistance has reduced the need of paper and pen by saving things on devices which can be accessed anytime.

2)Multitasking has become very easy with the help of digital assistance. People can listen music, prepare their presentations, make projects and can save lot of files and other important documents which remain handy all the time in a single device.

3) People can reach out easily to people any where any time with the help of emails, messaging, video calling etc. It has also saved the time of travel as now a days job interviews and other personal interviews can be done with the help of it.


1) People have become so much tech savvy and dependent on the digital assistance that they have forgotten the human touch and connectivity.

2) Use of digital assistance on devices are common while driving or moving on the road which is the main cause behind many accidents now a days.

3) Digital assistance has reduced the need of manual labour and physical activity of people making people more vulnerable to health hazards and obessity.

If we see; compared to GPS, Digital assistance has lesser benefits to the society as a whole which makes people unaware about their surroundings cutting their connectivity with others and absorbed in their mechanical life.

I feel social media is the portal which allows people to remain connected with their loved ones while staying aloof from each other. But now-a-days, people use social media to show their fake living styles and standards. Now-a-days, people try to go on exquisite vacation places, restaurents, family gatherings etc just to show how happy their lives are by uploading their pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram which is the main reason of many peoples' depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. FOMO ( fear of missing out) is the new mental disorder among many people due to social media leading many people to commit suicide, increasing crime rates etc. Social media is the reason behind the missing connectivity and empathy among family members and friends which lead to many broken marriages and broken homes. So I personally think that the use of social media and other communication devices are not beneficial to the society as a whole as society builds on the basis of personal interaction among people, rapport and collaboration which has been destroyed by the use of digital realms like social media and communications.

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