Questions (150-200 words): How has your experience in college impacted your life? College students come from...

Questions (150-200 words):

How has your experience in college impacted your life? College students come from many different backgrounds...what experiences or common ground do all students share?

In: Psychology

Although people’s acceptance of homosexuality and homosexuals has improved, prejudice and stigma remain, and attitudes towards...

Although people’s acceptance of homosexuality and homosexuals has improved, prejudice and stigma remain, and attitudes towards homosexuals are frequently negative (Avery et al., 2007; Ben-Ari, 2001; Petersen & Hyde, 2010). Prejudice and stigma against the (LGBT) community have also been reported by several studies in Turkey, the findings of which were consistent with those of other international studies (Çırakoğlu, 2006; Gelbal & Duyan, 2006). Some of these negative attitudes and oppositions arise from misconceptions and stereotypes about homosexuals. homosxual men were generally described as people who act different … wearing feminine clothes, talking feminine, being similar to females, etc.’ (Sakallı, 2002, p. 116). Since masculine traits are overvalued and feminine traits are undervalued, homosexuals in Turkey have been rejected by a heterosexist society, and homosexuality is regarded as intolerable and dishonourable to manhood (Akpınar, 2003). Prejudice and negative attitudes towards homosexuality in Turkey have also been profoundly affected by another factor: the Islamic religion. Turkey is a secular country which has a 99% Muslim majority (Bereket & Adam, 2008). Although there are many controversies about Islam’s view of homosexuality and homosexuals (Siraj, 2006), referring to the hadiths (an interpretation of the Islamic Holy Book Qur’an) on the destruction of sexual deviants, homosexuality is explicitly condemned, absolutely forbidden and punishable by death, and many Islamic scholars regard homosexuality as a major sin and a crime (Siraj, 2009). Accepting homosexuality as legal, homosexuals and homosexual acts are neither appreciated nor tolerated; homosexuality is regarded as a violation of human nature in Turkish society (Tapınç, 1992). In addition to identifying the hostility within the sociocultural structures and religion towards homosexuality, the social context in the field of physical education (PE) and sports is not a welcoming environment for LGBT individuals either. Davison and Frank (2006) defined masculinity as ‘not-feminine’ and as having ideal physical and athletic qualities including strength, power, speed and endurance. In addition, masculine men were expected to be heterosexual; lesbian women and men were considered to be deviant, and not suited for sports (Elling & Janssens, 2009). Several studies have shown negative attitudes and behaviours towards lesbians and homosexual men in PE and sports settings (Roper & Halloran, 2007; Southall, Nagel, Anderson, Polite, & Southall, 2009). The Turkish PE and sports literature is bereft of studies investigating the existence of homophobic attitudes. One of the most well-known arguments related to sports homophobia in Turkey started with a statement made by a famous Turkish ballet dancer. He stated that ‘there are more homosexual football players than homosexual ballet dancers. I know homosexual football players’. Many people from the Turkish soccer world protested against his statements for bringing soccer players under suspicion (Akbaş, 2004). Following these attacks, the ballet dancer made a statement that his friends who are homosexual soccer players played in another country. He stressed that he had not intended to cast aspersions on soccer players. After his statements the Turkish soccer world returned to a ‘normal’ heterosexual life. Given the marginalization of homosexuality in Turkish society and, perhaps even more so in the Turkish sporting world, the topic is predictably an understudied and seemingly taboo subject for investigation. As a sport psychology consultant in training working at a public university, your client today is Reza, a 20 year old student-athlete from Turkey studying in the US who is disclosing his preference for men in relationships to you and sharing his country's atittude and belief about homosexual men in sport as cited above.

1. Analyse a homosexual university student’s experiences of homophobia in Turkish society 2. Discuss if the fact that he is a major in Health and Fitness Management can help with his motivation to play, the stress to deal with the situation he returns to every summer on holidays. 3. What kind of feedback could you give him to help him? 4. Could imagery be useful when dealing with adversity? if so, how. 5. How would you introduce self confidence and well-being concepts to him to help him process what is going on in his country and in the sport in this country?

In: Psychology

What is the danger of excessive individualism according to Durkheims theory? Is the danger positive or...

What is the danger of excessive individualism according to Durkheims theory? Is the danger positive or negative?

In: Psychology

Discuss the “nature” versus “nurture” argument. Which side do you agree with; or do you find...

Discuss the “nature” versus “nurture” argument. Which side do you agree with; or do you find yourself in the middle? Provide at least one example of both from your professional life and one from your personal life. Do not forget to utilize resources to support your answers!

In: Psychology

psy 358 adult develomet and aging changes from adolescence to adulthood

psy 358 adult develomet and aging changes from adolescence to adulthood

In: Psychology

Out of the discussed mental health disorders in this week, choose any one mental health issue...

Out of the discussed mental health disorders in this week, choose any one mental health issue in the KSA context and discuss the prevalence, contributing factors and the justify the seriousness of the issue.

Note: All information must be from the genuine sources.

choose one if these topics please



personality disorders

bipolar disorder

post traumatic stress disorder

social phobia

panic disorder

eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa andbulimail nervosa

Word limit: 300 – 400.

In: Psychology

BYZANTIUM What was The City of God? What did Augustine want to accomplish with The City...


What was The City of God? What did Augustine want to accomplish with The City of God and why is it important historically.

What basic problem is the subject of The Consolation? What is the solution according to Lady Philosophy?

What was Emperor Justinian’s most important legal achievement? Explain.

Tell us more about Constantinople. What was it before? Why was it important for the Byzantine Empire? What became of it afterward/What is it today?

Why was there a movement in Greece to purge Western influences in icon painting?


Who was Charlemagne and how is he remembered as a ruler? How and when did he come to power? How did he rule his land?

How did Charlemagne encourage commerce throughout the empire? What specific actions did he take to promote economic developments throughout his Empire?

What was the relationship of Charlemagne’s “palace school” at Aachen to the Carolingian Renaissance? For what purpose did he draw scholars to Aachen?

What were the important requirements of the monastic life as set forth by Saint Benedict? Why was monasticism integral to Christianity?

What is the importance of the Quem Queritis trope to the development of western drama?

What is the meaning of the term memento mori? Why is the motif of Everyman a good example of a memento mori?

In: Psychology

Reflect on the Great Commission Jesus gives to the Apostles. How might the Great Commission/Biblical Worldview...

Reflect on the Great Commission Jesus gives to the Apostles. How might the Great Commission/Biblical Worldview influence someone’s motivation to study culture as opposed to someone studying culture from a secular perspective?

In: Psychology

Identify what the difference is between presentation accommodations and response accommodations. Provide an example of how...

Identify what the difference is between presentation accommodations and response accommodations. Provide an example of how each accommodation could be implemented or presented in an assessment.

In: Psychology

This week's readings offer a different view of individualism in our society. For the first time...

This week's readings offer a different view of individualism in our society. For the first time in history, an individual can be extremely social while remaining physically "isolated" from others. Do you spend much time communicating with others on-line? Do you know all of your on-line friends...err...personally? Like in protoplasmic form? Do you think that this has an impact on you and your idea of what a "friend" is? How does your "on-line" persona differ from your "real life" self? Discuss any differences that you perceive between your online and real self... If you don't spend any time online, tell me how you THINK this might have an impact on individuals....

In: Psychology

Week 8 - Incompatible to Irresistible After reading this week's material, how do you believe a...

Week 8 - Incompatible to Irresistible After reading this week's material, how do you believe a couple that has become "incompatible" can return to "irresistable"? his needs her needs

In: Psychology

limitations of using the deviation from social norms as a way of defining abnormality

limitations of using the deviation from social norms as a way of defining abnormality

In: Psychology

Discuss the advances in fingerprint evidence since Dr. King's murder in 1968.

Discuss the advances in fingerprint evidence since Dr. King's murder in 1968.

In: Psychology

Blake has developed a new measure of personality to assess what personality type people have. It...

Blake has developed a new measure of personality to assess what personality type people have. It is called the “Blockbuster Personality Type” measure. The measure includes images from the top ten most popular Hollywood movies in the last ten years and asks respondents to describe what is happening in the scenes. Responses are scored in terms of how consistent they are with the original movies, and how much respondents show empathy for the different characters in the scenes. As a result of this scoring, respondents are classified as either being either “active heroes”, “passive victims”, or “conniving villains”, reflecting the hidden desires and goals that they were born with.

Blake wants to encourage people to use the test for selection and recruitment in organisations around the world, so he collects information about the test’s reliability and validity. He asks his first-year psychology class to take the test at the start of semester and at the end of semester and compares their scores for a measure of reliability. To test validity, he uses scores on the test to predict how well his students do in their university studies.

Question: What are some of the issues with what Blake has done? How could he have designed and evaluated his test in a better way? For each issue you identify, explain why it is an issue and how it could be improved.

In: Psychology

describe how testing and assessment practices are implemented. How do you think these testing and assessment...

describe how testing and assessment practices are implemented. How do you think these testing and assessment practices promote the intellectual, social, and emotional development of students?

In: Psychology