
In: Psychology

The relationship between stress and health and the importance of learning positive measures to ensure our...

The relationship between stress and health and the importance of learning positive measures to ensure our physical and mental well-being. Explain how “a stressor is a condition or event that challenges or threatens a person” also discuss stressful events reduce the body’s natural defenses against disease” in some writings what do you think. Finally what is the importance of knowing good coping skills and setting boundaries for ourselves where our obligations are concerned?


Expert Solution

Stress is a coping or adaption response to a challenging situations called stressors. Stress is helpful or positive when it helps to overcome or face a challenging situation. But when it's prolonged and acute it's called negative stress. Negative stress has adverse effect on our health. It makes our natural defenses of our body weak and we are prone to infections and diseases. Chronic stress is related to heart disease, overeating and obesity. It causes emotional toil, making an individual prone to anxiety and depression. Some stressful conditions of life are facing a financial crisis, a relationship crisis or inablity to manage conditions as facing examination etc.

Knowing good stress skills are essential to overcome a stressful condition that may cause both physiological and psychological problems. We should take a break when we feel overwhelmed at work or any situation, so that we can avoid the side effects of stress. Settings boundaries to those situations that causes stress is important to maintain our health, also to develop better coping strategies for such conditions.

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