What form of logic is trying to be used in the logic of the 3 propositions...

What form of logic is trying to be used in the logic of the 3 propositions below and why does the logic in the last proposition fail?

·A platypus called Tom lays eggs

·All duck lays eggs

·Therefore, a Platypus is a duck

In: Psychology

Judgement and Decision Making: How could this affect their IADLs , medication adherence, driving, and computer...

Judgement and Decision Making: How could this affect their IADLs , medication adherence, driving, and computer use?

In: Psychology

Agreeing with Clint Smith's Ideas Clint Smith gives a motivational speech in his TED Talk. In...

Agreeing with Clint Smith's Ideas

Clint Smith gives a motivational speech in his TED Talk. In his speech, he starts by quoting the phrase of Martin Luther King Junior in 1968; "We will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends." I believe in this phrase. Silence is our greatest enemy, and we need to counter this significant vice, for it will consume and defeat us without us knowing. The enemy will expose and beat us in darkness since it is an invisible enemy. The speech is focused on the Civil Rights Movements, students, and the general population. The speaker acknowledges that the adverse consequences of silence are shown in the general population through discrimination and violence. I agree with Smith's notifications. Nike is an example of a company where women are harassed (Harvard Business Review, 2018). The media is supposed to inform the society about women's harassment. Working in an organization with a toxic culture will restrict openness (Harvard Business Review, 2018). When the victims of harassment are in silence, the media's existence will be ineffective since these affected women are their primary sources of information. "One reason people do not speak up is the significant risk of doing so" (Harvard Business Review, 2018).

Some of the risks are marginalization or losing a job (Harvard Business Review, 2018). The victims of rape, for instance, fear to be labeled outcasts since some cultures regard them as impure. To escape a perceived adverse outcome, they chose to remain silent for the rest of their lives. There is no need to be quiet. Democratization is all about expression. As mentioned in Clint's speech, the Civil Rights Movement acts as the mouthpiece of victims of discrimination. But before reaching out to the advocates of justice, in case you are discriminated against because of your color or gender, you need to reflect your thoughts. Silence is something that you hold in your chest, and you fear of letting it go. The moment of intimacy will help in understanding what you want in life. Preparation to make a positive impact in society starts by speaking out on discrimination forms. The speaker asserts that people are interested in saying what others want to hear. They hide the truth from them. When they notice something wrong, they chose to remain silent, provided they are not directly affected by the situation. This is a recipe for discrimination. I agree with such assertions, and the said persons accommodate and initiate the bystander effect.

The bystander effect exhibit assumption (Harvard Business Review, 2018). The speaker told himself that he was not anyone's conscious because he needed to figure out his own. This is an assumption, and he tries to cushion this by reflecting on the proposed suggestions to his students. He advises his children to first understand themselves by forming a personal bond with God. I agree that prayer is a powerful tool and is the source of motivation. In prayer, at least you will know that there is someone who will listen and get you out of the problem. Prayers need to be supplemented with prayers. I have come across the phrase, "God helps those themselves and love your neighbor as you love yourself." So, whenever you observe that another person is in trouble, please do not assume that she is in a position to solve the problem. Freedom of speech and expression guides an ordinary citizen. Whenever victimized, consider helping yourself by speaking out. Can anyone tell me in this what is this and what points I should take to make a summary of this paper? please help me.

In: Psychology

Describe each of the five pillars and reflect on why they are referred to as Pillars...

Describe each of the five pillars and reflect on why they are referred to as Pillars of Islam. Make a detailed analysis of how one of the pillars would function in the life of a particular Muslim individual. Identify one Christian community living or serving in an Islamic context. Analyze the principles and practices of the group in light of the Five Pillars. A minimum of three academic resources is required.

In: Psychology

Describe the extinction procedure for a behavior maintained by negative and positive reinforcement and naturally occurring...

Describe the extinction procedure for a behavior maintained by negative and positive reinforcement and naturally occurring sensory consequences.

In: Psychology

Identify the social science discipline or disciplines (sociology, psychology, economics, political science, etc.) in which the...

Identify the social science discipline or disciplines (sociology, psychology, economics, political science, etc.) in which the paradigm is most influential and describe that influence.

In: Psychology

Here is a variation on a scenario that is a favorite of many ethics professors. There...

Here is a variation on a scenario that is a favorite of many ethics professors. There is a lifeboat that can hold three people; however, there are four survivors who have managed to climb in. One is an overweight 13 year old. One is an artist who works as a waitress part time to supplement her income because she cannot make enough from her art work. She has no children or spouse. One is a 65 year old doctor, who may be on the verge of curing cancer. The final person is the captain of the boat hat sank. He has survival training and is the sole support of his two children. Using utilitarian ethics decide who gets thrown off the lifeboat. Remember when supporting your positions, you will be looking at the benefits and harms of the action as well as their degree and likelihood.

In: Psychology

In this week's chapter John Rawls gives us a thought experiment: Imagine you are standing behind...

In this week's chapter John Rawls gives us a thought experiment: Imagine you are standing behind a 'veil of ignorance', and creating a just/fair society without knowing what place you yourself will occupy in that society: not your gender, economic status, race, religion, etc. You want to have a good chance of being happy, whoever you end up being.

For this week's essay, suggest 5 components or institutions of a just and fair society, that might help pass this 'veil' test.

In: Psychology

imagine you have just conducted what you believe is a well-designed ground breaking research. You have...

imagine you have just conducted what you believe is a well-designed ground breaking research. You have conducted the research and analyzed your findings. You can think in generalities, or think of some specific topic area where this could happen. If your findings seemed to contradict what you believed about scripture, how would you reconcile that? It's not as easy as saying, "I would just follow the scriptures." First, because you could be wrong in your understanding of scripture, or you could have made some error in the research design. Second, because now that you have discovered something in your research, there is some level of obligation to present it to the public, even though you don't like or agree with the findings. How would you reconcile this in your mind? What actions might it lead you to take? And how would you present the research to the public in light of the apparent discrepancy?

In: Psychology

What do you understand by “culture shock?” Explain the implications of ethnocentrism and cultural imperialism.

What do you understand by “culture shock?” Explain the implications of ethnocentrism and cultural imperialism.

In: Psychology

I need essay outline about America gun control

I need essay outline about America gun control

In: Psychology

How do I write an ethnography paper

How do I write an ethnography paper

In: Psychology

Give example of extinction, label the behavior being extinguish, the reinforcer that had been regularly following...

Give example of extinction, label the behavior being extinguish, the reinforcer that had been regularly following the behavior and the actual extinction procedure.

In: Psychology

choose one of Paul's letters from your Bible and read its introduction. If you were to...

choose one of Paul's letters from your Bible and read its introduction.

If you were to introduce Paul's work and this letter to a student or colleague, what would you say/write? How would you characterize the importance of Paul in his context and in the location where the letter was written, and in what ways is this letter of importance? In other words, think about Author, Audience, Opponents, and Occasion.

In: Psychology

What do you Think? If he were alive during President Obama’s term, what do you think...

What do you Think? If he were alive during President Obama’s term, what do you think DuBois would say about racial inequality in the twenty-first century? How would you say racial equality has continued to grow during President Trump’s first year in office? How much do you think African Americans today experience a “double consciousness?” In what ways can sociology help us understand and reduce racial conflict?

In: Psychology