Discuss the role of the friends and family in an individual’s life. (80-100 words)

Discuss the role of the friends and family in an individual’s life. (80-100 words)

In: Psychology

Various methods have been proposed that could reverse self-gratification. Using the examples from the Social Value...

Various methods have been proposed that could reverse self-gratification. Using the examples from the Social Value Orientation assignment, decide which method you feel would be most effective in reversing self-gratification in each case and explain why. Describe which norm (descriptive or injunctive) would be in effect in this method of reversal and explain why. You are shopping for a car and need something large enough to hold all of your possessions when you travel. You heard about a big markdown on a very large SUV, but it is reputed to be harmful to the environment. It is the only large vehicle you can afford and it meets all of your needs. Method Chosen to Reverse Self-gratification and Why Descriptive or Injunctive Norm and Why

In: Psychology

Choose the best choice In terms of gender and peer relationships, boys are more likely than...

Choose the best choice

In terms of gender and peer relationships, boys are more likely than girls to be _________, and girls are more likely than boys to be .

*liaisons; isolates

*liaisons; in cliques

*isolates; liaisons

*isolates; in cliques

*in cliques; isolates

People suffering from bulimia and anorexia are _________ other teenagers to commit suicide.

*less likely than

*just as likely

*more likely than

In: Psychology

Short Essay 2 Case Study: Baby Kelly and Family Baby Kelly was born at thirty-four weeks...

Short Essay 2

Case Study: Baby Kelly and Family

Baby Kelly was born at thirty-four weeks of gestational age weighing a little over four pounds. His Mom and Dad are in their late thirties. He has a proud 7-year-old brother, Chris, who is in second grade and a 3-year-old sister, Alex, who attends a full day preschool. During his four week hospital stay, the family would visit every evening, with Mom typically at the hospital during the day.

Mom would become frustrated while visiting Kelly in the hospital because he was difficult to soothe. An experienced mother, she was unable to do what she anticipated with Kelly; the rocking, cuddling, and attempts at soothing did not work. When Dad arrived in the evening, he would take over for Mom, soothing Kelly by singing softly to him in his low singing voice and gently rubbing his arms and legs.

Answer the following questions in essay form. essay should be between 1 - 2 pages in length and adhere to APA guidelines.

What are Kelly’s primary developmental needs at this age?

What signs of individuality might you expect to see in very small babies? Do you detect anything that might signal the roots of individuality for Kelly? Think in terms of temperament, resilience, and sociability.

What could be some differences between a full-term baby’s ability to form an attachment and a premature infant’s ability to form an attachment?

In: Psychology

Choose a concept with which you are familiar, and imagine that you have to teach that...

Choose a concept with which you are familiar, and imagine that you have to teach that concept to a classroom of students. Describe the concept that you will teach, then explain five specific things you could do to help students learn the concept.

Describe what contemporary psychologists mean by the terms schema, script, personal theory, and worldview, and explain how each of these can influence learning and memory. Use concrete examples to illustrate your discussion.

In: Psychology

Choose the best choice Which of the following is NOT more important for early adolescents compared...

Choose the best choice

Which of the following is NOT more important for early adolescents compared to later adolescents regarding reasons to date?
*opportunity to do something fun

*learning the social roles involved in dating (i.e., dating practice)

*a gain in status

*developing intimacy

Going with your gut feeling BEST reflects:
*analytical thinking

*hypothetical thought

*inductive reasoning

*deductive reasoning

In: Psychology

In thinking about the application of research in our lives, which is more meaningful: individual research...

In thinking about the application of research in our lives, which is more meaningful: individual research studies and their conclusions or scientific theories? Why?

- Please write the answer by keyboard not by handwriting and many thanks!

- I need for the at least 200 words long and thanks a lot

In: Psychology

Describe three of the following perspectives regarding concept learning, and compare and contrast them regarding their...

Describe three of the following perspectives regarding concept learning, and compare and contrast them regarding their usefulness in explaining how people acquire concepts:

                  • Prototypes

                  • Exemplars

                  • Buildup of associations

                  • Hypothesis testing

Describe at least three ways in which students in Piaget’s formal operations stage are likely to think differently from those in the concrete operations stage. Illustrate each characteristic with a concrete example of how students in each of the two stages might think or behave.

In: Psychology

identify three ways in which social satisfaction is evident in the everyday lives of students on...

identify three ways in which social satisfaction is evident in the everyday lives of students on your campus.In each case, explain exactly what is unequal and what difference it makes .do you think individual talent or family background is more important in creating these social differences?

In: Psychology

Write a cover letter for business development manager

Write a cover letter for business development manager

In: Psychology

3.   If you were testing a relationship between gender, income, and race, which of the following...

3.   If you were testing a relationship between gender, income, and race, which of the following variables would most likely to be the dependent variable:

     a. income

     b. gender

     c. race

     d. b and c

4. Women should be given access to higher education is a (an)

     a. proposition

     b. theory

     c. statement of a relationship

     d. value judgment

     e. none of the above

5.   Which of the following are variables?

     a. female, Jewish, high school degree

     b. plumber, professor, dentist

     c. occupation, political party preference, birthrate

     d. violent, middle class, 9 millimeter

     e. none of the above

6.   Spurious is an term used to show that

     a. X causes Y

     b. Y cause X

     c. X and Y have reciprocal causation

     d. Y does not cause X and X does not cause Y

     e. none of the above

7.   If we can establish that variable X comes before variable Y in time, then we can say

     a. variable X is a cause of variable Y

     b. variable X is not a cause of variable Y

     c. variable Y is a cause of variable X

     d. variable Y is not a cause of variable X

     e. variable Y may cause variable X

8.   The 55 mph speed limit was introduced in the U.S. in 1973. Shortly thereafter the number of auto accidents declined. We can conclude that

     a. the reduced speed limit caused the decline in auto             accidents.

          b. the reduced speed limit may have caused the decline in the number of auto accidents.

          c.   the reduced speed limit and the number of auto     accidents are causally related

     d.   the reduced speed limit had nothing to do with the             decline in auto accidents.

     e. the number of accidents caused the speed limit to be           reduced.

9.   For a causal relationship to exist there must be evidence

     a.   of an empirical correlation between the variables

     b.   that one variable precedes the other

          c.   that missing variables are not responsible for changes observed in the dependent variable

     d.   all of the above

     e.   a and b only

In: Psychology

Explain the doctrines of Anitya (impermanence) and “dependent origination” in Buddhism.

Explain the doctrines of Anitya (impermanence) and “dependent origination” in Buddhism.

In: Psychology

What is the treatment method in Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

What is the treatment method in Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

In: Psychology

What are the five “aggregates” (skandhas) and how do they relate to the doctrine of Anatman?

What are the five “aggregates” (skandhas) and how do they relate to the doctrine of Anatman?

In: Psychology

The Buddha discovered that self-fulfillment is neither found in self-gratification nor in self-denial. How did the...

The Buddha discovered that self-fulfillment is neither found in self-gratification nor in self-denial. How did the Buddha come to this realization?

In: Psychology