
In: Psychology

make a persuasive essay on the applications of singles that are to find a couple, containing...

make a persuasive essay on the applications of singles that are to find a couple, containing 5 paragraphs of 6 sentences at least each paragraph, one of the intrudiccion and thesis 3 paragraphs of 3 arguments that defend that thesis (body) and one of the conclusion , put references where you got those APA-style arguments


Expert Solution

Ans :For decades the proportion of single people in populations around the globe (specially in western nations) has been growing.. Psychologists have been finding that single people are targets of sterotyping and discrimination.The most extensive research on singles is part of the literature on marriage and it is compares important qualities such as health and happiness among people of different marital statuses.Single people are pitied while married people are celebrated. Inspite of that single life can be meaningful and fulfilling.Single life is better part of our adult lives.

In some studies lifelong single people do much better.Singles developes a diversified portfolio of skills.Singles contribute in meaningful ways.They do a lot of volunteering.They do more than their share of caring for their parents. Singles value opportunities.They persue their interests and passion.They do the work they care about the most.

Singles savor their solitude and its profound rewards.They are more self reliant .They can save more.They have more time for personal developement.Being singles gives you the opportunity to find yourself.They get more freedom.They have control over finance.They have control over time.

there are drawbacks of single life.Single people have lack of support and loneliness.Being alone means no one is there to share your life witrh.If you are single you have to explain why you are single.You have to do all your work by your own.You have no emotional support.You miss the enjoyment of happy married life.You miss kids if you are single.You miss family life.

Being single for long time increases frustation.You feel more lonely .Single people are less responsible rather rhan married people.They dont have moral n motivational support of partner.They miss the family life.Married people are more creative and responsible.You miss the sharing and caring feeling.Single people are less social.

Conclusion : Everything has two sides ,single life too.There are some advantages and disadvantaes for being single.It is up to you how do you take the both sides.

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