Synthesis paper on Forces Shaping the Future of teaching and Learning of Science both in terms...

Synthesis paper on Forces Shaping the Future of teaching and Learning of Science both in terms of research and practice, in learning, teaching and curriculum.

In: Psychology

What would be the most nerve-wracking part about asking an individual for a letter of recommendation...

What would be the most nerve-wracking part about asking an individual for a letter of recommendation and how would you approach the situation?

Upon completing the graduate/professional school search, what are your thoughts on the overall process? Do you find it overwhelming? What have you found to be the best ways of narrowing down your choices if you have a particularly large list of schools?

In: Psychology

How has the historical development of police agencies impacted policing in America?

How has the historical development of police agencies impacted policing in America?

In: Psychology

This week I'd like for us to discuss the different styles of punishment in schools. Many...

This week I'd like for us to discuss the different styles of punishment in schools. Many parents/teachers are worried about the state of discipline in schools these days (e.g., kids acting up in class, bullying, bringing guns to school).

List 1 style of punishment (e.g., time out) that is used in preschool and kindergarten classrooms. This style can be one you have seen, one you use, one you've heard of, anything!

Then answer the following questions:

  • Is this punishment an effective tool for discipline?
  • Is it a nurturing style of punishment? (For example, it may be effective but seem cruel, or it may be nurturing and not effective, or it may be both effective and nurturing.)
  • Would you engage in this punishment style as a teacher?
  • In general, do you think teachers are too permissive or too strict?

In: Psychology

identify the key components of federal laws regarding sex-offender registration.

identify the key components of federal laws regarding sex-offender registration.

In: Psychology

How are ELL students aware of the class language and content objective? How would a teacher...

How are ELL students aware of the class language and content objective? How would a teacher instruct ell students with content and language objective? How would a teacher accommodate for different ELP levels?

In: Psychology

What factors contribute towards teens contemplating suicide? Describe what you should do if you suspect someone...

What factors contribute towards teens contemplating suicide? Describe what you should do if you suspect someone is contemplating suicide. Discuss what interventions or treatment facilities IN 350-400 WORDS

In: Psychology

Write 3-5 sentences response to this post Coercing people into donating their eggs for surrogacy definitely...

Write 3-5 sentences response to this post

Coercing people into donating their eggs for surrogacy definitely mirrors the discussion of kidney sales. I know adoption can be expensive, just like surrogacy. The only dramatic difference I can see between adoption and surrogacy, is that in surrogacy you are getting a child that is actually yours, biologically. An adopted child is not biologically from you, but a desired child nonetheless. Do you think the adoption process is treating children as a commodity ?

In: Psychology

Collapse 1. Name three different ways to explore stress management. Provide examples of each. 2. List...


1. Name three different ways to explore stress management. Provide examples of each.

2. List at least 5 ways stress can affect your body as well as your emotions.

3. What 3 coping skills have you developed over time to help to manage stress?

Give at least 2 references in APA format to support your EACH answer. Answers need to be at least 200 words with at least 2 substantial replies with at least 150 words. Give the question in bold and the answer not in bold. The initial post with the answers is due by Thursday and all replies must be posted no later than Sunday.

In: Psychology

What are the basic assumption of human being according to Cognitive Counselling Approach. Discuss the cause...

What are the basic assumption of human being according to Cognitive Counselling Approach. Discuss the cause of employees with problem according to this theory. Explain with examples the counselling steps and process in helping an employee with problem using Humanistic Counselling Theory.

In: Psychology

Submit a one to two-paged proposal letter. In this letter you are using persuasion to affect...

Submit a one to two-paged proposal letter. In this letter you are using persuasion to affect the thinking and/or behavior of the recipient. Single space this assignment and submit it in Microsoft Word. Also, provide a relevant title for this assignment. Read Chapter 19 for guidance with this assignment.

In: Psychology

why is serial monogamy the dominant marriage pattern in the United States? Are there any indications...

why is serial monogamy the dominant marriage pattern in the United States? Are there any indications that this pattern might be changing?

In: Psychology

organizational behavior My name is Michael Boyle and I am one of the owners and founders...

organizational behavior
My name is Michael Boyle and I am one of the owners and founders of Mike Boyle's Strength and Conditioning in Woburn, North Andover and Haverhill, Massachusetts. Basically, I have been doing this for 33 years. I started out with the idea that I was going to be an athletic trainer, went to Boston University for about 6 months as an athletic trainer and then realized that that wasn't what I wanted to do and that I was going to do strength and conditioning so I resigned my full-time paid position and started volunteering and I was basically a volunteer strength coach and a bartender for the better part of 6 or 7 years and then gradually started shifting, a little more strength and conditioning, a little less bartending and then eventually a point where I didn't need to bar tend anymore. But the big thing is, I'm not going to say it because now I got you here, getting on the scale every week and realizing that, okay, I've got to get that proper tool. So we probably have three relatively distinct customers, let's say. We've got an adult customer who's training in a small group. We've got an adult customer who's training one on one and then we've got a young athlete customer. That's really the vast majority. Your professional athlete sort of morph between the two over time because they start out as that young filet mignon guy or girl when they're 18, 19, 20, 21 but suddenly we've had some that now are in their late 30s and some even into their early 40s and now they're much more like our older adult client. I always say with some of our older professional athletes we just want to get you back and make money again, go back, get paid another year. I tell our coaches all the time that we're in the life changing business, we're not in the strength and conditioning business. We're not in the personal training business. We have the capacity. We probably have greater capacity than your doctor does to change your life. I don't hire the narcissist. I always say your clothes should fit. They shouldn't look like you bought them from your little brother or your little sister and you really should care about the people that you're training. If you don't care that they're getting better than you're in the wrong field.

[ Music ]

>> Five each side, step forward, step to the side, open up those hips. I think that's one of the biggest thing as personal trainer is that you really need to have that connection and you create a friendship. It's more than just like, you know, a piece of paper. All right, write down your three goals, let's go. We get to that point after a while when they feel comfortable with you and they trust you and then we go from there. It's like all right, what are you working for, because everyone has a why. My name is Ana Tocco, I'm a strength coach and personal trainer here at Mike Boyle's Strength and Conditioning and I am the nutrition and wellness coordinator as well. Where do I struggle? I think probably sometimes my own discipline. Like, I think that's why sometimes I hold account other people so much because sometimes I need that accountability on me.

>> Drive! Pop! Okay, 10 off the wall. I'd like to describe my style as a chameleon because I have to change in order to adhere to many different walks of life. I train high school students as well as moms, dads, seniors. So I like to adapt based on the client that I'm working with. For the most part I like to be high energy. I like to, you know, I'm a results driven trainer, coach, so I like to make sure I give people, I kind of meet their mood where they are. I kind of want to see what kind of mood people are in that day and then I'm going to kind of adapt and give them a workout that kind of will either help make their day better or calm them down if they're having a rough day or whatever it may be. My name is Marco Sanchez, I'm a strength and conditioning coach and massage therapist at Mike Boyle's Strength and Conditioning.
Mike Boyle needs to hire trainers to work with clients at his gym. He has conducted a job analysis and determined which tasks people in the job need to perform. He is aware that people with certain underlying personality factors will be a natural fit for the job, while other people may need more development and coaching to perform well. He asks you to analyze which personality factor relates to each job task.

1. Trainers need to stay in excellent physical condition themselves and always show up on time for the classes and personal training sessions they are scheduled to lead. Which personality factor is most important to perform this task successfully?

Openness to experience



Emotional stability

Mike tells you he’s heard that different problem-solving styles, based on the work of Carl Jung, predispose people to feel more satisfaction doing certain kinds of work. He is also interested in using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to help his employees leverage their strengths and develop their weaknesses, as well as to better understand each other’s preferred ways of working. He asks you what problem-solving style tends to align with

In: Psychology

outline the portrait of the American as described by Crevecoeur by using quotes and making comments

outline the portrait of the American as described by Crevecoeur by using quotes and making comments

In: Psychology

1. What type of research design is used in this study (e.g., cross-sectional, longitudinal, experimental, correlational,...

1. What type of research design is used in this study (e.g., cross-sectional, longitudinal,

experimental, correlational, or naturalistic observation)? Is this

design appropriate?

2. What explanation do the researchers offer for their findings? Does this explanation

make sense based on the evidence?

3. Given the results of this study, why can’t the researchers draw a causal connection

between behavior disorders and temperament?

4. Can you think of an alternative explanation for the results of this study?

Critical Thinking Activity: Early Temperament Style and Later Adjustment Problems

Now that you have read and reviewed Chapter 7, take your learning a step further

by testing your critical thinking skills on this scientific reasoning exercise.

A study by Caspi and others (1995)* revealed that temperamental style in early

childhood might be linked to adjustment problems during adolescence. The study

involved a cohort of 1,037 children born between April 1, 1972, and March 31,

1973, in Dunedin, New Zealand.

At ages 3, 5, 7, and 9, the behavior of each child was rated in terms of 22

aspects of temperament, including emotional stability, restlessness, self-reliance,

persistence, negativism, passivity, shyness, self-confidence, emotional flatness,

and 13 other dimensions. To assess behavior problems in the sample, the

researchers relied on outcome data from teachers and parents who rated the children

at ages 9, 11, 13, and 15 on two widely used behavior problem checklists.

These checklists included subscales measuring anxiety/withdrawal, which represents

feelings of inferiority and failure; attention problems, which reflect difficulty

in concentration skills; conduct disorder, which reflects aggressiveness and

alienation; and socialized delinquency, which reflects norm-violating tendencies.

For both boys and girls, lack of control at ages 3 and 5 showed a significant

positive correlation wth teacher and parent reports of antisocial behavior and

conduct disorder at ages 9 and 11. In addition, boys and girls characterized as

lacking in control in early childhood were less likely to be rated in adolescence as

mature and confident.

The authors suggest several possible explanations for these intriguing results.

One is that certain temperamental characteristics in young children are actually

early, “subclinical” manifestations of more extreme behavior disorders. Whatever

the correct explanation, the results of this extensive study suggest that early temperament

may have remarkably specific predictive validity for the development of

behavior problems during adolescence.

In: Psychology