How would you address systemic educational inequality between private and public school districts? Identify South Carolina...

How would you address systemic educational inequality between private and public school districts? Identify South Carolina and/or national policies that contribute to the inequalities.

In: Psychology

What are ways we use acting in real life? Provide a personal example.

What are ways we use acting in real life? Provide a personal example.

In: Psychology

Compare and contrast emic and etic models of multiculturalism. Are there times when it is better...

Compare and contrast emic and etic models of multiculturalism.

Are there times when it is better to have one perspective over the other? Defend your position.

In: Psychology

Match the defense mechanism with the example. Bob frequently becomes angry with his boss, but never...

Match the defense mechanism with the example.

Bob frequently becomes angry with his boss, but never expresses that anger. Instead, Bob goes to the gym after work every day and works out. Bob is probably using the defense mechanism __________.

      [ Choose ]            Sublimation            Displacement            Reaction formation            Regression            Rationalization            Projection            Denial      

Johnny's mother spanks him while his friends are present. He feels angry and humiliated. At school he bullies other children. His behavior may be an example of

      [ Choose ]            Sublimation            Displacement            Reaction formation            Regression            Rationalization            Projection            Denial      

A man crusades against pornography to keep his own feelings of frustrated sexuality repressed. His behavior is an example of

      [ Choose ]            Sublimation            Displacement            Reaction formation            Regression            Rationalization            Projection            Denial      

In: Psychology

Match the defense mechanism with the example. John's grandfather is dying, but as each of his...

Match the defense mechanism with the example.

John's grandfather is dying, but as each of his aunts and uncles leave his hospital room, he hears them make such remarks as: "He looks so much better today," "I really believe he's going to pull through," "His color is a lot better today." Having seen his grandfather himself, he attributes their remarks to the defense mechanism of

      [ Choose ]            Sublimation            Displacement            Reaction formation            Regression            Rationalization            Projection            Denial      

Convincing yourself that you didn't really want the car you couldn't afford is an example of

      [ Choose ]            Sublimation            Displacement            Reaction formation            Regression            Rationalization            Projection            Denial      

In: Psychology

Reflection Module # 3 Birth You may (a) consult with your parents about your own birth,...

Reflection Module # 3 Birth You may (a) consult with your parents about your own birth, (b) interview a new parent about her birth experience, or (c) consider the birth of your own child(ren). Please discuss the following in your journal: Describe the events leading up to the delivery. Where did the delivery take place? Who was present? Was any medication used? Was the birth experience as you expected it to be? What was your initial reaction to the newborn? How soon were you able to hold the baby? When did you name the child? If you stayed in a hospital, describe your experience after the birth. What were the first weeks at home like? What problems did you experience? How was having a baby different than you expected? Describe a typical day at home during the first weeks after the baby was born.

In: Psychology

Briefly identify and explain the significance of any 5 of the following items. A short paragraph...

Briefly identify and explain the significance of any 5 of the following items. A
short paragraph (2-4 sentences) should be sufficient in nearly all cases. In the case of a
quotation, please identify the author and explain what theory or principle it illustrates or

10. Apatheia.
11. Emotivism.
12. Alison Jaggar.
13. “To be truthful and honest in all declarations is a sacred and unconditionally
commanding law of reason that admits of no expediency whatsoever.”
14. “A man should be willing, when others are so too, as far forth as for peace and
defense of himself he shall think it necessary, to lay down this right to all things;
and be contented with so much liberty against other men, as he would allow other
men against himself.”
15. Summum bonum
16. Hedonism
17. “The question is not, ‘Can they reason?’ nor, ‘Can they talk?’ but rather, ‘Can
they suffer?’”
18. Phillipa Foot.
19. Ayn Rand.
20. ”Two things fill the mind with awe, the starry heavens above and the moral law

In: Psychology

Define each of the six criteria of useful scientific theory. Evaluate how well each criterion applies...

Define each of the six criteria of useful scientific theory.

Evaluate how well each criterion applies to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory in approximately 90 words per criterion. Explain your answers.

In: Psychology

Take a few minutes to look over the following image. In daily life, many of us...

Take a few minutes to look over the following image. In daily life, many of us have noticed an interaction like this at one time or another. There’s no question that we live in an unequal society when we observe such stark differences in wealth and status. Yet what explains such drastic disparities in people’s fortune? Why do some become wealthy while others endure such harsh poverty?

In U.S. culture, we hear a lot of “rags to riches” stories that celebrate individuals who start off poor and then become wealthy through hard work, intelligence, and sheer determination. In fact, polling by the PEW Charitable Trusts revealed that 40% of Americans consider it common for people in the United States to start poor and achieve wealth by working hard.

Sociologists consider such success stories as examples of what they call upward social mobility. But are such stories based in reality? Is social mobility achievable for anyone? Do all people who wind up wealthy or poor have only themselves to credit?

Read each of the following statements regarding issues of social mobility in the United States. Select whether you agree or disagree with each statement. You will receive one point for answering each question.

Statement 1

Although there used to be a great deal of racial discrimination in U.S. society, this no longer applies today. Knowing a person’s race or ethnicity doesn’t tell you much about whether that person is more or less likely to be economically successful.



Statement 2

There’s no predicting who will wind up wealthy or poor in life. Some who get college degrees remain poor, while others who never graduate high school make a fortune off a great idea or by working really hard. In the end, educational credentials don’t really matter that much.



Statement 3

There’s no predicting who will wind up wealthy or poor in life. Some people who are born rich lose everything through bad decisions or bad luck, while others who are born poor work their way up to the top. Knowing the level of wealth a person starts with in life tells you almost nothing about where that person will likely end up.



Statement 4

Although there used to be a lot of discrimination against women in the United States, this no longer applies today. Knowing whether a person is male or female doesn’t tell you much about whether he or she is more or less likely to be economically successful.



In: Psychology

How can you lose your audience in the introduction to a speech? When should the conclusion...

How can you lose your audience in the introduction to a speech?

When should the conclusion of a speech begin?

How can you encourage active listening by the audience in the introduction to your speech?

Offering a preview of your main points in the speech introduction further confirms your competence to the audience.

The information gathered during audience analysis must be considered when developing a speech introduction because __________

In: Psychology

Discussion Module 3: Prenatal Development and Birth. the chapters required for the Assignment  is chapter 3 in...

Discussion Module 3: Prenatal Development and Birth. the chapters required for the Assignment  is chapter 3 in the text book which is Lifespan development 7E. upper saddle text book.

1.Choose one piece of research from the chapters on Prenatal Development and Birth that interests you. In the title of your discussion, include the topic (from the heading in the textbook) and the page number where you found the section. For example, your title might be: How Teratogens Influence Development, pp. 64-66.

2.Add a heading in bold: Citation. Below the heading BEGIN your discussion by citing the RESEARCH—not your textbook (find the research in the References section in the back of the textbook and copy the citation into your discussion). For example:

Moore, K. L., & Persaud, T. V. N. (1993). The developing human: Clinically oriented embryology (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders.

3.Add a heading in bold: Explanation of the Concept. Below the heading, write a paragraph, briefly EXPLAINING the concept in your own words (about 25 words in at least 3 sentences).

4.Add a heading in bold: Example. Below the heading, write a separate paragraph giving at least one specific EXAMPLE (tell a story) about the concept (at least 75 words). Your example might be from real life (yours of someone you know) or from a movie, book, or TV show. The goal is for you to apply the concepts in the chapter to a real-life situation.

In: Psychology

FOUR (4) challenges to national unity and integration within Malaysian context

FOUR (4) challenges to national unity and integration within Malaysian context

In: Psychology

This question involves an explanation of ethical behavior in the workplace. Explain what it means to...

This question involves an explanation of ethical behavior in the workplace. Explain what it means to demonstrate positive ethical behavior in the workplace. Include examples to support your explanation. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

In: Psychology

Teen Book Review: The grieving teen: A guide for teenagers and their frends. ISBN: 0684868040 ISBN-13:...

Teen Book Review: The grieving teen: A guide for teenagers and their frends.





Authors:Helen FitzGerald


Recently many publishers have responded to the need for books that are designed to help adults discuss a difficult topic, death, with young children, and/or teens. You are to select one book (many are on Amazon), written for teens, and evaluate it based on what we have learned thus far in class.

1) Does it fit the social-emotional and cognitive developmental level for adequate death comprehension that is required for the age group for which it was marketed?

2) Is it honest, or do you think that it further perpetuates the myths around teens and their grief process?

3) Explore a bit: You are a clinician, asked to work with a teen in that age group. Teenagers are notoriously difficult to reach in counseling session...often because they are forced to attend session by well-meaning adults. How would you, specifically, incorporate this book into a counseling session? Is there enough there to start a conversation? Did it leave too many things vague and unanswered? What kinds of questions do you think it would raise for the teen? How would you, based on what you now know, answer them?

4) Edgar Jackson has written, "Adolescents are apt to think that they are the discoverers of deep and powerful feelings and that no one has ever loved as they love." If this is true, what implications does it have for understanding and assisting bereaved adolescents?

In: Psychology

Be able to identify the ASA Code of Ethics principles.

Be able to identify the ASA Code of Ethics principles.

In: Psychology