Evaluate the period of China under the leadership of Khubilai Khan.

Evaluate the period of China under the leadership of Khubilai Khan.

In: Psychology

To what extent can social networking sites control cyberbulllying and other forms of harassment that occur...

To what extent can social networking sites control cyberbulllying and other forms of harassment that occur in their forums? In the case of MySpace, would a more explicit policy about the rules required to get a legitimate account on that SNS have prevented Lori Drew, the woman who harassed Meier under the alias Josh Evans, from succeeding in bullying Meier online? What implications does the Meier incident have for trust in cyberspace, especialy for young teenagers who participate in social networking services?

In: Psychology

Topic is The Relationship between Cartoons and Stress for Adults. Please note where not talking about...

Topic is The Relationship between Cartoons and Stress for Adults. Please note where not talking about childern or youth but adults only which can be college students and older. In every question you MUST CITE your WORK and you need have two to three paragraphs long. HINT: They need be scholar articles or articles
NOTE: A paragraph is 5 to 7 sentences long.

1. How does gender role playes apart with cartoons and stress for adults? Explain.
2. What other topic can you touch on about the relationship between cartoons and stress for adults? Explain.
3. What is the purpose of the relationship between cartoons and stress for adults? (HINT: What the puporse overall for this topic and why)
4. What is the statistci of how many adults watch cartoons? Is there evidence that it may cause stress for adults? In cite your work and need be two to three paragraphs long.
5. What statistic or research findings justifies what you are looking at? Explain.
6. What is the signification of this research? Explain. (HINT: Please cite your work and have evidence that prove this)

In: Psychology

Under what circumstances would you use electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? -- In essay form

Under what circumstances would you use electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? -- In essay form

In: Psychology

I had a question about ethnicity. I'm writing a paper and am a bit confused on...

I had a question about ethnicity. I'm writing a paper and am a bit confused on the word ethnicity. For example if a person is half asian and half white with some european ancestry what would you consider their ethnicity to be? And how does that differ from race?

In: Psychology

Do you know anyone with chronic pain?what can you you do as nurses to assist these...

Do you know anyone with chronic pain?what can you you do as nurses to assist these patients that believe they have no where to go during the opioid crisis? How can the opioid crisis be addressed, while encompassing chronic pain patients?

In: Psychology

An ethnographer spends 3 weeks in a new culture and then returns home to begin examining...

An ethnographer spends 3 weeks in a new culture and then returns home to begin examining the data she collected. What is inappropriate about her method?

In: Psychology

Explain the reasoning behind Harlow’s decision to conduct his famous experiment on monkeys. Explain the experimental...

Explain the reasoning behind Harlow’s decision to conduct his famous experiment on monkeys. Explain the experimental setup, the findings, and his conclusions. In your opinion was his experiment worth the “cost”, in terms of the cost to the monkeys’ wellbeing as compared to the knowledge we gained from this research.

In: Psychology

Write a 500- to 750-word opinion paper on what treatment approach seems best suited for adolescent...

Write a 500- to 750-word opinion paper on what treatment approach seems best suited for adolescent substance use disorders treatment and why.

In: Psychology

Discuss the impact of the “inter-war” years. ?

Discuss the impact of the “inter-war” years. ?

In: Psychology

Module 10: Social Psychology Choose one of the following social psychology experiments: · The Stanford Prison...

Module 10: Social Psychology Choose one of the following social psychology experiments: · The Stanford Prison Study · Sherif’s Cooperation Study · Asch’s Line Study · Milgram’s Electric Shock Study Using your chosen study, discuss why you believe the study participants behaved as they did under the various social pressures. Include in your discussion, how the various applicable principles of Social Psychology learned in this Module apply to your chosen study and discussion. In this discussion, you should be able to demonstrate familiarity with the principles from social psychology, primarily from the assigned readings and powerpoints. You should not simply give your opinion regarding the participants. Instead, apply the principles to your discussion of the participants.

In: Psychology

What are conceptual and operational definitions? Give both types for the term "religious." How are independent...

What are conceptual and operational definitions? Give both types for the term "religious." How are independent variables in experiments different from those in quasi-experimental designs? What type of IV is often used in an ex post facto study?

In: Psychology

Do you think mental development is mostly due to biological brain growth or social factors (Use...

Do you think mental development is mostly due to biological brain growth or social factors (Use Piaget and his critics to answer this question)?

In: Psychology

Phase 1 ; not going to go into detials but only one person suffered seizures. she...

Phase 1 ; not going to go into detials but only one person suffered seizures. she was a femaile and consumed the correct dose.

The Phase II study:

Placebo-Controlled: 50 patients recieve the placebo (25 f and 25 m)

Actualy Drug: 25 patients recieve the drug (3 f and 22 m)






avoidance of killing.  

what ethical principles are being violated and why? i want to touch on all of them, but which ones are most important and why ?

In: Psychology

Access the article entitled “Biofeedback: Listen to the body” written by Alexander and Steefel (1995). After...

Access the article entitled “Biofeedback: Listen to the body” written by Alexander and Steefel (1995). After reading this informative article, answer any two of the following questions: Alexander & Steefel, 1995.pdf

  • What are the seven uses of biofeedback training discussed in the article?
  • What is an EMG, and what is it used for?
  • What is the key to success in biofeedback training?
  • Is it possible to control the blood flow in one’s finger?

Be sure to support your assertions and demonstrate the psychological relevance of your answers.

In: Psychology