
In: Psychology

Match the defense mechanism with the example. Bob frequently becomes angry with his boss, but never...

Match the defense mechanism with the example.

Bob frequently becomes angry with his boss, but never expresses that anger. Instead, Bob goes to the gym after work every day and works out. Bob is probably using the defense mechanism __________.

      [ Choose ]            Sublimation            Displacement            Reaction formation            Regression            Rationalization            Projection            Denial      

Johnny's mother spanks him while his friends are present. He feels angry and humiliated. At school he bullies other children. His behavior may be an example of

      [ Choose ]            Sublimation            Displacement            Reaction formation            Regression            Rationalization            Projection            Denial      

A man crusades against pornography to keep his own feelings of frustrated sexuality repressed. His behavior is an example of

      [ Choose ]            Sublimation            Displacement            Reaction formation            Regression            Rationalization            Projection            Denial      


Expert Solution

1.The correct answer is option a sublimation

Explanation : Sublimation can be defined as the defense mechanism where socially unacceptable impulses are converted into socially acceptable once. In the above example Bob feels angry with his boss but can't express it as it's socially unacceptable and would cost him his job.Therefore to channelise this anger he goes to gym everyday. This is sublimation.

2.The correct answer to this question is option B that is displacement.

Explanation : Displacement is transfer of negative emotion from a more threatening stimulus or event to a less threatening one. In the above example after Johnny's mother spanks him in front of his friends and he feels humiliated, hehinstead goes to school and bullies others as he cant express that anger towards his mother.

3. The correct answer to this question is option c that is reaction formation.

Explanation : Reaction formation can be defined as the conversion of anxiety producing thoughts and impulses into the opposite one. Here as feelings of sexuality are anxiety producing therefore the man crusades against pornography the opposite of his original anxiety producing stimulus

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