You learned about various theories surrounding the determination of one’s sexual orientation. In addition, you learned...

You learned about various theories surrounding the determination of one’s sexual orientation. In addition, you learned about some of the limitations and criticisms of the research.

Explain briefly (in 1-2 paragraphs) your understanding of the research on origins of sexual orientation.

Why is it important to understand what determines one’s sexual orientation? Consider ethical, legal, and social implications. If you do not think it is important to understand the origins, please explain.

Based on what you have learned in your readings within the class and your textbook, make a hypothesis as to where you think the research might lead.

Write your initial response to each part in 3–4 paragraphs. Support your arguments with research, applying APA standards to citation of sources.

In: Psychology

Define and describe normative influence, conformity, obedience. Discuss how these three social influences are related to...

Define and describe normative influence, conformity, obedience. Discuss how these three social influences are related to desire to be socially accepted by others

In: Psychology

John Brown and his raid on Harper's Ferry consider this question, is John Brown a hero...

John Brown and his raid on Harper's Ferry consider this question, is John Brown a hero or a terrorist? Does his cause determine the answer to this question? Think about earlier in the semester when you discussed whether or not the Sons of Liberty were terrorists and the criteria that you used to make that decision. When applying that same criteria to John Brown, does your label for him change?In 250 words

In: Psychology

You should aim for a list of 5-10 questions that focus on your thesis area. Thesis...

You should aim for a list of 5-10 questions that focus on your thesis area.

Thesis statement: Although there is controversy on the morality and ethic toward living organisms, businesses should be granted patents to modify genes and organisms because it will increase investment, encourage innovation, and foster accountability.

Please help me come up with a questionnaire based on the above thesis statement.

In: Psychology

Where do you see yourself working in three to five years from now? * minimum 350...

Where do you see yourself working in three to five years from now? * minimum 350 words

In: Psychology

In your own words, briefly explain what is meant by Social Psychology.  If you were to...

In your own words, briefly explain what is meant by Social Psychology.  If you were to research any question in the field of Social Psychology, what question would you seek to answer, and how might this differ from the questions asked by a related field, like Sociology or Personality Psychology?  What research methods would you use to address your question?  Explain why you chose this method and discuss ethical concerns associated with using this method.  Support your answer with scholarly content from this week’s readings, as well as personal experience.
Please answer with an original response, not from the website. Thank you.

In: Psychology

Essay on how tourism impacts the environment

Essay on how tourism impacts the environment

In: Psychology

Bordo claims that "[c]ultural interpretation is an ongoing, always incomplete process, and no one gets the...

  1. Bordo claims that "[c]ultural interpretation is an ongoing, always incomplete process, and no one gets the final word." What evidence does she offer to demonstrate that this is, indeed,the case? (Identify at least two examples.)

In: Psychology

What will your great grandparents say how things has change from todays date, from back in...

What will your great grandparents say how things has change from todays date, from back in there time 60 years ago. What will they have done differently.

In: Psychology

When should you run post hoc tests? Why would you conduct a post hoc test? Explain...

When should you run post hoc tests?

Why would you conduct a post hoc test?

Explain why not just run three different t-Tests, one comparing groups 1 and 2, one comparing groups 1 and 3, and one comparing groups 2 and 3?

Provide an example in which you would need to run a post-hoc test.

In: Psychology

Based on story " The Bear Came Over The Mountain"What point of view does the author...

Based on story " The Bear Came Over The Mountain"What point of view does the author employ in this story? How does it serve the story?

In: Psychology

You are to write a paper about evaluating sources. The paper is to be single spaced...

You are to write a paper about evaluating sources. The paper is to be single spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1” margins and at least one page long but not to exceed four pages. Answer the following questions or discuss the following items in your paper: 1. What’s the point? Why should anyone care about the validity of sources? 2. Discuss methods for evaluating sources. Are there different methods for different types of sources? 3. What is the peer review process? 4. Do moderated sites like Wikipedia meet the criteria to be considered peer reviewed? Why or Why not. 5. Are popular news magazines such as Time or Wired Magazines valuable, reliable sources of information for research papers? Why or why not? 6. What is bias and how can it effect the validity of a source?

In: Psychology

In separate threads, explain how one’s position on the political spectrum guides the construction of global...

In separate threads, explain how one’s position on the political spectrum guides the construction of global poverty as well as the solution to this problem.?

In: Psychology

Discuss the historical development of technology and the effect of a society’s technology in affecting the...

Discuss the historical development of technology and the effect of a society’s technology in affecting the natural environment.?

In: Psychology

Why on average adolescents experience a decline in self esteem

Why on average adolescents experience a decline in self esteem

In: Psychology