40. One of your clients intentionally simulates physical and psychological symptoms such as pains, panic attacks,...

40. One of your clients intentionally simulates physical and psychological symptoms such as pains, panic attacks, etc. (you know that external incentives for the condition like getting disability money are absent). What will be your diagnosis for these symptoms? a. bipolar disorder b. dissociative fugue c. factitious disorder d. pathological lying e. truth-denial disorder 41. Delusions and hallucinations are two different names of the similar psychological experience. a. true b. false 42. Phobias are common in children. a. true b. false 43. Conduct disorder is not diagnosed in girls. a. true b. false 44. Autism is another name for dissociative identity disorder. a. true b. false 45. Key symptoms of conversion disorder include problems with movements. a. true b. false 46. Autism is not being diagnosed in some countries. a. true b. false 47. The term “erotomania” refers to a category of delusions. a. true b. false 48. About 9% of global population is affected by schizophrenia. a. true b. false 49. Schizophrenia is incurable. a. true b. false 50. Paranoid delusions are commonly associated with overwhelming fear. a. true b. false

In: Psychology

How would a symbolic interactionist explain the following statement, "Alternative medical treatments are most effective for...

How would a symbolic interactionist explain the following statement, "Alternative medical treatments are most effective for those patients who believe that they will work."

In: Psychology

What dominant group determines who are minority groups in our culture? How are prejudice, discrimination and...

What dominant group determines who are minority groups in our culture? How are prejudice, discrimination and racisim visible in our culture and in our culture and in our society? Share a personal example where you have experienced or witnessed prejudice, discrimination or racism and how it affected you.

In: Psychology

As an individual who may want to consider sports management as a career, what steps would...

As an individual who may want to consider sports management as a career, what steps would you take to ensure that athletes are not discriminated against due to age and ability?

In: Psychology

As you have been witnessing, historically science has been an elite road traveled by the rich,...

As you have been witnessing, historically science has been an elite road traveled by the rich, religious leaders, and the privately educated. Today, we are seeing a movement in STEM and STEAM to promote scientific endeavors in the public school system and in the community. In fact, you have just finished a community based science project. Your job is to compare and contrast the ways in which science was disseminated throughout the culture in the renaissance to today. Your ultimate question to answer is...

Is our education system serving scientific thought and the creation of new scientists and scientific discovery?

Hint: You may wish to look at what STEM and STEAM programs are and what the NGSS standards are for public education.


Four different sources using APA citation

500 words or less

A complete thesis statement

Evidence and Analysis that prove your point of view

Accurate quotations from your sources

Source :

In: Psychology

3. In the first unit of this module, we discussed the neural basis for learning and...

3. In the first unit of this module, we discussed the neural basis for learning and memory. a. Describe the process of LTP. Be detailed in your response. b. Whereas LTP is an increase in the effectiveness of synapses, LTD is a process by which specific sets of synapses are selectively weakened. Calcium is involved in both LTP and LTD. Explain how different concentrations of calcium would lead to LTP vs. LTD. Be specific in your response, including the enzymes activated by calcium and the downstream changes to the number of receptors embedded in the postsynaptic membrane

In: Psychology

Name two theories of crime and causes? Is it possible to blend both theories?

Name two theories of crime and causes? Is it possible to blend both theories?

In: Psychology

You are developing a new drug to treat Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). You know that patients...

You are developing a new drug to treat Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). You know that patients do not show clinical signs of improvement when they begin taking an SSRI. Your goal is to create a drug that will result in immediate improvement for patients, and can be used with SSRIs initially, and discontinued once the SSRI becomes fully effective. a. Explain how SSRIs affect transmission at serotonin synapses, and why clinical effects are not seen immediately after a patient starts taking this medication. b. What part of neuronal transmission would you target with your drug? Why would this alleviate the issue with SSRIs?

In: Psychology

identify the principle or principles of Catholic Social Teaching that you believe are most important today....

identify the principle or principles of Catholic Social Teaching that you believe are most important today. You also might consider reviewing the documentary film, Surviving Progress, to bolster your engagement with and understanding of the issues from a more secular perspective.

In: Psychology

personal Learning Journal Pre-unit self-assessment Name: Unit topic: ORGANIZATION I would rate my current knowledge or...

personal Learning Journal

Pre-unit self-assessment



I would rate my current knowledge or skill level with the topic as:

This is completely new to me

I have heard of this, but I've never done it

I have heard of the topic and I have completed tasks related to it

I am familiar with the topic and have a lot of practice with it

I gave myself this rating because:

Two goals I have for myself with this topic/two things I would like to be even better at regarding

this topic are:

Goal 1:

Goal 2:

Follow-up reflection

(The following section is to be completed at the beginning of the following unit)

Did you achieve your learning goals for this unit? How do you know? Use the space below to

provide a 1-2 paragraph reflection that answers these questions

In: Psychology

What are some of the common myths about sexual harassment, rape, and abuse? What do all...

What are some of the common myths about sexual harassment, rape, and abuse? What do all these myths reveal about society’s attitudes toward men and women?

Imagine that you have been appointed to a national committee to address the problems of sexual harassment, rape, and abuse. What recommendations would you make for government policy, the legal system, universities, business institutions, the media, and educational programs?

In: Psychology

13. Ralf is a 9 year-old boy; he was scared by sound of a thunderstorm in...

13. Ralf is a 9 year-old boy; he was scared by sound of a thunderstorm in 2010. Nobody was injured and no destruction took place. How likely it is that Ralf, because of this incident, would develop PTSD later in life? a. very likely b. somewhat likely c. very unlikely d. almost certainly, he has already developed a stress-related disorder 14. Delusion of communication was discussed in class. What is it? a. it is another name for hallucinations b. beliefs that all journalists are demons c. beliefs in being a communication major d. beliefs in being connected to other people, God, or the Devil e. beliefs about knowing many languages 15. Echolalia or echopraxia are symptoms that are common features of: a. PTSD b. Autism c. Bipolar Disorder d. delusion of reference e. catatonia 16. What are most typical psychological symptoms that accompany acculturative stress? a. hallucinations and delusions b. sleep disturbances caused by eating problems and sudden weight loss c. violent acts against relatives and friends d. anger, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and low self-esteem e. sleep disturbances, guilty feelings, and beliefs in own power, and ability to dominate other people 17. Why don’t most professionals such as firefighters and doctors working in emergency rooms develop symptoms of PTSD? a. because they take medication in the morning b. because they take special medication once a week c. because they are on therapy d. because they typically don’t experience intense fear when witnessing traumas e. because they have a genetic resistance to stress and fear 18. Symptoms such as failure to make eye contact, social withdrawal, lack of spoken language, and repetitive behaviors are among major symptoms of which disorder? a. PTSD b. ADD c. ADHD d. Tourette’s Disorder e. Autistic Disorder 19. What is the third group of symptoms typically identified in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? (The first one is Inattention, the second is Hyperactivity) a. excessive anxiety b. hallucinations c. motor tics d. obsessions and compulsions e. impulsivity 20. A person witnesses a traumatic event but does not develop symptoms of Stress Disorder. How common is this? a. this is very unusual: the person must develop a stress disorder b. this is unusual: most people develop a stress disorder under these circumstances c. this is common: most people in such circumstances don’t develop a stress disorder d. this is common but only in men e. women almost always develop a stress disorder in such circumstances 21. People who develop schizophrenia fall under the rule of “three thirds”. What is this rule? a. the rule explains that why women are not diagnosed with this illness b. the rule explains the negative symptoms of this illness c. the rule explains the positive symptoms of this illness d. the rule predicts how many people would likely to recover from illness e. the rule explains that why children are not diagnosed with this illness

In: Psychology

For this task you will examine the experiments of Loftus and Gardner. Describe and analyze each...

For this task you will examine the experiments of Loftus and Gardner. Describe and analyze each of these experiments. You will prepare two separate analyses; for each analysis, include the following:

A brief summary of the study

A one paragraph explanation of   the background in the field leading up to the study, and the reasons the researchers carried out the project.

The significance of the study to the field of psychology

A brief discussion of supportive or contradictory follow-up research findings and subsequent questioning or criticism from others in the field  

A summary of at least one recent experiment (within the past two years) that is related to the seminal experiment (Hint: Excellent sources for recent research summaries are the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology and the Association for Psychological Science).

Your own evaluation of whether the breakthrough experiments of Drs. Gardner and Loftus were examples of genius, the zeitgeist, or some other factor. Use their own autobiographical accounts as well as your analyses of their experiments and personal stories to support your opinion.

In: Psychology

1. For school counselors: A teenage boy has had a sudden drop in grades, totally out...

1. For school counselors: A teenage boy has had a sudden drop in grades, totally out of character. When you see him for your first session what would be some of the questions you would ask him in your initial assessment? What might you look for?

2. An elderly man comes in for therapy 4 months after his wife died. He says he is there because his family is making him. How would you differentiate between normal grieving and major depression. What questions would you ask and what do you look for?

3. What is there to learn for the legacy of loss and traumatic experience (such as Jews in holocaust, being a veteran) and how it plays a role in a persons life? What cues do we look for in a persons history to see if they did experience it?

4. How is family intervention and family therapy beneficial and how did family therapy evolve from the intrapsychic psychoanalytic and psychodynamic models?

In: Psychology

create a piece of content between 500 – 1,000 words promoting a practical approach to a...

create a piece of content between 500 – 1,000 words promoting a practical approach to a healthy lifestyle during college or university years (whichever is relevant to you) and how these habits can be sustained over a lifetime. Please demonstrate knowledge of health and wellness and discuss why healthy living is a lifetime endeavor.

In: Psychology