One essential trait of an effective leader is the ability to be both task oriented and...

One essential trait of an effective leader is the ability to be both task oriented and relationship oriented. Most leaders are either task or relationship oriented; being competent at both can be very challenging. Which of these two options is your stronger orientation? If you were in a leadership position, how would you strengthen the weaker option? If you were the leader of a small business (50 employees), would you adopt a centralized or decentralized structure for your organization? Explain your rationale in some detail. Where do you think your current workplace is in those three areas? (If you are not currently working, then you can use a past workplace for this question.) Do you feel as though that workplace environment has a centralized or a decentralized structure?

In: Psychology

A person expresses his/her identity in a variety of ways. The clothes we wear, the foods...

A person expresses his/her identity in a variety of ways. The clothes we wear, the foods we eat, and the language we speak are all outward projections of “who we are,” or more accurately, “who we think we are” or “want to be.” Biological factors, namely race and sex, are often cited as the source of a person’s identity; however, cultural factors are equally, if not more, important determinants. For example, what makes a person “African”? Must he or she have “black” skin? That can’t be the case, because Africans come in an array of skin pigmentations, including “olive” and “white.” Likewise, would it make sense to consider Australian aborigines or the Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea “African” because many of them have a dark skin color? Certainly not. Rather, people are “African” because they think “African.” And because they think this way, they behave as “Africans.” While it is obviously naïve to think that “African” denotes any specific culture, it is equally naïve to think that “Western” is a culture as well, and yet this gigantic category of identity is often applied to anyone or anything associated with a Euro-American background.

How others interpret the behaviors of an individual or group is also important to the formation of identity. If, for example, a person’s behaviors are considered by others to be representative of the qualities of being “African,” then that person’s self-perception as an “African” is reinforced. However, if others do not agree that the person’s behaviors are typical of an “African,” then a conflict arises in which either the individual must modify their behaviors, thereby altering the perception of them, or the atypical behaviors must be accepted bythe others as properly “African.” If the conflict is not resolved, then the “African” identity of our hypothetical person would be continually questioned. Obviously, discussions of identity easily run the risk of stereotyping. Music plays a vital role in expressions of ethnic identity. Groups and individuals often use music as a way to assert their unique ethnic qualities in relation to others. Outside perceptions of particular musical activities as normative behavior for a group or an individual reinforce the sense of ethnic identity expressed through the music. Along with other cultural elements, such as language, religion, dress, diet, and so on, music shapes how people think about themselves and their role within a society. In many cultures, the expression of ethnic identity through music is an essential aspect of daily life, so understanding and appreciating musical activities is an important part of getting to know how people from these cultures think. Even in cultures where music is considered a specialized activity, much is expressed and revealed through the types of music common to the culture. For example, the glitz and glamour of Super Bowl halftime shows reveals the emphasis American culture places on extravagant entertainment, even though these music performances are certainly not representative of all the music found in the United States.

please read this part of music identity and and write summery about it. thanks

In: Psychology

Describe at least five (5) ways in which biology influences human behavior.

Describe at least five (5) ways in which biology influences human behavior.

In: Psychology

Which of the “relationship investments” Building Trust, Performance, and Profit through People did you see Paula...

Which of the “relationship investments” Building Trust, Performance, and Profit through People did you see Paula put into action? What “positive returns” were evident? What stands out as the main difference between transformational versus servant leadership principles. Explain why you think employees under a management team using a servant leadership mentality enjoy their jobs more.

In: Psychology

Training professionals continue to debate whether the ISD model is flawed. Do you believe that ISD...

Training professionals continue to debate whether the ISD model is flawed. Do you believe that ISD is a useful process? Why or why not? Are there certain situations when it is a more (or less) effective way to design training?

In: Psychology

Research issues of race and ethnicity that cause individuals to fall into the vulnerable population category....

Research issues of race and ethnicity that cause individuals to fall into the vulnerable population category. What makes them vulnerable? Why? What resources are currently available to provide the services needed for this group? Write up a report on your findings

In: Psychology

be observant of your spouse, your children, your co-workers, and/or your boss. We have a tendency...

be observant of your spouse, your children, your co-workers, and/or your boss. We have a tendency to love others the way we want to be loved. Which of the languages of appreciation do they use most when interacting with others? How can you change the way you interact with them to be more loving to them in ways that speak to their own language of appreciation? What is the return on investment in a workplace from providing appreciation and encouragement to your employees?What would be two examples of authentic appreciation, if a co-worker’s language of appreciation was “Acts of Service”? Put into action, at least, one act of service that you came up with. Explain how you feel it impacted the person and/or how he or she responded. How did the act of serving someone else affect you? Do you think a person’s language of appreciation changes over time? Explain.

In: Psychology

Is the world overpopulated? What are the arguments for the notion that the world is overpopulated?...

Is the world overpopulated? What are the arguments for the notion that the world is overpopulated? What are some alternative approaches to this topic?

In: Psychology

what does it mean to be free? make reference to Satre, and Beauvoir.

what does it mean to be free? make reference to Satre, and Beauvoir.

In: Psychology

Name (2) Parenting Styles. Tell what are the Pro's and Con's in each style in raising...

Name (2) Parenting Styles. Tell what are the Pro's and Con's in each style in raising an Adolescent. (focus on the teenage years) Use facts, research and your opinion.

In: Psychology

This is a post from one of my classmate from a group discussion. Ineed a response...

This is a post from one of my classmate from a group discussion. Ineed a response for this post. Thanks!

During WW1 farms were turned into battle fields or had been left to deteriorate into as agriculture workers were forced into warfare. Making circulation of food difficult. Us became involved by managing the warfare supply, of food through distribution and transportation. According to Schumm “Slogans such as Food will win the war compelled people to avoid wasting precious groceries and encouraged them to eat a multitude of fresh fruits and vegetables, which were to difficult to transport overseas” (2013). All of this was done to maintain the strength of soldiers in war while citizens suffered and began to have less and less food for themselves and their families.


Schumm, L. (2014, May 23). History Food Rationing in Wartime America. Retrieved from A&E Television Networks, LLC.:

In: Psychology

This is a post from one of my classmate from a group discussion. I need a...

This is a post from one of my classmate from a group discussion. I need a response for this post. Thanks!

“Imperialism refers to an imbalance of power in the political sphere, usually among nations. It happens when a stronger nation takes over a weaker one and seeks to gain control of its people, economy and culture.”

When you look at the effects on Africa, it is hard to believe that there was a benefit for its native people. When countries with overcrowding sent their citizens to Africa to colonize, the ultimately imposed their religion, culture and social norms on the native people. While some may say that the colonies development led to more structure it took away the rights of the African people and they were left with little control over their lives.
Countries with overcrowding and limited resources for their citizens moved large numbers of them to Africa, spreading their religion, education, social norms and cultures to that continent. African lands were divided into bureaucratic systems run through indirect rule. While this led to more structure, it left Europeans dictating all aspects of Africans' lives and left very little to their control.
The exploitation of natural resources was another negative effect of the colonization of Africa. In an effort to compete with other nations for economic dominance ( ), European nations expanded their control over African colonies. Local governments were controlled by the Europeans leading to a subordinate group of native people.

Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Brower, D, The World in the Twentieth Century, 7th edition, 2014

In: Psychology

How might the proliferation of various media and the Internet affect the development of eating disorders...

How might the proliferation of various media and the Internet affect the development of eating disorders in cultures not previously impacted by them?

In: Psychology

What is Logotherapy and how has it contributed to our modern day understanding of existential psychology?

What is Logotherapy and how has it contributed to our modern day understanding of existential psychology?

In: Psychology

who are the stakeholder in human trafficking and why?

who are the stakeholder in human trafficking and why?

In: Psychology