1. What is the difference between a cosmopolitan medical system and an ethnomedical system? 2. list...

1. What is the difference between a cosmopolitan medical system and an ethnomedical system? 2. list four medical systems currently in use in india and briefly define each one.

In: Psychology

Provide an essay of 200 words or more. Make sure to pay attention to the requirements!...

Provide an essay of 200 words or more. Make sure to pay attention to the requirements! :)

Topic: Why is experience in a job required?

Between 200 - 500 words
Must be free of plagiarism
Proper grammar and no spelling mistakes
Failing to meet our quality standards will result in rejected essay.
At least one example of correct use of all of the following:
Quote Marks*
Citation in APA format (at least one resource)*

In: Psychology

Why is it important to learn about the 4 concepts below: Compulsory reproduction: refers to the...

Why is it important to learn about the 4 concepts below:

Compulsory reproduction: refers to the societal pressure for women to reproduce. CM is the idea that women are socially coerced into viewing motherhood as necessary and obligatory part of the female experience

Human Body is socially constructed: our ideas, beliefs, and expectations for (our) bodies are influenced by social factors (culture, gender, sex

Teen Pregnancy

PMS: a group of physical and mood-based symptoms that women can experience prior to menstruation

In: Psychology

Why do you think it is important to study eight perspectives of personality psychology? Which personality...

Why do you think it is important to study eight perspectives of personality psychology? Which personality theory is correct and why?

In: Psychology

What are two broad areas of research that lead us to believe that some behavioral/personality characteristics...

What are two broad areas of research that lead us to believe that some behavioral/personality characteristics may be biologically (genetically/hormonally) determined? (1. Experimental data from animal studies/ 2. Studies of humans who have experienced prenatal genetic or hormonal anomalies.)

Give one specific example of research that points to this conclusion.

In: Psychology

1. Explain the role of context in sending messages. Also discuss how messages are influenced by...

1. Explain the role of context in sending messages. Also discuss how messages are influenced by culture and gender.
2. Why is plagiarism important? What ethical obligation do you have to not engage in this behavior?

Its a human communication question

In: Psychology

What is an example of "globilization" in Roman Times? (Anthropology question).

What is an example of "globilization" in Roman Times? (Anthropology question).

In: Psychology

As per The Humanities Through the Arts, "Contemporary rituals such as some weddings and funerals involve...

As per The Humanities Through the Arts, "Contemporary rituals such as some weddings and funerals involve motion that can be thought of as dance motion." What is another contemporary ritual that involves dance motion?

"Do we need to know the meanings of the ritual gestures in order to appreciate the motion of the ritual?" Why or why not?

In: Psychology

i need a 500 word essay on the below “COVID-19 has drastically impacted the world and...

i need a 500 word essay on the below

“COVID-19 has drastically impacted the world and will continue to change how society views our home as a place of living, working, and studying. As you reflect on the global pandemic and the beginning of your professional life, tell us what you would like to start doing, stop doing, and keep on doing.”

In: Psychology

" Because it does not occur face-to-face, bullies are able to mete out pain without witnessing...

" Because it does not occur face-to-face, bullies are able to mete out pain without witnessing the consequences and victims often cannot stand up for themselves, even if they are so inclined"

what do you recieve from the reading above?

In: Psychology

read and answer the questions In The Age Of Legalization, Talking To Kids About Marijuana Gets...

read and answer the questions

In The Age Of Legalization, Talking To Kids About Marijuana Gets Tougher Anna Gorman Nov. 10, 2017 KHN Kaiser Health News
After Yarly Raygoza attended a drug prevention program at the Boys & Girls Club in Westminster, Calif., last year, she used what she learned to talk a few friends out of using marijuana. The 14-year-old took the class again this year but worries that counseling her friends will become more difficult. Medical marijuana has been legal in California for more than 20 years, but experts say a new law on recreational marijuana could prompt more youths to believe that the drug is safe. The legalization of recreational marijuana for adults in California and other states makes things harder for youth-oriented drug education and prevention programs. Teachers are trying to explain the risks of marijuana just as stores are preparing to open and marketers are planning campaigns. Last November, voters approved Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, making California one of eight states—plus the District of Columbia—to legalize the drug for recreational use. The measure immediately made it legal for those 21 and older to possess up to 1 ounce, or about 28.5 grams, of cannabis. It delayed legal pot sales by licensed stores until January 2018. Recreational marijuana is now legal for adults in California, which could bring a massive boom in drug sales and advertising when stores can begin selling the drug without a prescription in January. But it's bringing a new challenge, too. Raygoza believes that as more people 21 and older use marijuana legally, teenagers will have trouble understanding that they shouldn't use it. Teens may also have easier access to the drug as recreational pot shops start to open, on top of the already plentiful medical marijuana shops sprinkled throughout the state, she says. "Now that there are so many shops ... kids have a better chance of getting their hands on it," she says. "And having a discussion with them like this could be a little harder." "That is an unintended consequence of legalization," says Pam Luna, a consultant with the Rand Corporation, a nonpartisan research organization. "They think that if it's legal, it must be OK." Luna, who trains teachers on drug prevention education, said legalization has also prompted questions and confusion among young people. They may be getting misinformation—and peer pressure—through social media, she says. While evidence shows that medical marijuana can help ease chronic pain and other conditions, use of the drug is linked to poor respiratory health and increased car accidents. Among adolescents, marijuana use can have negative effects on their cognitive and mental health. Recent studies show that teens who use marijuana frequently exhibit lower cognitive performance and brain function than those who don't. They also perform worse in school. Despite that, teen perception of the harms of marijuana has dropped over time and many think it's safer than alcohol, according to Elizabeth D’Amico, a senior behavioral scientist at Rand. Currently, more than half of 10th- and 12thgraders believe that smoking marijuana isn't dangerous, according to a recent Rand report.
Adolescents in states with legal medical marijuana are less likely to believe the drug is harmful, research shows. "The changing legal landscape has a lot to do with adolescents' changing perceptions," D'Amico says. "That's why we really need to change the conversation around this drug." That conversation should remind young people about the drug's potential harms and that recreational marijuana in California is still illegal for those under 21, she says. D'Amico recently made a video for parents about how to talk to kids about marijuana. The California State Department of Public Health recently unveiled a website called "Let's Talk Cannabis" to explain the law. Underage users will have to complete community service and undergo drug education or counseling if they are caught smoking, buying or possessing marijuana, the website says. Advertising is another factor that may complicate drug prevention education for young people, says Stanton Glantz, a professor at the University of California—San Francisco School of Medicine University who focuses on tobacco, e-cigarette and marijuana issues. Exposure to marijuana advertising is associated with a higher likelihood of using marijuana one year later, according to research. "It's just everywhere now, and the market hasn't been fully opened," he says. "It's the same thing as alcohol and cigarette advertising. It is all directed at normalizing it and presenting it as a fun thing to do." D'Amico says she and her children see the ongoing changes near their house in the San Fernando Valley, California. "It just creates a conversation pretty much every day because a new billboard pops up on our way to school," she says. To provide middle school students with up-to-date information about alcohol, marijuana and smoking, D'Amico developed a voluntary program called Project CHOICE, which is used by after-school programs like the Boys & Girls Club. In five sessions, participants role-play and discuss how to make healthful choices. They also talk about the pros and cons of marijuana and the differences between medical and recreational use. During the first session at the Boys & Girls Club of Westminster, California, recently, facilitator Jeovan Davila asked the group of students what percentage of eighth-graders they believed used marijuana over the past 30 days. The guesses ranged from 10 percent to 60 percent. When Davila told them the correct answer was about 7 percent, the group looked surprised. Davila said he doesn't lecture teens about what's right and wrong. Rather, he gives them facts to help them make their own decisions in the future. For example, if they know that most of their peers don't use marijuana, perhaps they will be less likely to use it. With the legalization of marijuana and the discussion on social media, Davila has seen young people talking about the drug more. During the class, some said teens might want to use because they see their family members using marijuana legally. "The kids do bring it up," he says. "We've just got to be ready, letting them know the facts."

What is the overall main idea of Anna Gorman's article “In The Age Of Legalization, Talking To Kids About Marijuana Gets Tougher” (2017)?

Teenagers in states where cannabis use has been legalized understand the facts about marijuana, including the health risks and dangers.
In states where marijuana use is legalized are often unaware of the disadvantages of using cannabis, especially for them as adolescents.
Fewer teens smoke pot in states where marijuana is a Schedule 1 illegal drug.
More adolescents smoke pot in states where marijuana is a Schedule 1 illegal drug.

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Question 21 pts

Who is NOT a person whom writer Anna Gorman quotes and paraphrases to support her main point that teenagers in states where recreational marijuana is legal are confused and misinformed about the harms of using cannabis?

14-year-old Yarly Raygoza
Rand Corporation consultant Pam Luna
Rand Corporation behavioral scientist and mother Elizabeth D'Amico
University of California--San Francisco School of Medicine professor Stanton Glantz
Boys & Girls Club facilitator Jeovan Davila
Kaiser Health News journalist Anna Gorman

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Question 31 pts

How many expert authorities does use Gorman for evidence to support the main idea that many adolescents are confused and misinformed about cannabis?

two authorities
three experts
four expert authorities
five experts

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Question 41 pts

According to 14-year-old Yarly Raygoza, what is NOT one of the challenges she and other teenagers face in places where adults over 21 can legally use cannabis?

Adolescents may fail to realize that they should not use pot.
Teens may more easily have access to marijuana since many shops sell it to adults.
It will be more difficult to talk about the dangers of cannabis with her peers.
Teenagers who smoke pot, thus breaking the law, won't be happy about penalties such as community service and drug counseling or education.

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Question 51 pts

According to Rand Corporation consultant Pam Luna, what is the unintended consequence of legalizing marijuana for adults aged 21 and older?

Teenagers may think using cannabis is okay because it is legal.
Teens who break the law and smoke pot will have to pay for their crime by doing community service and undergoing drug education or counseling.
Adolescents will realize that smoking or consuming pot will negatively affect their school performance.
Luna believes that there are no unintended consequences of legalizing marijuana.

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Question 61 pts

Gorman acknowledges that there is evidence for at least one positive reason to use cannabis.  Which benefit does she mention?

Marijuana improves breathing problems and reduces car accidents.
Medical marijuana helps reduce pain for people who suffer from some diseases and ailments.
Smoking "weed" helps teen and adult users relax and feel "high."
Recreational cannabis reduces the incidence of cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse.

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Question 71 pts

Which expert or authority does Gorman cite (mention) regarding the fact that some teenagers perceive cannabis as safer than alcohol?

Yarley Raygoza
Pam Luna
Elizabeth D'Amico
Jeovan Davila
Kaiser Health News

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Question 81 pts

Professor Stanton Glantz from the University of California--San Francisco School of Medicine contends that marijuana advertisingpromotes a specific message. What is that advertising message?

Using cannabis is normal and fun, just like smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.
Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol is less dangerous than using marijuana.
Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes is more dangerous than consuming cannabis.
Using marijuana is as dangerous as smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

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Question 91 pts

How does Gorman conclude her article about the challenge of discussing marijuana with adolescents?

Teens need to know the facts and up-to-date research information about the risks of cannabis use.
Parents and teachers shouldn't worry about talking to teens about the facts of using cannabis; they'll figure it out on their own.
Adolescents are not intelligent enough to make healthy choices about smoking pot.
Adults who use marijuana legally are setting a good example for adolescents.

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Question 101 pts

Which of the following is the best topic sentence for a one-paragraph summary of Gorman's article?

The KHN Kaiser Health News article “In The Age Of Legalization, Talking To Kids About Marijuana Gets Tougher” explores the effects on teenagers, parents and drug educators of legalizing recreational marijuana for adults 21 and older in California.
“In The Age Of Legalization, Talking To Kids About Marijuana Gets Tougher” is an interesting article written by Anna Gorman for KHN Kaiser Health News(2017).
The main point of the article “In The Age Of Legalization, Talking To Kids About Marijuana Gets Tougher" is how legal cannabis in California has made it very challenging for teenagers, parents and drug educators to discuss the issue.
In her article “In The Age Of Legalization, Talking To Kids About Marijuana Gets Tougher,” Anna Gorman (2017) examines the effects on teenagers, parents and drug educators of legalizing recreational marijuana for adults 21 and older in California.

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Question 111 pts

A common persuasion technique that writers use to convince readers that they are credible (truthful, believable) is ethical appeal to authority (ethos). Review Sean Williams' article "Three Arguments for Legalizing Marijuana" (2017) and compare it to Anna Gorman's article. Which writer uses the ethos rhetorical strategy of presenting evidence based on quotations from experts or those with knowledgeable or professional experience?

Both Williams and Gorman
Neither Williams nor Gorman

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Question 121 pts

Another rhetorical strategy that writers use to persuade readers of their credibility and authority is an appeal to logical reasoning (logos). Logic is often supported by the use of facts, statistics and data. Which writer, Williams or Gorman, presents more statistics and numbers as persuasive evidence for his or her logical argument (logos)?

Both Williams and Gorman
Neither Gorman nor Williams

In: Psychology

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In: Psychology

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In: Psychology

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In: Psychology

Define equality/diversity? How does diversity and equality work together? Give examples.

Define equality/diversity? How does diversity and equality work together? Give examples.

In: Psychology