More specifically, according to the Mueller Indictments, how did the Russians use the following entities to...

More specifically, according to the Mueller Indictments, how did the Russians use the following entities to their advantage (and to America’s disadvantage) during the 2016 election?

Give an example of each one:

a. Intelligence-gathering to inform U.S. operations

b. Use of U.S. social media platforms

c. Use of U.S. computer infrastructure

d. Use of stolen U.S. identities

In: Psychology

Is it always best to look at the positive aspect of the situation? Give an example.

Is it always best to look at the positive aspect of the situation? Give an example.

In: Psychology

Popular culture has taken many psychological experiments out of context.For example, Sperry’s “Split Brain” experiment has...

Popular culture has taken many psychological experiments out of context.For example, Sperry’s “Split Brain” experiment has led many to inaccurately believe that the right side of the brain is “creative,” while the left side of the brain is “logical.” Explain why people would have come to that conclusion. In other words, what was it about Sperry’s experiment that pointed to that outcome?

In: Psychology

John is a happy man with a healthy appetite and sex drive. After a farm accident,...

John is a happy man with a healthy appetite and sex drive. After a farm accident, John’s emotions are, overall, decreased and erratic. He gains weight and loses all interest in sexual relations with his wife. No longer feeling adequate in comparison to his neighbors, John thinks about suicide and drugs. From what you know about motivation, stress, emotions and personality what could be going on with John? How would you treat John for his problems if you were his therapist (choose one or two perspectives)?

In: Psychology

Did you experience the hidden curriculum in your educational experience? How so? If not, why do...

Did you experience the hidden curriculum in your educational experience? How so? If not, why do you think you did not experience the hidden curriculum?

At the end of your educational journey will you have more, less, or the same amount of education as your parents? Do you think the value of a degree has increased or decreased from the past to the present? What evidence informs your belief about the value of education?

In: Psychology

How does one distinguish the new global terrorism from terrorism that occurred in the 1960s and...

How does one distinguish the new global terrorism from terrorism that occurred in the 1960s and before? What characteristics are new and what attributes have remained the same?

In: Psychology

How does fear, stress, and anxiety manifest in the brain? What are ways that we can...

How does fear, stress, and anxiety manifest in the brain? What are ways that we can reduce fear and anxiety?

In: Psychology

Compare the poetry (structure and concerns) of Whitman and Dickinson.

Compare the poetry (structure and concerns) of Whitman and Dickinson.

In: Psychology

Explain in detail how contractarianism may lead to different results from both utilitarianism and egalitarianism in...

Explain in detail how contractarianism may lead to different results from both utilitarianism and egalitarianism in deciding the distribution of medical resourses.

In: Psychology

“A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems.” ——Alfred R ?enyi 1 Paul Erdo...

“A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems.” ——Alfred R ?enyi 1 Paul Erdo ?s, one of the most prolific mathematicians, used amphetamines heavily in order to do math. He complained that math was “set back by a month” when he stopped taking the drug for a month. Do you think cognitive enhancement is permissible? Present what you take to be the strongest argument for your claim in the premise-and-conclusion form and briefly justify the premises. (. No more than 2-3 premises.) Compare cognitive enhancement with doping in sports. Explain what you consider as the most important similarity and the most important difference between them.

In: Psychology

The argument against Procreative Beneficence (PB) based on varieties is as follows: P1. If we practice...

The argument against Procreative Beneficence (PB) based on varieties is as follows:

P1. If we practice PB and select the best genes, then there won’t be good varieties.

P2. We should have varieties.
C. Therefore, we shouldn’t practice PB and select the best genes.

Suppose the technique of genetic modification is at least as advanced as what is shown in Gattaca. One reply to this argument is based on distinguishing between government-directed eugenics and individual-directed eugenics. Elaborate on this reply. (4?) Raise a worry about this reply. You are encouraged to use your own examples to support your claim. (6?)

In: Psychology

The Conversation of resource theory states "Resource loss is more powerful than resources gain". Do you...

The Conversation of resource theory states "Resource loss is more powerful than resources gain". Do you agree with or without the principle. And what plans what you try to avoid loss of resources.

In: Psychology

What are some factors that can make false memories more likely to occur? Do people with...

What are some factors that can make false memories more likely to occur? Do people with certain traits have a higher propensity to have false memories?

In: Psychology

Part of _______ theories contained ideas about mandalas, mantras and the collective unconscious.

Part of _______ theories contained ideas about mandalas, mantras and the collective unconscious.

In: Psychology

In a minimum of 500 words, describe what strategies you can use to map out a...

In a minimum of 500 words, describe what strategies you can use to map out a daily, weekly, and monthly plan. In what ways do you need to become more productive and how can you achieve these productivity goals? Provide specific examples to support your answers.

In: Psychology