
In: Psychology

‘Explain how the categories of skills used for the APT-S framework are also applicable to work...

‘Explain how the categories of skills used for the APT-S framework are also applicable to work or other areas of life’.
(Word Count: 400-500 words, from the book by Stella Cottrell, Skills for Success.)


Expert Solution

The Skills for Success by Stella Cottrell is very helpful for students to create their own personal development programmes and also develop the necessary skills and capabilities needed by the current competition. This will have their own interest and abilities to decide what skills they want to develop to get their dream job.

The skills used for the APT-S framework were also developed by education experts and business leaders that develop skills, knowledge,expertise and all the support needed by students to succed in work, life and citizenship. It had a wide spectrum of talent tools and skills for students to work and develop their skills in their areas of interest.

The framework was so versatile that it could be used in other areas of life apart from the intended development areas. For example it had life and career skills, learning and innovation skills that included critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity programmes that can be used in diverse fields of life. It also had Information and Media Technologies that can be used in almost all walks of ife, it has many global awareness programmes, health, environment, finance and economics that can be used in many other areas of life apart from the chosen programmes. It had many flexible life and career skills, leadership programmes, communication and entrepreneurships programmes that can not only be applied in technical skills but also in management programmes and many other walks of life. The framework was so versatile that it worked on many different aspects of a student's aspirations. The programmes were very flexible and adaptable, they promoted initiative and self direction,developed social and cross cultural skils, increase productivity, accountability,leadership qualities and responsibility to help students to work on many other different areas of life.The programme also provided all the necessary infrastructure and support and provided vast learning environments to help students succeed in their career and other walks of life..

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