search the internet for the Stanford Experiment and see the different perspective about this experiment afer...

search the internet for the Stanford Experiment and see the different perspective about this experiment afer viewing the video, if you have been a guard, do you think you would have been more likely to go along with the other guards or would you have resisted or spoken up about treating the prisoners the way you would have wanted to be treated if the roles had been reversed??

In: Psychology

Below is a table that shows ‘for’ and ‘against’ opinions on the topic: ‘City life is...

Below is a table that shows ‘for’ and ‘against’ opinions on the topic: ‘City life is better than village
life. Discuss.’
Write an essay of about 250 words using ONLY the ideas given in the table. You must write your
opinion in the conclusion
For------------------------------------- Against
Better facilities -------------------- Very noisy and crowded
More friends ---------------------- Too much traffic
More modern --------------------- Too much pollution
Better opportunities for jobs ---Very expensive

In: Psychology

Describe and discuss the concepts of prejudice and discrimination.

Describe and discuss the concepts of prejudice and discrimination.

In: Psychology

what is michael v. university about?

what is michael v. university about?

In: Psychology

Not all of the Colonists were ardent supporters of the Revolution. Comment on the opinions of...

Not all of the Colonists were ardent supporters of the Revolution.

Comment on the opinions of this present-day British Loyalist. It's quite provocative stuff. But before you jump on the Loyalist Bandwagon (as many of my students from past semesters have), keep in mind the perspective of the writer. What are his or her prejudices? Take note of the country of origin of this website. Should we take what he or she is saying with a grain of salt?

In: Psychology

persuasive or argumentative essay on Abortion

persuasive or argumentative essay on Abortion

In: Psychology

Discuss the ethical implications on the topic by conducting a research - Does money make you...

Discuss the ethical implications on the topic by conducting a research - Does money make you mean?

In: Psychology

Listed below are several ways that scientists map the brain. For each method explain how it...

Listed below are several ways that scientists map the brain. For each method explain how it works and what it can, and cannot, tells us:


Electroencephalograph (EEG)

Computed tomography (CT Scans)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

Functional MRI (fMRI)

Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

In: Psychology

Suppose professor Will Fail has been murdered at XXX University. The professor was found stabbed to...

Suppose professor Will Fail has been murdered at XXX University. The professor was found stabbed to death in his office. The police suspect Anne Tagonist is the culprit because Anne recently took Dr. Fail’s class and received an F. Anne is normally an A/B student and was extremely upset by her grade. Rumor has it she even threatened Dr. Fail saying he “would be sorry” he gave her the F. Anne has not been seen since the murder so the police broadcast a picture of her on the local news and put her picture on local billboards to try and find her. Meanwhile, to gather more evidence the police start talking to other students asking if they noticed anything suspicious at the time of Dr. Fail’s murder. One student, who was in Dr. Fail’s class the same semester as Anne, says he saw someone running out of Dr. Fail’s office with some kind of oddly shaped object in hand the day of the murder. To check out their suspicions regarding Anne the police start asking the witness whether the person he saw was female, was about 5’-3” tall, had a red backpack, and wore glasses. They ask these questions because Anne has all these characteristics. Later the student goes to the police station and is asked to pick out the person he saw from a photograph “lineup” of 8 pictures all spread out on a table. The student picks out Anne’s picture. At this point the police are confident Anne is the murderer and prepare to take their evidence to the District Attorney so he can begin putting together his case to prosecute Anne for first degree murder.

Did the police do anything wrong during their investigation? If so, what did they do incorrectly? (2 points)

Should we have any reason to doubt that the student did see Anne running out of Dr. Fail’s office even after the student picked Anne out of the lineup? Whether you answer yes or no, explain why we should/should not have confidence in the student’s identification of Anne from the lineup. (2 points)

In: Psychology

How to write an paper about the relationship between the daughters and monthers in the movie...

How to write an paper about the relationship between the daughters and monthers in the movie "The Joy Club"?

In: Psychology

The Misfit, in Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find" tells the grandmother, “I...

The Misfit, in Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find" tells the grandmother, “I call myself the Misfit, because I can't make what all I done wrong fit what all I gone through in punishment." How does this provide insight into the Misfit as a character, and what does the Misfit represent?

In: Psychology

1) What role do adults play in teaching children gender-appropriate behavior? 2) Doing housework is sometimes...

1) What role do adults play in teaching children gender-appropriate behavior?

2) Doing housework is sometimes referred to as the "second shift."   This is because in many instances, working women are saddled with two jobs, even though they only get paid for one. Read the following piece about the “Second Shift”

3) How about for you? Do the women in your family end up doing all or most of the housework? Is this fair? Is housework a meaningful work activity? Is it something people enjoy doing? Do you or anyone that you know work a second shift inside the home after putting in a 40 hour work week? Explain how the second shift can be a social problem for women today.

In: Psychology

how does police subculture police personality and the blue wall silence contribute to corruption

how does police subculture police personality and the blue wall silence contribute to corruption

In: Psychology

1. What role do cognitive deficits and/or distortions play in conduct problems? 2. Distinguish between life-course-persistent...

1. What role do cognitive deficits and/or distortions play in conduct problems?

2. Distinguish between life-course-persistent and adolescent-limited pathways to antisocial behavior.

In: Psychology

WRITE 2 PAGE ESSAY...NO PLAGIARISM TOPIC:Monitoring toddlers and technology what i personally believe about children why...


TOPIC:Monitoring toddlers and technology

what i personally believe about children
why is important to watch children with technology
what i believe and have noticed about with technology
when I was a child-this how i was

The essay should be written in First person

In: Psychology