Is the italicized phrase a necessary condition or a sufficient condition, or both? 1. To bring...

Is the italicized phrase a necessary condition or a sufficient condition, or both?

1. To bring down a fever, apply a cloth dampened in cold water to the patient’s face, arms, and legs.

2. You cannot get an A average unless you work hard throughout the whole term.

3. To be admitted as a graduate student, applicants must have a four-year honors degree with a 75-per-cent average on all courses taken in their last two years.

4. In Canada only Canadian citizens can be elected prime minister.

5. You have to have good physical coordination to be a good skier.

6. The results of a departmental vote are valid if, and only if, at least 25 per cent of members are present at the meeting in which the vote took place.

7. Essays will be returned to the student without being graded, if they are submitted without a proper bibliography.

In: Psychology

1-What are the principles of nonverbal communication? Discuss at least two nonverbal communication codes. Which codes...

1-What are the principles of nonverbal communication? Discuss at least two nonverbal communication codes. Which codes discussed in this chapter are the most important to you as a professional?

2-Step back and reflect on a time when you received criticism at work or school. How did you respond verbally? How did you respond nonverbally? How did the environment contribute to your communication?

please answer all the questions

this class business and Professional Communication

In: Psychology

List 6 tropic hormones produced by the anterior pituitary and their respective functions.

List 6 tropic hormones produced by the anterior pituitary and their respective functions.

In: Psychology

Why were the US and Filipino forces that surrendered to the Japanese treated so poorly? Which...

Why were the US and Filipino forces that surrendered to the Japanese treated so poorly?

Which account stuck out to you most? Explain why.

In: Psychology

Would you argue that we as a country should continue to authorize the construction and operation...

Would you argue that we as a country should continue to authorize the construction and operation of private prisons?

In: Psychology

The President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has been at the forefront of Ghana’s COVID-19...

The President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has been at the forefront of Ghana’s COVID-19 battle. Identify and explain how he has used the central and peripheral routes to persuasion in his presidential addresses to the nation

In: Psychology

The term gender has been used in the field of social science to define the line...

The term gender has been used in the field of social science to define the line between biological and social differences. Popular culture has transcribed these differences into the nature-versus-nurture debate. In popular culture, the use of these descriptors indicates a complete understanding of the breadth of both socially and biologically determined differences regarding the psychology of gender.

In this assignment, you will imagine you are part of a debate in a communications course. The debate is on the subject of nature versus nurture.

The facilitator will assign you to a debate team either in favor of nature or nurture.

Using the module readings, the online library resources and the Internet, research the subject of nature versus nurture. Select at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed resource for use in this assignment.

Combine your experiences with the research and respond to the following:

Provide a focused introduction that integrates the description of your assigned perspective along with a well-crafted argument.

Provide your closing arguments about why your perspective is more important in determining the psychology of gender and its impact on psychosocial development.

Include one personal example and one extraneous example from your research to support your assertions. The extraneous research example can be from the module readings or from independent research.

In: Psychology

does mental illness increase the risk of violece

does mental illness increase the risk of violece

In: Psychology

Taking the position of an organization development consultant, students should recommend the actions that management might...

Taking the position of an organization development consultant, students should recommend the actions that management might take in order to align the organizational structure with the strategic plan in order to maximize the likelihood that the entity will achieve its directional strategy. You’re an external organization development consultant that has been retained by an academic medical center to assist the leadership team is redesigning their management structure. What key considerations are needed when redesigning the management structure? How do you determine “effective” service line management and leadership structures? As an organizational development consultant, what tactical approach would you recommend managers take to “hardwire” new reporting relationships?

In: Psychology

Q3 Examine the differences in characteristics between the formal group and the informal group. Give examples...

Q3 Examine the differences in characteristics between the formal group and the informal group. Give examples to support your answer.

In: Psychology

In what ways have the following played a role (or not) in our current attitudes about...

In what ways have the following played a role (or not) in our current attitudes about drugs and the War on Drugs: fear; shame; dishonesty; science; money; safety; compassion? (You do not need to address all of these; just the ones you feel are most relevant.) Are there other things that you feel have fueled our approach to drugs and drug use in this country? How have the approaches of other countries dealt with these?

In: Psychology

This activity requires you to spend some time viewing the world using the perspective of the...

This activity requires you to spend some time viewing the world using the perspective of the social construction of disability.

From the social constructionist perspective, disability is created through interaction between individuals and their environments.

Include at least two separate observations.

Each of your observations should illustrate a different way that disability is socially constructed.

Describe what you observed and then briefly explain how your observation illustrates the social construction of disability.

Professors Example: Today I was in line at HEB behind an older person who was moving at a slower pace than the younger people. It was difficult for the older person to manage his cane and use his credit card at the same time. He seemed to have difficulty reading the “prompts” on the credit card device. The person directly behind the older person was noticeably impatient. Clearly the whole setup of the check-out line and credit card device is aimed for people whose hands are free (not needing a cane) and who have good vision. People are also expected to manage the check-out process quickly and keep the line moving. Wendell described the way in which the pace of life does not accommodate anyone who requires more time or needs to rest or needs help opening a door. Our pace of life also does not readily accommodate someone who needs large print on credit card devices and something to lean on to free his hands to manage his wallet and credit card. We create disability by not accommodating variations in vision and mobility.

Today I heard about a school shooting in which several people were killed and others were injured. The violence we allow in society is creating disability for the injured people who may never regain their previous levels of physical functioning. Wendell explicitly mentioned that by failing to protect people from shootings and other violent crimes, society creates disability. In our module on the criminal justice system, we learned that the U.S. has more gun violence than any other country. This and other school shootings suggest that by failing to adequately regulate guns, we are creating disability.

In: Psychology

Counseling issues specific to distance learning and the stresses that online students experience. Propose some of...

Counseling issues specific to distance learning and the stresses that online students experience. Propose some of the difficulties that the distance learner experiences.

In: Psychology

Sport Psychology Solving Common Problems in PST Assume that you're implementing a psychological skills training program...

Sport Psychology

Solving Common Problems in PST

Assume that you're implementing a psychological skills training program for a high school soccer team. Discuss and document how you would solve the following PST problems.

Lack of conviction -

Lack of time -

Lack of sport knowledge -

Lack of follow-up -

In: Psychology

Analyze symbols for the United States Choose two symbols (remember, symbols can be MANY things) prevalent...

Analyze symbols for the United States

Choose two symbols (remember, symbols can be MANY things) prevalent in the United States. For each, explain:

1. Who is likely to have a “symbolic predisposition” toward it. How does this predisposition manifest itself?

2.What ideology incorporates this symbol?

Example: The American Flag is a symbol that represents the United States of America in international settings. American citizens are predisposed toward its meaning. It carries a sense of pride for man; while others see it as a symbol to redress government (i.e., by burning it or flying it upside-down). Immigrants often are predisposed to it as well: seeing it as a beacon of hope for a better life. Many groups and ideologies incorporate the flag. Nationalistic ideologies (e.g., militias, political ideologies, militarism) espouse the flag as their chief symbol.

In: Psychology