There are five founditional elemennt to strategic partnership . How do these differ for relational partnership?

There are five founditional elemennt to strategic partnership . How do these differ for relational partnership?

In: Psychology

Now that you have been in college for some time you may have know other students,...

Now that you have been in college for some time you may have know other students, who have left school. Some may have transferred, and others dropped out. How can you be different from, them and survive the challenges many college students face ? Read the article:Toward a Theory of Minority Student Participation In Predominantly White Colleges and Universities by Kenneth P. Gonzalez- located in Course Documents

In: Psychology

Chad, a 22-year-old man with mild intellectual disability, has good verbal abilities and can eas- ily...

Chad, a 22-year-old man with mild intellectual disability, has good verbal abilities and can eas- ily carry on a conversation and understand com- plex directions. Chad works in a factory. He does his job well, but he has been caught steal- ing from the other workers’ lockers. The prob- lem occurs at break or other times when he is near the lockers and no one else is around. At these times, he opens people’s lockers and takes cans of soda from them, or he takes change that he uses to buy a can of soda from the vending machine. He is going to lose his job if he does not stop stealing. When caught stealing, he says he is sorry and promises not to do it again, but the problem continues. Describe how you would conduct self-instructional training with Chad to help him stop stealing from other workers.

Describe other behavior modification procedures you would use in conjunction with self- instructions to help Chad stop stealing money and soda from other workers’ lockers.

In: Psychology

Recent headlines have sparked heated debate about whether boys should be allowed to dress as girls....

Recent headlines have sparked heated debate about whether boys should be allowed to dress as girls. For example, a 5-year-old boy in Seattle who enjoys things traditionally for girls, such as jewelry, the color pink, and dresses was supported and encouraged by his mother, who wrote a book about him called “My Princess Boy”. A J. Crew ad featured a mother painting her young boy’s toenails hot pink (CBS News, 2011 April 13). Reactions ranged from outrage and disbelief to support of the mothers.

On the flipside, girls who shun traditionally “girly things” such as dresses and flowers in favor of more traditional “boy things” such as watching or playing sports, rough-and-tumble play, and choosing boys as friends are often called tomboys.

For either sex, choosing to engage in activities traditionally reserved for a specific sex can result in teasing and accusations of homosexuality.

Using research gathered from your textbook, online course content, and at least 1 research article, analyze the above scenarios.

Are the behaviors discussed above (i.e., preferring things traditionally acceptable for a specific sex) indicative of homosexuality? Why or why not?

Describe the psychological consequences (positive and negative) that might result from engaging in behaviors reserved for a specific sex?

Develop an argument for or against concern that these children might be exhibiting a paraphilia.

Which paraphilia(s) might apply and what criteria would you use based on the research?

What, if any, intervention would you recommend to a parent whose little girl or boy expresses the desire to engage in behaviors typical of the opposite sex? If you do not believe intervention is necessary, explain why.

In: Psychology

1. Experience with qualitative and/or quantitative research in the medical profession. 2. When do we use...

1. Experience with qualitative and/or quantitative research in the medical profession.

2. When do we use Qualitative research vs quantitative care?

3. Why it is important to both the mother and the unborn child.

4. What happens if someone chose not to follow prenatal care?

In: Psychology

What are the similarities and difference between Freud's Psychoanalysis and Adler's Individual Psychology

What are the similarities and difference between Freud's Psychoanalysis and Adler's Individual Psychology

In: Psychology

Operant conditioning is one of the most studied pillars of the behavioral perspective. The term will...

Operant conditioning is one of the most studied pillars of the behavioral perspective. The term will prove its importance as we begin to explain specific disorders later in the mod. Key words for this construct are positive and negative reinforcement, punishment, extinction, and shaping. It is evident that teachers, coaches, parents, spouses, etc. use the above mentioned key words to achieve a desirable outcome.

Choose one of the keywords, define it in your own words, and explain a time it was utilized in your life. Use resources to support your answer (from both in our course and your own outside research). Discuss with your learning colleagues the value of understanding key words within the field of abnormal psychology and any similarities/differences in your experiences.  

In: Psychology

What do you consider to be the key concepts which explain group influence? Why?

What do you consider to be the key concepts which explain group influence? Why?

In: Psychology

Conflict Is all conflict bad, why or why not? Share appropriate examples from your professional or...

Conflict Is all conflict bad, why or why not? Share appropriate examples from your professional or personal life to illustrate your response. *300 words please

In: Psychology

Deviance/Global Stratification Choose a piece of popular fiction—novel, short story, graphic novel, or comic book—and research...

Deviance/Global Stratification

Choose a piece of popular fiction—novel, short story, graphic novel, or comic book—and research the material through the lens of popular culture and its effect on society.

Prepare a 500- to 750-word analysis that includes a critique of that work and a commentary on the influence of the work in popular culture. Address the following:

• Identify the literary production you chose to focus on. Provide a brief overview of what the piece is about, the author’s background, and how the piece fits or does not fit with other literature of that genre.

• What is the cultural significance of the work Reflect on whether the piece is considered economically successful or if it has fan followings.

• What cultural values are reinforced or challenged in the work?

Consider the following examples:

• How the Harry Potter novels are encouraging young adults to read

• Does the Twilight series reinforce or challenge traditional gender roles?

• The quest for truth in the novels of Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons

In: Psychology

I need a commemorative speech, can be about anyone 2-4 minutes in length with good transitions...

I need a commemorative speech, can be about anyone 2-4 minutes in length with good transitions and a nice conclusion. (Speech can be about anyone) My candidates are Caitlyn Jenner, Lamar Odom, Donald Trump, or Lisa Anne. Lol honestly just have fun with it. I have three finals tomorrow.

In: Psychology

Saul Kahneman is a 42-year-old, single white male with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. His current symptoms...

Saul Kahneman is a 42-year-old, single white male with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. His current symptoms include auditory hallucinations, disorganized speech, and diminished emotional expression. His father, David, brings Saul to the inpatient psychiatric unit for treatment. David reports that Saul stopped taking his Seroquel 400 mg BID for psychosis and his melatonin 6 mg for sleep a week ago. He also reports that Saul has been responding to internal stimuli, talking to himself, not sleeping, and believes the government has bugged their home. This is the third psychiatric admission for Saul in two years.

When you, the psychiatric nurse practitioner, talk to Saul, he reports, “The medication isn’t working anymore.”

  • Vital signs: BP 148/72, HR 88, R 18, pulse ox 98%
  • HT: 6’ 1”
  • WT: 230 pounds
  • Appearance: Unkempt, poor hygiene, dressed in several layers of clothing (current season is late spring, average temperature outside is 70 degrees)
  • Blood work: A1C 6.2, total cholesterol 188 mg/dl, HDL 22 mg/dl, LDL 176 mg/dl
  • Triglycerides: 148 mg
  • All other lab results are within normal limits.


You know you will change Saul’s antipsychotic medication.

  1. Based on the information in the case study—vital signs, HT/WT, and appearance, as well as the lab results—what recommendations relative to medications would you make? Name the type of typical or atypical antipsychotic you would prescribe and identify the dosing and administration.
  2. Decide whether you would add any other medication, and if so, identify the medication, dose, and time of administration. Provide current literature (EBP, research article, and/or textbook reference) to support your decision.
  3. Based on the medications you would prescribe, what education would you provide to Saul?
  4. Identify any laboratory testing you would order and explain your rationale.
  5. Would you refer Saul to any other providers? If so, to whom would you refer him? Provide your rationale for any referrals.

In: Psychology

Kenneth Wheeler was angry at certain police officers in Grand Junction, Colorado, because of a driving-under-the-influence...

Kenneth Wheeler was angry at certain police officers in Grand Junction, Colorado, because of a driving-under-the-influence arrest that he viewed as unjust. While in Italy, Wheeler posted a statement to his Facebook page urging his "religious followers" to "kill cops, drown them in the blood of their children, hunt them down and kill their entire bloodlines" and provided names. Later, Wheeler added a post to "commit a massacre in the Stepping Stones preschool and day care, just walk in and kill everybody." Could a reasonable person conclude that Wheeler's posts were true threats? How might law enforcement officers use Wheeler's posts? Explain.

In: Psychology

Discuss adolescent responsibilty in your words in about 200 words .

Discuss adolescent responsibilty in your words in about 200 words .

In: Psychology

Hamza has been diagnosed with depression. He is currently looking at various therapies and outlets for...

Hamza has been diagnosed with depression. He is currently looking at various therapies and outlets for treatment. He comes to you since he knows that you are in a psychology class and asks for your advice about what type of therapy he should receive? Which type do you recommend? Why? (remember, this is not an opinion question…)

In: Psychology