Discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of group and individual learning ability tests?

Discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of group and individual learning ability tests?

In: Psychology

Please type text and write in complete sentences. Compare and contrast authoritarian, authoritative, neglectful/uninvolved, and permissive-indulgent...

Please type text and write in complete sentences.

Compare and contrast authoritarian, authoritative, neglectful/uninvolved, and permissive-indulgent parenting styles. For each parenting style, be sure to explain: a) whether parents are responsive to their children (e.g., are the parents warm and supportive, democratic in decision making) b) whether the parents place demands on their children (e.g., are there rules the children have to follow) and c) what strategies, if any, the parents typically employ to discipline children.

In: Psychology

Discuss the major differences between a standardized test battery and a single content standardized test? Discuss...

Discuss the major differences between a standardized test battery and a single content standardized test? Discuss two advantages and two limitations of each.

In: Psychology

Explain the procedures involved in spontaneous recovery, renewal, and reinstatement of an extinguished response. What are...

Explain the procedures involved in spontaneous recovery, renewal, and reinstatement of an extinguished response. What are the implications of these effects regarding extinction of conditioned behavior? What theoretical view can explain all these effects and how? Finally, describe different treatments aiming to enhance the effectiveness of extinction training.

In: Psychology

What are the implications of assuming that animals can learn R-O associations in an instrumental conditioning...

What are the implications of assuming that animals can learn R-O associations in an instrumental conditioning procedure? Describe a real experiment providing evidence of R-O associations in nonhuman animals. Indicate how S, R, and O might organize hierarchically. Give a laboratory example and a daily-life example of such hierarchical organization.

In: Psychology

In what ways is 19th century thinking similar to modern social, artistic, and intellectual developments?

In what ways is 19th century thinking similar to modern social, artistic, and intellectual developments?

In: Psychology

In an essay below, select two assessment tools that mental health professionals use to assess anxiety....

In an essay below, select two assessment tools that mental health professionals use to assess anxiety. Be sure to address the following in your essay:

How does anxiety impact the body, mind, and spirit of an individual?

What are the basic features of each assessment tool you are analyzing?

In what ways are they similar?

How do they differ?

What might cause a mental health professional to select one tool over the other based on client's differing needs?

Include at least three scholarly sources.    Thank you for helping

In: Psychology

Who wrote the Aeneid and what was the general historical context for this literary work? Summarize...

Who wrote the Aeneid and what was the general historical context for this literary work? Summarize and paraphrase.

In: Psychology

Explore the origins of the Romulus and Remus myth. What was the cultural context for this...

Explore the origins of the Romulus and Remus myth. What was the cultural context for this myth?

In: Psychology

Name and describe the four basic instrumental conditioning procedures, clearly indicating the two defining characteristics and...

Name and describe the four basic instrumental conditioning procedures, clearly indicating the two defining characteristics and the effect on behavior of each procedure. Give a laboratory example and a daily-life example of each instrumental conditioning procedure.

In: Psychology

Describe an ethical dilemma that you experienced, or have witnessed in a change leader, when attempting...

Describe an ethical dilemma that you experienced, or have witnessed in a change leader, when attempting to initiate change. How was the ethical dilemma resolved? What can a change leader use to guide decision making when faced with an ethical dilemma?

In: Psychology

Describe the physical process of heredity (see fig. 3.3). Give an example of how heredity and...

Describe the physical process of heredity (see fig. 3.3). Give an example of how heredity and environment interact (see fig. 3.4), and an example of epigenetics.

In: Psychology

Why did seven southern states secede from the Union shortly after Lincoln's election in 1860? I...

Why did seven southern states secede from the Union shortly after Lincoln's election in 1860?

I know that the southerners were scared that Lincoln would completely get rid of slavery, I need to know some other things as well.

In: Psychology

Explain structured leisure activities and unstructured leisure activities

Explain structured leisure activities and unstructured leisure activities

In: Psychology

What types of parenting can be identified from this essay? Please explain why you chose these...

What types of parenting can be identified from this essay? Please explain why you chose these types of parenting. (a few sentences on each type of parenting.) According to Baumrind (2005), there are four identified styles of parenting: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglectful.

Here is the essay:

I didn't grow up in a horrible environment, but I didn't grow in a household filled with love and support that I so desired from my parents, especially my mother.  I grew up in a two-parent household with fighting and arguing was the everyday norm.  Communication and education were not essential or employed by neither my parents nor my grandparents. My mother was the head of the family; she called all the shots; my father went to work every day, he had two jobs for most of my upbringing. I struggled with a relationship with my mother, growing up. I was not close to her and still struggle to gain a more intimate relationship with her. My mother style of communication and disciplinary tactics was very unkind and harsh.   

The essay:

I didn't grow up in a horrible environment, but I didn't grow in a household filled with love and support that I so desired from my parents, especially my mother.  I grew up in a two-parent household with fighting and arguing was the everyday norm.  Communication and education were not essential or employed by neither my parents nor my grandparents. My mother was the head of the family; she called all the shots; my father went to work every day, he had two jobs for most of my upbringing. I struggled with a relationship with my mother, growing up. I was not close to her and still struggle to gain a more intimate relationship with her. My mother style of communication and disciplinary tactics was very unkind and harsh.

I had a very close relationship with my father, I lost my father to cancer seven years ago, and I still deal with the pain.  I had such a special bond with my daddy; he was my support system and my best friend, and my entire world. Both of my parents never received their diploma and only completed the 11th grade, my grandparent on both sides couldn't read or write. Growing up in my family circumstances, I didn't want children, not because I felt like I couldn't be a good mother, but I thought I didn't have an excellent example on how to be a mother that "I" wanted to be toward my children if I were to have any. My mother would tell me how her childhood was and it wasn't pleasant for her, she only parented the way she knew how too.  

My goal was to graduate high school and go off to college and make something of myself, but that didn't happen to me right away, God had a different plan. My mother had nine siblings, my father had seven siblings, and my parents had four children. Education was not important to my parents, as long as we (my siblings and I) didn't get any trouble in school my parents never came to school for any reason to support their children in any capacity: sports, teacher conferences, meet and greets nothing... In the 12th grade, when most kids were looking at colleges, my parents told me that they couldn't afford to send me to college and I wasn't able to attend college like most of my friends.  

After graduation, I found a stable job and two years after graduating I had my first child. When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared and frightened, I had no idea about being a mother. The day I gave birth to my daughter, the nurse handed me this 7lb, 1oz screaming baby and I looked at her as I was crying and I whispered to her that I love you and I will tell you every day I love you and I will donwhat's best at becoming a good mom.

From that day forward, I supported my daughter in everything she did. I raised my daughter as a single mother, I dealt with many and I mean many life struggles but my focus each day was my daughter. I attended every; pom-pom try-out, pep rally, soccer practices and games, six years of dance recitals, performances, gymnastic events, my daughter was able to look in any stand, sideline and knew I was there cheering her on.

I embedded in my daughter's head early on; college was her only option and to follow her dreams. I wanted to be an example for my children who encouraged me to enroll in college a few years ago and will be graduating in December of 2018. In my daughter's 12th grade year, she applied to several colleges and was accepted to all her colleges. The day she graduated high school with honors that was my proudest moment as a parent. Last year, when she graduated from Frostburg State University with a dual degree was the next proudest moment as a parent. I did this as a single mother, and she thanks me every day and always working to make me proud of her, and I am.

I believe communicating and supporting my daughter and now my son shaped my relationship with each of my children. I love talking and listening to what my children has to say and what's on their mind. No matter how tired, sick, frustrated and what life struggle for the day brings me, my children never will fill not supported, or not loved. I make my mission to ask my children every day "How was your day?" and I tell them every morning and night that "I love you." I am dedicated and determined to break my family's cycle, and I broke the cycle...

In: Psychology