In: Operations Management
*Problem 1
The BackPack Company produces a line of backpacks. The manager, Jill Nicholas, is interested in using a level aggregate plan. Inventories and back orders will be used to handle demand fluctuations. She has asked you to develop such a plan. Use the following data to solve the problem:
Calculate the aggregate production rate: 5806 units(Round your answer to 0 decimal places, the tolerance is +/-1.) |
Calculate the appropriate workforce given the aggregate production rate: 436 employees(Round your answer to the nearest whole number, the tolerance is +/-1.) |
Show what would happen if this plan were implemented. (If the answer is void please enter 0, do not leave any fields blank.)
Calculate the costs of this plan. (Round your answers to 0 decimal places. Do not round your intermediate computations to calculate regular-time labor cost.)
Evaluate the plan in terms of cost, customer service, operations, and human resources. |
(1) Aggregate production rate = ( Demand - Begining Inventory ) / Number of periods
= (35280-445)/6
= 5805.83 = 5806 Units
(2) Workforce = Plan / ( Number of hours / hours per unit ) = (5806)/(160/12) = 435.45= 436 employees
There will be inventory in period1, 2, and stockout in rest of the periods
(4) The cost of the plan is $5,684,973
Back Order cost =$87,096
Holding Cost = $17,970
Regular time labor cost=$5,441,280
Overtime cost =$0
Hiring Costs= $138,627
Layoff = $0
The Cost as per the plan is High due to stockout in four periods and inventory in two periods. Customer service is Average as demand has not fulfilled in 4 periods. Operation is also efficient as per the level production rate. In the Human resource aspect, it is average because of the significant cost incurred as a result of the hiring workforce for implementing the plan.
Please like the answer. Thank You.