The Mesentery Describe the formation of lymph within that region, relating that to blood vessels within...

The Mesentery Describe the formation of lymph within that region, relating that to blood vessels within the region and addressing the physical forces that lead to lymph production. How would the lymph that is formed in that region be returned to the blood supply? What vessels and lymph organs would it travel through? For the second part of your discussion imagine that there is a potential pathogen within your identified region - what involvement of other lymph organs or individual immune cells would you expect?

In: Anatomy and Physiology

Fully describe the events that occur within the monosynaptic muscke spindle stretch reflex. ( must include...

Fully describe the events that occur within the monosynaptic muscke spindle stretch reflex. ( must include specific anatomical structures and different types if neurons)

In: Anatomy and Physiology

Should the following substances appear in the urine in large amounts? State YES, NO & why...

Should the following substances appear in the urine in large amounts? State YES, NO & why or why not to each substance. Answer them individually please


In: Anatomy and Physiology

Describe the process of lymphocyte trafficking and activation in secondary lymphoid tissues.

Describe the process of lymphocyte trafficking and activation in secondary lymphoid tissues.

In: Anatomy and Physiology

What component of enzyme structure is responsible for enzyme specificity? How did the lactose intolerance test...

  • What component of enzyme structure is responsible for enzyme specificity?

  • How did the lactose intolerance test that pei took provide evidence that she was lactose intolerant?

In: Anatomy and Physiology

What is the directional transfer function? What is timbre? What is a restoration effect in auditory...

What is the directional transfer function?

What is timbre?

What is a restoration effect in auditory perception?

What is the acoustic startle reflex?

Describe the two major cues that our brain uses to localize sound waves.

What is auditory stream segregation and what cues does the brain use to achieve it?

In: Anatomy and Physiology

Ian is an 18 year old gymnast training at a private gym with many other male...

Ian is an 18 year old gymnast training at a private gym with many other male and female gymnasts. He is competing at an advanced level and is likely to make the next Olympic team. Lately he has been finding some of his balance and strength moves on the rings and parallel bars more difficult. He has gone through a bit of a growth spurt and has gained about 5 pounds over the last year. He suspects the weight gain is causing his performance difficulties. He decides to try a weight loss program that will help him lose weight before his next big competition in 6 weeks. He is not sure how many calories to consume and therefore arbitrarily decides to eat 1500 calories per day.

1) Describe the main guidelines athletes should follow to lose weight without decreasing sport performance.

2) Which assessments are required to determine whether Ian needs to lose weight?

3) What type of diet and exercise plan would you recommend for Ian?

4) What additional concerns do you have for Ian's health and sport performance?

In: Anatomy and Physiology

Describe the structure and contents of an erythrocyte. How are they different from a normal cell?

Describe the structure and contents of an erythrocyte. How are they different from a normal cell?

In: Anatomy and Physiology

Number the events below 1 – 7 to represent the correct sequence of events in skeletal...

Number the events below 1 – 7 to represent the correct sequence of events in skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation

___Ca2+ binds to troponin; tropomyosin moves, exposing the active site of actin

___Acetylcholine (ACh) triggers an end-plate potential in the motor end plate.

___ The motor neuron stops releasing ACh and Acetylcholinesterase degrades the ACh in the synaptic cleft

___An Action potential in the sarcolemma travels down the T-Tubules

___ Ca2+ is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol

___ The cytosolic concentration of Ca2+ returns to the resting level, the active sites of actin are blocked, and the muscle fiber relaxes

___ Actin and myosin bind, and myosin undergoes a power stroke. ATP detaches actin and myosin, and the cycle repeats resulting in contraction of the muscle fiber

In: Anatomy and Physiology

Although both type I and type II hypersensitivities involve antibodies as immune effectors, different mechanisms are...

Although both type I and type II hypersensitivities involve antibodies as immune effectors, different mechanisms are involved with these different hypersensitivities. Differentiate the two.

In: Anatomy and Physiology

The hand – most _________________________________region of the upper limb                 Name the following bony landmarks based...

The hand – most _________________________________region of the upper limb

                Name the following bony landmarks based on the description given

  • The 8 bones of the wrist: ______________________________________________
  • The 5 bones of the palm: _______________________________________________
  • The 14 bones of the fingers, 3 per digit except for the thumb which has only 2 ____________________

Lower Limb:

The pelvic girdle - attaches the ________________________________________________________

Includes: Paired coxal bones which articulate to the _________________.

Coxal bone (Hip Bone) – formed fusion of three bones:

                Ilium – Located ____________________ it is the largest of the 3 bones of the hip

                    Name the following bony landmarks based on the description given

  • Superior ridge of the ilium, site of muscle attachment ______________________

A ‘notched out’ segment of the distal Ileum _________________________________

In: Anatomy and Physiology

Ischium – forms the ________________________________________ aspect of the hip bone                      Name the following bony landmarks...

Ischium – forms the ________________________________________ aspect of the hip bone

                     Name the following bony landmarks based on the description given

  • Enlarged/roughened area of the ischium, region on which we sit _______________________
  • A smaller ‘notched out’ segment of the ischium ____________________________________

Pubis – forms the ___________________________________ aspect of the hip bone, the 2 pubic bones articulate at the _____________________________________

                Acetabulum – the cup-shaped structure for articulating to the _______________________________

                Obturator foramen – large _______________________through which nerves and blood vessels pass

Thigh – region of the lower limb between __________________________________________

Femur – largest ____________________ in the human body, articulates to the hip bone proximally and the tibia distally

            Name the following bony landmarks based on the description given

  • Smooth, rounded structure that articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone ___________
  • Thin region beside the head: _______________________
  • Pair of protrusions used for muscle attachment ___________________________________
  • Ridge down the posterior side of the bone, used for muscle attachment_______________________

Smooth, rounded projections, articulate to the condyles of the tibia __________________________

In: Anatomy and Physiology

What is the principle of biolectric impedance for measurement of percent body fat?

What is the principle of biolectric impedance for measurement of percent body fat?

In: Anatomy and Physiology

Imagine you visit the gymnasium for a workout and you suddenly remember a topic from chapter...

Imagine you visit the gymnasium for a workout and you suddenly remember a topic from chapter 9 in EXSC 223. Rather than a moment of panic you walk over to the dumbbell rack and pickup the lowest weight and perform a bicep curl. One by one you move down the rack progressively selecting heavier weights as you pick up, curl, and then set down the weight (making sure to use hand sanitizer on your hands after lifting each dumbbell). Explain the regulation of skeletal muscle force production from the lowest to the heaviest weight lifted.

In: Anatomy and Physiology

Describe and give examples of mono-synaptic and oligo-synaptic reflexes. (4) What is an H-reflex? (2) Given...

Describe and give examples of mono-synaptic and oligo-synaptic reflexes. (4)

What is an H-reflex? (2) Given an application (2).

What evidence do we have that the brain uses inverse models for control of movement? (6)

Do we need an “inverse model” to do a task described by Fitt’s law? Why? (5)

In: Anatomy and Physiology