Tasty meal is one of the largest foodservice retailer having more than 200 restaurants across country....

Tasty meal is one of the largest foodservice retailer having more than 200 restaurants across country. It has more than 3000 employees including staff members, waiters and chefs.

However, Tasty Meal has been criticized for

  • Unfair treatment with its employees by taking too many hours of working against very low wages. Tasty Meal has no difficulty in hiring its employees on low wages due to poverty and unemployment in the region. Even some employees mentioned that the hiring process depends heavily on the hiring manager’s opinion and without clear criteria and selection procedures. It has also been criticized for taking work from children against one time meal. The situation is even worst in under developed cities of the country.
  • For drivers working in a delivery process the company using a specific software to track the drivers all the time.
  • The working conditions inside the company were criticized as very poor conditions, without any considerations for employee’s safety and wellbeing, and privacy.
  • Meals served are mostly junk food, oily, having high calorie and could cause health issues if eaten regularly. And the company usually hiding some ingredients, and nutrition information in its products.
  • Tasty Meal is not even environmental friendly. Using disposable stuff like wrapping paper, straws and tableware are comparatively cost effective but harmful to the environment, especially those which are non-recyclable. It has been criticized for over packaging and using extra wrapping papers.
  • To recover its reputation the company start donating money from its net profit to NGOs to take care of the community.


  1. Identify the main stakeholders in this case?
  2. Using the main theories of ethics (e.g. utilitarian, human rights, fairness and justice) to understand the ethical issues in this case?
  3. Do you think treating employees in Tasty Meal is unfair? Justify. (Keep the unemployment factor, poverty and economic environment in mind).
  4. Should Tasty Meal be accused for health issues by providing unhealthy food? (Note: Tasty Meal never sells its product forcefully, Customers have choices)
  5. Do you think Tasty Meal is running an ethical and socially responsible business? Why or why not?
  6. What are your recommendations for this company in order to be more ethical (for both internal and external stakeholders)? Be creative in this.

In: Operations Management

Selling expensive insurance policies Ahmad works for a life insurance company as a sales representative. He...

Selling expensive insurance policies

Ahmad works for a life insurance company as a sales representative. He has been working in that company for more than five years. He has got good communication and presentation skills. He has attended several workshops on sales and marketing to enhance his skills. The company is happy with his performance and gives good salary and commission on the policies he sells.

Ahmad has several plans to sell. One of the insurance products is a plan that is a combination of savings and insurance both. Ahmad is convinced and focused more to sell that plan because company also appreciates and encourages more to its sales representatives by giving handsome commission on its sales. The product promises to protect the family in case of premature death as well as a good return on investment after retirement.

The language used in the agreement paper is hard to understand. Usually, clients do trust on Ahmad and do not read the agreement thoroughly. Ahmad knows the facts very well. The product is expensive and provides a little protection in case of premature death. Another disadvantage of having that product is a low return on investment after its maturity. The company pushes its sales because it is more profitable. Ahmad has other cheaper products to sell that can give more benefits to his clients including greater protection and return but the commission on sales by the company is too low.

Ahmad cannot earn more if he sells products considering consumers’ benefits. His family will suffer if he thinks good for others and the management frowns on cheaper policies being sold.


  1. Identify the main stakeholders in this case?
  2. Is this ethical for insurance companies to promote expensive policies hiding the facts? Justify?
  3. Can Ahmad justify himself by saying that hiding the facts doesn’t mean lying?
  4. What is your recommendation for Mr. Ahmad? Be creative in this.

In: Operations Management

Subject Name:Multinational Management 1)A Co. has been a domestic-only company, now, it has just decided to...

Subject Name:Multinational Management

1)A Co. has been a domestic-only company, now, it has just decided to enter the international market. According to the theory introduced at this lesson, usually, it will     .  
A.Export Department
B.International Division
C.retain its basic organizational structure.
D.Foreign Subsidiary
2)are the structural building blocks for running multinational operations.
A.Export departments
B.Minireplica subsidiaries
C.Transnational subsidiaries
D.Foreign subsidiaries
3)B Co. entered the international market 2 years ago. At present, it has accumulated a certain number of talents with international trade expertise, but it is not particularly sufficient.
What organizational structure do you think B Co. should adopt now?
A.Transnational subsidiary
B.Export department
C.Foreign subsidiary
D.Minireplica subsidiary
4)Generally, for the MNCs which adopt export department, the domestic departments are very willing to provide the export department with the products.

5)Most subsidiaries of MNCs are either pure minireplica subsidiaries or pure transnational subsidiaries.

In: Operations Management

1. This study (work sampling*) is focusing on machine operations. Using the following data, Categorize the...

1. This study (work sampling*) is focusing on machine operations. Using the following data,

  1. Categorize the events into the interesting activities such as machine idle (I), machine servicing (S).

    Observed Data



    S (Service)

    I (Idle)

    Number of Observation

    Machine Running

    S or I


    Remove Scrap

    S or I


    Change tool

    S or I


    Change material

    S or I


    Adjust die

    S or I


    Wait for maintenance service

    S or I


    Wait for next material

    S or I


  2. What % (p) of the time Machine is down (not idle but “serviced by the operator”) roughly?
  3. An analyst determined that the machining time (Tm) per piece was 40min. What is the actual production for the one machine supervised by one operator for an 8-hour shift given the above conditions?
  4. What is the unit cost ? The operator is paid $10.00/hr and each machine costs $20.00/hr for power and supplies.
  5. Since there is so much lost production due to idle time, management is considering assigning another machine to the first operator. There are three approaches or choices: i) Assign Machines #1 to the first operator and Machines #2 to the second operator, or ii) have both operators help each other and service all two machines as needed. iii) Assign Machines #1 and #2 to the first operator and don’t assign a second operator. Which choice is best, i.e. lowest unit cost?

In: Operations Management

essay question: some environmental forces are considered controllable while some others are seen as beyond control...

essay question:

some environmental forces are considered controllable while some others are seen as beyond control of the organization discuss:

In: Operations Management

write report for 5 pages and summering each question with proper introduction and conclusion 1.​If you...

write report for 5 pages and summering each question with proper introduction and conclusion 1.If you were Palmer at the end of the case, how would you respond?

2.What, if anything, could Palmer have done to avoid losing Olds?

3.What advantages and disadvantages of a matrix type organization are apparent from this case?

4.What could the management at M&M do to more effectively manage situations like this?

Refer to the case entitled “Moss and McAdams Accounting Firm”
Answer questions 1, 2, 3, and 4
This case is intended to illustrate the problems that can arise in a competitive work environment in which a matrix structure is used to complete projects.
The entire assignment should be a maximum of 5 pages double-spaced (excluding title page and reference page) and should follow APA referencing style.
Prepare your report as an essay, summarizing the responses to the various questions. Make sure to include a comprehensive introduction and conclusion to your report.
1.​If you were Palmer at the end of the case, how would you respond?
2.​What, if anything, could Palmer have done to avoid losing Olds?
3.​What advantages and disadvantages of a matrix type organization are apparent from this case?
4.​What could the management at M&M do to more effectively manage situations like this?

Refer to the case entitled “Moss and McAdams Accounting Firm”
Answer questions 1, 2, 3, and 4
This case is intended to illustrate the problems that can arise in a competitive work environment in which a matrix structure is used to complete projects.
The entire assignment should be a maximum of 5 pages double-spaced (excluding title page and reference page) and should follow APA referencing style.
Prepare your report as an essay, summarizing the responses to the various questions. Make sure to include a comprehensive introduction and conclusion to your report.
1.​If you were Palmer at the end of the case, how would you respond?
2.​What, if anything, could Palmer have done to avoid losing Olds?
3.​What advantages and disadvantages of a matrix type organization are apparent from this case?
4.​What could the management at M&M do to more effectively manage situations like this?

In: Operations Management

How could the firm Coles Supermarkets increase their overall environmental and social sustainability during this current...

How could the firm Coles Supermarkets increase their overall environmental and social sustainability during this current COVID-19 pandemic?

In: Operations Management

Explain two reasons why you may want to change your process type on a shop floor...

Explain two reasons why you may want to change your process type on a shop floor (operations area).

In: Operations Management

SWOT Analysis Strengths: Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats

  1. SWOT Analysis

    1. Strengths:

    2. Weaknesses:

    3. Opportunities:

    4. Threats

In: Operations Management

In the light of present situation of Saudi Arabia market what trends will shape Human Resource...

In the light of present situation of Saudi Arabia market what trends will shape Human Resource Management over next five years?

" Write 15 or 20 lines , use your own word please don't copy it from anyone . Don't use write hand."

In: Operations Management

choose a international product and create a value chain of it ..and write down any 5...

choose a international product and create a value chain of it ..and write down any 5 taglines of the company and describe it whether it is product based or marketing based

In: Operations Management

Quality is defined by the customer. Ethics have become a critical part of the Quality equation...

Quality is defined by the customer. Ethics have become a critical part of the Quality equation and customer experience. Yet we see many examples of ethics violations by corporations which have had horrible and sometimes lethal consequences for customers. Please identify and describe an ethics violation that has impacted the quality of a service or good. Your example can come from personal experience or the news. Further, please write about how the event should have been managed in order to avoid the ethics violation.

In: Operations Management

The FedEx Survey Feedback Action (SFA) program is one example. SFA includes an anonymous survey that...

The FedEx Survey Feedback Action (SFA) program is one example. SFA includes an anonymous survey that allows employees to express feelings about the company and their managers, and to some extent about service, pay and benefits. Each manager then has an opportunity to use the results to help design a blueprint for improving workgroup engagement and commitment.

SFA has three phases. First, the survey itself is a standard, anonymous questionnaire given each year to every employee. The questions are designed to gather information about what helps and hinders employees in their work environment. Sample items include:

  • “I can tell my manager what I think” and
  • “My manager tells me what was expected”

A workgroup’s survey results are compiled and sent anonymously to the manager.

The second phase is a feedback session between the manager and his or her workgroup. The goal here is to identify specific concerns or problems, examine causes for these problems, and devise action plans to correct the problems.

The feedback meeting should lead to a third, “action plan” phase. This produces a list of actions that the manager will take to address employees concerns and boost results. It includes:

  • What is the concern?
  • What’s your analysis?
  • What’s the cause? And
  • What should be done?


FexEx’s Guaranteed Fair Treatment Process (GFTP) is sort of a turbocharged grievance process. It goes beyond most grievance procedures in several ways, perhaps most notably in that an appeal can go all the way to FedEx’s top executives. The effect is twofold:

  1. Complaints don’t get a chance to accumulate;
  2. All managers think twice before acting unfairly

GFTP is available to all permanent FedEx employees. It covers concerns regarding matters such as disputed performance reviews, disciplinary actions and terminations.

Employees use Guaranteed Fair Treatment Process packets, available from the HR department, to file GFTP complaints. These include a fact sheet listing the complainant’s name and work history, a GFTP tracking sheet to track the complaint at each step, management’s rationale (for instance, in terms of applicable policies and procedures); a write-up from the HR department; space for key documents (termination letters, and so on) and space for backup information including witness statements. The employee must try to resolve the problem with his or her supervisor before filing a GFTP appeal.

GFTP contains three steps.

  1. In step one, Management Review, the complainant submits a written complaint to a manager, senior manager or managing director, within seven calendar days of the occurrence of the eligible issue. Then the manger, senior manager and managing direction of the employee’s group review all relevant information; hold a telephone conference and/or meeting with the complainant; make a decision to either uphold, modify or overturn management action; and communicate their decision in writing to the complainant.
  2. If turned down in step one, then in step two, Officer Complaint, the complainant submits a written complaint to an officer (VP or senior vice president) of the division within 7 calendar days of the step one decision.
  3. Finally (if necessary), in step three, Executive Appeals Review, the complainant submits a written complaint within seven calendar days of the step two decision to the Employee Relations department. This department investigates and prepares a GFTP case file for the appeals board executive review. The appeals board – the CEO, the COO, the chief personnel officer and senior vice presidents, then reviews all relevant information and makes a decision to either uphold, overturn or initiate a board of review or to take other appropriate action. The appeals board’s decision is final.


  1. Based on the FedEx case provided to you, what do you think is FedEx’s Employee Relations Strategy? Draft the strategy in your own words

  1. What communication channels does FedEx use to be one of “Fortune Magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For”? List them all and identify if it is upward or downward communication.

  1. Based on FedEx Guaranteed Fair Treatment process, what two (2) Employee Discipline Guidelines do you feel that FedEx has most likely adapted as part of their Employee Relations policies and procedures? Be sure to use evidence from the case to support your answer.

  1. How does FedEx incorporate employee rights in their practices? Refer to two (2) points in the case and explain them to justify your answer.

  1. Describe examples of employee involvement portrayed at FedEx. How do these practices help FedEx be one of the best companies to work for?


  1. As a result of the ongoing pandemic due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), organizations such as FedEx are going through significant and unexpected change.

  1. Unfortunately, as a result of the pandemic, FedEx has determined that they must decrease the amount of employees in their organization. Describe two (2) issues that organizations will face as a result of decreasing the amount of employees.

  1. Referring to the issues you identified in part (a), as FedEx’s Employee Relations Manager, describe how you will ensure effective Employee Involvement strategies as a result of these issues

  1. The role of the HR Department is critical during organizational change. Identify two (2) important HR roles. Describe how you, as Employee Relations Manager, will ensure these roles are carried out at FedEx during the current pandemic.

In: Operations Management

Being an elite training camp organizer for Elite football teams winter camps, having state of the...

Being an elite training camp organizer for Elite football teams winter camps, having state of the art facilities, venue and pitches, having a great team handling the camps, please provide a SWOT analyze helping the camp organizer to go over the analyze and improve the efficiency and generate more revenue.

In: Operations Management

A newly formed firm must decide on a plant location. There are two alternatives under consideration:...

A newly formed firm must decide on a plant location. There are two alternatives under consideration: locate near the major raw materials or locate near the major customers. Locating near the raw materials will result in lower fixed and variable costs than locating near the market, but the owners believe there would be a loss in sales volume because customers tend to favor local suppliers. Revenue per unit will be $177 in either case.

Omaha Kansas City

Annual fixed costs ($ millions) $ 1.2 $ 1.3

Variable cost per unit $ 27 $ 42

Expected annual demand (units) 9,750 10,350

Using the above information, determine which location would produce the greater profit. (Omit the "$" sign in your response.)

Which would produce the greater gross profit of $ ______________.

In: Operations Management