You are starting the production of the Habibi pastry and you need to find how many...

You are starting the production of the Habibi pastry and you need to find how many muffins your pastry should produce in the first 6 months. Which forecasting method would you choose to use in this case? Justify your choice.

In: Operations Management

An aircraft repair service reimburses its customers for the time that an aircraft spends at their...

An aircraft repair service reimburses its customers for the time that an aircraft spends at their facility. Total costs are the sum of these reimbursements (waiting costs) and the salaries of their technicians. A customer is reimbursed $203 per hour for the time that the aircraft is out of service, and the cost of a service technician (including equipment and materials) is $1,196 per hour. Use Table 1 and Table 2. a. How many service technicians should be on call, if there are (on average) 4 aircraft arriving per hour, and each technician can complete 5 services per hour (Poisson distributions)? HINT: Calculate the total cost, which is the sum of waiting cost and service cost. Number of technician(s) b. The service rate could be made faster ( (5.71 repairs per hour) if the company invests in new software, which would cost $100 per service technician. Is it cost-effective for the company to invest in this software? HINT: the service cost is higher, but the time that it takes to get through the system, hence the waiting cost, is lower. (Round your cost amount to 2 decimal places and all other calculations to 3 decimal places. Omit the "$" sign in your response.) , because the daily total cost with the new software is $ which is lower than without the new software.

In: Operations Management

If you are about to start a Power Plant construction which type of layout would you...

If you are about to start a Power Plant construction which type of layout would you apply in your production. Justify your opinion.

In: Operations Management

modern inspection technologies are either optical or non-optical, search for 5 different modern inspection technologies and...

modern inspection technologies are either optical or non-optical, search for 5 different modern inspection technologies and summarize their: (a) working principle(s); (b) applications in the industry; (c) effectiveness in finding the defects; (d) speed of inspection in high-volume manufacturing settings, and (e) ability to perform non-destructive testing on the samples .for example Radiation techniques or Ultrasonic techniques.

In: Operations Management

What are the advantages of making sales promotions in industry ?

What are the advantages of making sales promotions in industry ?

In: Operations Management

Maria has built a cafeteria called "Princess of Gourmai and More" since 1995. Amira runs her...

Maria has built a cafeteria called "Princess of Gourmai and More" since 1995. Amira runs her project that provides coffee from the most delicious coffee in the city. It serves around 800 cups of coffee a day, along with special soups, ready-made Italian sandwiches, and a large selection of delicious cheese cakes. Maria noticed that despite the store's popularity, she always maintains nearly the same revenue. Maria has contacted your staff, who is affiliated with a consulting firm, in her city to advise the way the cafeteria works.

Maria said: “Many community college students visit us next to the cafeteria, as well as many retired clients who live next door and a large group of employees who work in the companies deployed next to the cafeteria. Every day our customers have only 30 minutes to eat their meal and have coffee so we must be fast. When preparing their meals, as it is the worker at the cafeteria who receives the customer’s order and enters the order on the cash box device, as well as receives the money and deposits it in the box and provides the customer with his meal.

The Royal Director Maria added: "We have one cash box that all workers, including myself, are handling to respond to customer requests. This cash box is not of the new type developed but it can track the different categories of meals and coffee, however the worker who receives the order must press every time." He receives the order on the button that pertains to the specific category requested by the customer (coffee, soup, sandwich, cakes) There is an internal tape in the box device that records and maintains a record of all transactions. The customer receives a receipt only when requested to deliver. The number of cafe workers is four along with the manager Maria Two workers work N in the morning from seven o'clock to three o'clock in the evening and two others from three o'clock to eleven at night time. "

Maria also said: “I open the cash box twice a day at the end of the morning period at three o'clock in the evening and at the end of the evening period at eleven o'clock at night. When I open the fund I help workers before they leave to open the cash box and calculate the amount of money and compare it to the total recorded on the tape stored Inside the fund When there is a difference between the money withdrawn from the fund and the total recorded on the tape, I recalculate the money again. "

The owner Maria told your group that since the beginning of the opening of the store, she did not face cases of theft, but rather discovers that the differences that occurred previously between the cash available in the fund and the total amount of money recorded on the tape are usually recording for an employee a different amount than the amount inadvertently received. For example, he records $ 18 instead of the $ 1.8 received amount.

Maria sends the tape and receipts manually to the accountant to make adjustments and also sends him all purchase invoices from the materials she needs to make coffee, sandwiches, soups and cakes. Note that Maria uses the economic quantity method in demand to maintain the stock of materials, given that the daily sales recorded by the cafeteria are close.

Read the case and identify weaknesses, based on the information provided by Maria and the cafeteria manager.

write the necessary recommendations for each weakness

In: Operations Management

What is lean manufacturing? Please search for applications of the lean manufacturing in the following industries,...

What is lean manufacturing? Please search for applications of the lean manufacturing in the following industries, then summerize your findings: (a) autombile industry, (b) production of cell phones and consumer electronics, (c) food industry, (d) oil and petro-chemical industry. (word limit: 200-300 words)

In: Operations Management

In a short paragraph (100-200 words), please read 3 scholarly articles about just-in-time (JIT) and summarize...

In a short paragraph (100-200 words), please read 3 scholarly articles about just-in-time (JIT) and summarize its benefits and limitations in the manufacturing sector. Identify the principal objective in a just-in-time production system. Why JIT is more effective if used in the high-volume manufacturing such as automobile industry?

(Examples of scholarly articles can be found in journal papers, conference papers, report and presentations from academic institutes, governmental webistes, etc.)

In: Operations Management

The new Fresh-Cola product by Fresh-Cola Inc., a manufacturer of carbonated drinks, has just been introduced....

The new Fresh-Cola product by Fresh-Cola Inc., a manufacturer of carbonated drinks, has just been introduced. What patterns develop during this phase of the product life cycle?

In: Operations Management

1.3 Assignment - Course Project - Intro Essay How supply chain and logistics are related, yet...

1.3 Assignment - Course Project - Intro Essay

How supply chain and logistics are related, yet different

In: Operations Management

What are three recruitment strategies for a small business CEO? three examples below Develop and execute...

What are three recruitment strategies for a small business CEO? three examples below

Develop and execute vacancy and non-vacancy recruitment programs utilizing all resources that result in the hiring of top talent.

Develop and execute an employee referral program to increase the number of new hires by referral source by 25%.

Develop marketing materials to brand the company as a great place to work with competitive compensation and benefits.

In: Operations Management

Public Personnel Administration: Discuss the importance of leadership and ethics training in the public sector.

Public Personnel Administration: Discuss the importance of leadership and ethics training in the public sector.

In: Operations Management

What are five leadership and development strategies for a CEO? Some examples below. Create a program...

What are five leadership and development strategies for a CEO? Some examples below.

Create a program for planning, training, and coaching that will ensure the effective performance of company leadership. The HR manager will be the resource for talent assessment, career path support, conflict counseling, and the development of training plans.

Develop and deliver a quarterly leadership training program.

Partner with management to target employees to focus talent assessment and coaching feedback.

Identify management that has high potential and execute a plan to drive their development.

Identify management that has performed poorly and execute a plan for performance improvement.

Identify positions where management has consistently performed poorly with lack of improvement after coaching, develop a plan to recruit a replacement.

In: Operations Management

The 3 factors of the formal negotiation process that are involved in a win-win negotiation strategy...

The 3 factors of the formal negotiation process that are involved in a win-win negotiation strategy (for Integrative negotiation based on a win-win assumption)

a. Which one do you do best? Explain.

b. Which strategy do you need to improve upon? Explain.

In: Operations Management

Boeing had supply and quality issues leading to production delays in the development of their 787...

Boeing had supply and quality issues leading to production delays in the development of their 787 aircraft.

• What happened with the execution of Boeing’s planned strategy – did Boeing achieve planned results?

• What were Boeing’s responses to the issues identified?

• What role did senior management play in the execution of the strategy?

• Did you find issues with senior management’s approach?

An important part of this paper is your analysis of the issues that Boeing faced

• Analyze

• What went right for Boeing?

• What went wrong for Boeing?

• Why did these issues occur?

• Analyze the quality issues

• What do you believe was the cause of these issues?

• Assuming that you have just been named CEO of Boeing, what would you change or do differently?

In: Operations Management