Discuss a real life example of a business process and explain how the knowledge processes are...

Discuss a real life example of a business process and explain how the knowledge processes are embedded in the business process. Hence, comment on the effectiveness for ONE of the knowledge processes as identified in the example and propose a knowledge management system (KMS) to improve it.

In: Operations Management

What does Tesla need in order to execute their plan selling their cars direct to the...

What does Tesla need in order to execute their plan selling their cars direct to the customer.
What resources do they need?
How would they do it?
Explain in your own words.

In: Operations Management

1. What is the difference between forward integration and backward integration? a. Backward integration involves distribution...

1. What is the difference between forward integration and backward integration?

a. Backward integration involves distribution and sale; forward integration involves raw material production.
b. Both involve adding value after a product is manufactured.
c. Forward integration involves distribution and sale; backward integration involves raw material production.
d. Backward integration involves stripping value at each stage; forward integration adds value at each stage of the chain.

2. A fitness activity tracker company has the largest market share out of its competitors. One of the company's biggest competencies is figuring out how to deliver the most accurate data based on the way it programs the trackers to read the movement of those wearing them. Researchers have discovered a breakthrough in how to apply the technology to pets. Another company has already released an activity tracker for house cats. The company wants to release a line for both dogs and cats at a higher price point than its competitor. The company differentiates its new product in the trackers' ability to decipher the moods of the pet based on its heart rate. It believes consumers are willing to pay the extra amount because pet lovers are always trying to figure out the moods of their pets anyway. Through this new release, how will the company be implementing a corporate-level strategy that will lead to an increase in its competitive advantage?

a.The pet tracker has increased differentiation from its competitor, and its price point will lead to increased profitability.
b. The pet tracker has increased differentiation from its competitor, even though its price point will not likely lead to increased profitability.
c. The pet tracker has decreased differentiation from its competitor, but its price point will lead to increased profitability.
d. The pet tracker has decreased differentiation and a lower price point than its competitor.

3. A cell phone company has decided to have an independent human resources company perform its human resources functions. This arrangement is cheaper for the cell phone company and alleviates the need to build up its own human resources department. The cell phone company is participating in:

a.strategic alliance.
b. strategic outsourcing.
c. short-term contracting.
d. long-term contracting.

4. The principal goal of corporate-level strategy is to enable a company to:

a.promote its competitive disadvantage and profitability in its present business.
b. keep a company from promoting its competitive advantage and profitability in its present business.
c. promote its competitive advantage and profitability in only its future business.
d. promote its competitive advantage and profitability in its present business.

5. Staying within one industry through horizontal integration enables a company to allocate which resources and capabilities to compete in one area?

a.Backward in the value chain
b. Core and specialized suppliers not owned by the company
c. Managerial, financial, technological
d. Specialized assets, customers, and suppliers

6. An American car maker and a Japanese car maker have entered into a strategic alliance. Both have valuable technology that they need in order to perform their aspect of the manufacturing process for particular lines of vehicles. Since both need each other's technology, it is unlikely the other will use the proprietary information about the other to take advantage for fear of their own technology becoming disclosed. To guarantee that each partner maintains the agreement, the two companies are participating in:

a.parallel sourcing policy.
b. hostage taking.
c. quasi integration.
d. credible commitment

In: Operations Management

What do you think about my thought? Based on my personality I learn best as a...

What do you think about my thought?

Based on my personality I learn best as a visual learner. The reason why I am a visual learner is because I like to see information and how the relationships are tied together between ideas. I learn best by watching or reading demonstrations. When studying I like to do so in quiet areas with little to no disturbance which is why nights work best for me (kids are in bed sleeping). I also like live presentations where you can questions to get clarifications that might not be so clear. I also learn well when many examples or real life situations are use to bring the point home.

I do believe you can missing learning somethings if the information is not properly presented. I also miss things if presenter is boring with their delivery or if they are distracting in their delivery.

In: Operations Management

What is the purpose of the Product Life Cycle? Identify and explain the four stages of...

What is the purpose of the Product Life Cycle? Identify and explain the four stages of the product life cycle. In your response, be sure to include an indication of how sales, profits, product, price, promotion and place change with each stage. Explain what marketers can do to extend the length of the product life cycle? Provide examples to showcase your ideas.

In: Operations Management

What are the key aspects of health and safety legislation?

What are the key aspects of health and safety legislation?

In: Operations Management

I only need question C answered, but I provided the rest of the worksheet to use...

I only need question C answered, but I provided the rest of the worksheet to use as reference in order to do so.

Q1. Jamie wants to forecast the number of students who will enroll in operations management next semester in order to determine how many sections to schedule. He has accumulated the following enrollment data for the past six semesters:















a (2 pts). Compute a three-semester moving average forecast for semesters 4 through 7 (Model a) (Use two decimals).


Three-semester moving average forecast for semesters 4 through 7











b (3 pts). Compute the exponentially smoothed forecast (α = .20) for semesters 1 through 7 (Model b) (Use two decimals).


Exponentially smoothed forecast (α = .20) for semesters 1 through 7








c (3 pts). Compare the two forecasts using MAD and indicate the most accurate.

MAD (model a) =

MAD (model b) =

In: Operations Management

The workers at Olisur Olive Oil Factory, work four days a week, 15 hours a day....

The workers at Olisur Olive Oil Factory, work four days a week, 15 hours a day. Each day of the week, at least the following numbers of workers are needed: on weekdays 105 workers per day; on weekends 45 workers per day. There are 165 workers in the factory. Formulate a linear programming model that will reveal a schedule for the workers to maximize the sum of their consecutive days off (define decision variables; indicate objective function, constraints, and sign restrictions, if any).

Hint: A worker, who is not scheduled to work on Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday has 3 consecutive days off. If a worker is not scheduled to work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays, then s/he has 2 consecutive days off (Sunday & Monday); but if s/he is not scheduled to work on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, then that worker has no consecutive days off.

In: Operations Management

1. Based on a company you know, provide ONE real life example of related pieces of...

1. Based on a company you know, provide ONE real life example of related pieces of data, information and knowledge, and discuss how one is incorporated into the next. Briefly explain your answer.

In: Operations Management

Q1. Jamie wants to forecast the number of students who will enroll in operations management next...

Q1. Jamie wants to forecast the number of students who will enroll in operations management next semester in order to determine how many sections to schedule. He has accumulated the following enrollment data for the past six semesters:















a (2 pts). Compute a three-semester moving average forecast for semesters 4 through 7 (Model a) (Use two decimals).


Three-semester moving average forecast for semesters 4 through 7











In: Operations Management

Tastee Mart sells Frostee Flakes. Demand for Frostee Flakes is 500 boxes per week. Tastee Mart...

Tastee Mart sells Frostee Flakes. Demand for Frostee Flakes is 500 boxes per week. Tastee
Mart has a holding cost of 30 percent and incurs a fixed cost of $100 for each replenishment
order it places for Frostee Flakes. Given that cost is $2 per box of Frostee Flakes, i) how
much should Tastee Mart order in each replenishment lot? ii) If a trade promotion lowers the
price of Frostee Flakes to $1.80 (d=$0.2) for one month, how much should Tastee Mart order
given the short-term price reduction? iii) What will be the forward buy? iv) For how many
periods will the forward buy be enough? V) What will be the cycle inventory over these

In: Operations Management

In what ways would we expect the expansion of the scope of the Additional Credit Claims...

In what ways would we expect the expansion of the scope of the Additional Credit Claims (ACC) programme by the European Central Bank (ECB) to increase the provision of credit to businesses during the COVID-19 crisis?

In: Operations Management

determine and discuss one strength and one weakness of best constructionist perspective on the fdeviance using...

determine and discuss one strength and one weakness of best constructionist perspective on the fdeviance using examples from both western and non-western cultures

In: Operations Management

Please typing if you can i will appreciate had my answers but i need to compare...

Please typing if you can i will appreciate had my answers but i need to compare my solution .
o changes you have had to personally make due to the Any Personality things
o how you feel about those changes; how you are coping
o economic impacts for you, friends, and/or family
o educational impacts for you, friends or family

Typing please it is help me for grammar

In: Operations Management

What have you gained from studying music appreciation during this course? Do you think that your...

What have you gained from studying music appreciation during this course?

Do you think that your learning about music in MUSI200 was beneficial to your thinking about your own life experiences? If so, please explain.

        During the course, what (if any) connections to your life, work, or other pursuits did you make in learning about music?

    After completing MUSI200, what role does music serve in your life?

What do you know now that you did not know before taking this class?

        Have your perceptions of experiences with music changed as a result of the course? If so, how?

In: Operations Management