A supermarket is open 360 days per year. Daily use of cash register tape averages 500...

  1. A supermarket is open 360 days per year. Daily use of cash register tape averages 500 rolls. The cost of ordering tape is $85, and carrying costs are $4 per roll a year. Lead time is two days.
  1. EOQ
  2. Total annual carrying and ordering cost for EOQ
  3. They currently order 5000 units each time. What is the current total annual carrying and ordering cost?
  4. How much would they save annually in ordering and carrying costs if they change the current order quantity to EOQ?
  5. Using EOQ, what is the number of orders per year and what is the interval between orders?
  6. ROP (reorder point/quantity)

In: Operations Management

show Marriott International history.

show Marriott International history.

In: Operations Management

Research the topics thoroughly using valid, reliable sources. 2-Each student will prepare an 8-12 page research...

Research the topics thoroughly using valid, reliable sources.
2-Each student will prepare an 8-12 page research paper (2-3 pages for each question): double-spaced, Times New Roman and 12-point font.
3-Originality is a “must” in research. Therefore, use your own words when answering questions - DO NOT copy text from your book or any other source. Copied answers will result in a zero on this assessment.
4-Use references, if needed. Please use APA format when citing sources.
OB = Organization Behavior
( we will use similarity)

The coronavirus is hitting businesses and their employees. Some businesses are still open and millions of employees are working to serve customers. Some of the employees work in their workplaces while some others work from home. Almost all employees worry whether they will lose their jobs or if they will have a pay cut. It is obvious that unemployment will rise because millions of employees will lose their jobs and the remaining employees may have a pay cut (10, 20, 30, 50%) depending on the position in his/her workplace.
Because of the coronavirus, the business environment has started to change. It is becoming a challenging fast-changing environment. Currently, many managers are faced with difficulties. In the near future and in the long run, they will need to deal with important issues.
Lastly, you have to remember that one can easily manage firms during prosperous times but effective managers flourish during difficult times.
Below is a sample list of terms that you can use when answering the questions.
Job security and protection; Employee morale; Employee stress; Anxiety; Employee wellness; Effective decision making; Work performance; Key competencies; Productive employees; Quality of work produced; Work-life balance; Mental health; Employees in a high-risk health category; Illness; Government sector; Health sector; Security forces.

Q4-What kind of expertise, knowledge, skills and abilities will be needed from employees in the near future and in the long run? Discuss.

In: Operations Management

How would you integrate concepts of Leadership, Management and Planning to create a vision for excellence...

How would you integrate concepts of Leadership, Management and Planning to create a vision for excellence in the healthcare supply chain, and determine fundamental tenets of performance evaluation for the healthcare supply chain?

In: Operations Management

Research the topics thoroughly using valid, reliable sources. 2-Each student will prepare an 8-12 page research...

Research the topics thoroughly using valid, reliable sources.
2-Each student will prepare an 8-12 page research paper (2-3 pages for each question): double-spaced, Times New Roman and 12-point font.
3-Originality is a “must” in research. Therefore, use your own words when answering questions - DO NOT copy text from your book or any other source. Copied answers will result in a zero on this assessment.
4-Use references, if needed. Please use APA format when citing sources.
OB = Organization Behavior
( we will use similarity)

The coronavirus is hitting businesses and their employees. Some businesses are still open and millions of employees are working to serve customers. Some of the employees work in their workplaces while some others work from home. Almost all employees worry whether they will lose their jobs or if they will have a pay cut. It is obvious that unemployment will rise because millions of employees will lose their jobs and the remaining employees may have a pay cut (10, 20, 30, 50%) depending on the position in his/her workplace.
Because of the coronavirus, the business environment has started to change. It is becoming a challenging fast-changing environment. Currently, many managers are faced with difficulties. In the near future and in the long run, they will need to deal with important issues.
Lastly, you have to remember that one can easily manage firms during prosperous times but effective managers flourish during difficult times.
Below is a sample list of terms that you can use when answering the questions.
Job security and protection; Employee morale; Employee stress; Anxiety; Employee wellness; Effective decision making; Work performance; Key competencies; Productive employees; Quality of work produced; Work-life balance; Mental health; Employees in a high-risk health category; Illness; Government sector; Health sector; Security forces.

Q3-How should managers handle an employee that is unable to work due to age or health issues?

In: Operations Management

Chapter 13 Discussion questions: Ethics Discuss the meaning and purposes of human sexuality.Discuss premarital sex.Discuss sex...

Chapter 13 Discussion questions: Ethics

Discuss the meaning and purposes of human sexuality.Discuss premarital sex.Discuss sex in marriage-type relationship (including nonlegal).Discuss adultery.Discuss prostitution.

In: Operations Management

Retail Management is the subject: Discuss any experiences you have had or seen with the unethical...

Retail Management is the subject: Discuss any experiences you have had or seen with the unethical price issues mentioned in the text or otherwise. (i.e. bait-and-switch, deceptive pricing, misleading ads, etc.) Why would retailers risk violating any of the legal issues discussed in this chapter. Explain.

In: Operations Management

You have recently been promoted to General Manager at Creekview Lodge, a 50 room hotel in...

You have recently been promoted to General Manager at Creekview Lodge, a 50 room hotel in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. You started working at the lodge in high school in the restaurant and after college, returned to Creekview as one of the assistant managers before being promoted to hotel manager. Recently, a 200-room hotel opened not far from Creekview Lodge, and although Creekview still maintains near 100% capacity there has been quite a bit of turnover. More than ten employees left to work for the larger hotel which boasted higher pay and better health insurance.

You were informed this morning by the front desk team that the latest customer survey results show a drop in the satisfaction rating for guest room cleanliness. The current report indicates that 73% of guests responded “completely satisfied”, 12% responded “satisfied”, 10% responded “neither satisfied nor unsatisfied”, and 5% responded “unsatisfied.” The housekeeping staff lost four employees to the new hotel, so although disappointed, you aren’t surprised by this news. Still, you could not remember a time that the hotel had received such a low satisfaction rating.

As manager of Creekview Lodge, what is your next step in addressing the problem?

A)Take immediate action and require that all rooms be inspected by the hotel manager (you) or an assistant manager before being made available to customers

D)Review the standards of performance and compare to current performance

In: Operations Management

Research the topics thoroughly using valid, reliable sources. Research the topics thoroughly using valid, reliable sources....

Research the topics thoroughly using valid, reliable sources.

Research the topics thoroughly using valid, reliable sources.
2-Each student will prepare an 8-12 page research paper (2-3 pages for each question): double-spaced, Times New Roman and 12-point font.
3-Originality is a “must” in research. Therefore, use your own words when answering questions - DO NOT copy text from your book or any other source. Copied answers will result in a zero on this assessment.
4-Use references, if needed. Please use APA format when citing sources.
OB = Organization Behavior
( we will use similarity)

The coronavirus is hitting businesses and their employees. Some businesses are still open and millions of employees are working to serve customers. Some of the employees work in their workplaces while some others work from home. Almost all employees worry whether they will lose their jobs or if they will have a pay cut. It is obvious that unemployment will rise because millions of employees will lose their jobs and the remaining employees may have a pay cut (10, 20, 30, 50%) depending on the position in his/her workplace.
Because of the coronavirus, the business environment has started to change. It is becoming a challenging fast-changing environment. Currently, many managers are faced with difficulties. In the near future and in the long run, they will need to deal with important issues.
Lastly, you have to remember that one can easily manage firms during prosperous times but effective managers flourish during difficult times.
Below is a sample list of terms that you can use when answering the questions.
Job security and protection; Employee morale; Employee stress; Anxiety; Employee wellness; Effective decision making; Work performance; Key competencies; Productive employees; Quality of work produced; Work-life balance; Mental health; Employees in a high-risk health category; Illness; Government sector; Health sector; Security forces.
Q2-What would be the possible changes and developments in the workforce and workplace diversity in the near future and in the long run? Discuss.

The coronavirus is hitting businesses and their employees. Some businesses are still open and millions of employees are working to serve customers. Some of the employees work in their workplaces while some others work from home. Almost all employees worry whether they will lose their jobs or if they will have a pay cut. It is obvious that unemployment will rise because millions of employees will lose their jobs and the remaining employees may have a pay cut (10, 20, 30, 50%) depending on the position in his/her workplace.
Because of the coronavirus, the business environment has started to change. It is becoming a challenging fast-changing environment. Currently, many managers are faced with difficulties. In the near future and in the long run, they will need to deal with important issues.
Lastly, you have to remember that one can easily manage firms during prosperous times but effective managers flourish during difficult times.
Below is a sample list of terms that you can use when answering the questions.
Job security and protection; Employee morale; Employee stress; Anxiety; Employee wellness; Effective decision making; Work performance; Key competencies; Productive employees; Quality of work produced; Work-life balance; Mental health; Employees in a high-risk health category; Illness; Government sector; Health sector; Security forces.


In: Operations Management

The class is Human Resources Management: Do you agree with unionization within organizations? Why or why...

The class is Human Resources Management: Do you agree with unionization within organizations? Why or why not? List the advantages and disadvantages of unions to the employee and the company.

In: Operations Management

You work for Mike, a global company that specializes in manufacturing and selling athletic shoes for...

You work for Mike, a global company that specializes in manufacturing and selling athletic shoes for both competition athletes and casual users. You are called into your supervisor’s office where he tells you that you have been assigned to be the leader of a virtual team. The team has been tasked with assessing the feasibility of the company manufacturing and marketing an inexpensive athletic shoe to be sold in Brazil. You will be responsible for getting the team up and running, maintaining open and clear lines of communications, and ultimately launching the product if it is found to be feasible.

Your supervisor hands you a list of the team members—twelve of them. Three work in the United States (two in Beaverton, Oregon, and one in New York City). Two work in England, two in China, two in India, and three in Brazil. All are Mike employees, and all were born in the country in which they work. All speak English, though some speak it better than others.


Since you are the team’s leader, your supervisor has asked you to meet with the members. Answer the questions below pertaining to the team:

  1. What challenges do you expect the team will face because of its multicultural makeup?
  2. How can you help the team overcome these challenges?
  3. What are the opportunities presented by the multicultural makeup of the team?
  4. As a manager, would you have to consider different methods of motivating your multicultural team?
  5. What challenges with the creation of a marketing plan do you expect?
  6. Are there any legal and accounting challenges you predict in this global project?

In: Operations Management

1. Prepare a list of 10 interview questions to select a candidate for the position “marketing...

1. Prepare a list of 10 interview questions to select a candidate for the position “marketing manager”. Please ensure that two behavioural, two situational, two job-knowledge, and two worker-requirements questions are included in this list of ten questions.

2. "A well-thought-out orientation program is essential for all new employees, whether they have experience or not." Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement. (word requirement: minimum 200 words)

3. Explain how you would conduct a job analysis. (word requirement: minimum 200 words)

4. Briefly describe each of the following possible types of interviews: unstructured panel interviews; structured sequential interviews; job-related structured interviews. (word requirement: minimum 200 words)

In: Operations Management

An annual demand for an item is 500 units, ordering cost is 8 $, inventory carrying...

An annual demand for an item is 500 units, ordering cost is 8 $, inventory carrying interest is 20% of the purchase price per year. Purchase prices are as follows as proposed by the vendor/supplier; where the value of unit cost=10 without any discount?

Discount 0% 000≤Q<300   
Discount 2% 300≤Q<450
Discount 3% 450≤Q
a) for inventory model with no discount======================================================================

a1) The economic order quantity = [EOQ] units

a2) The total ordering costs = [TOC] $

a3) The total carrying cost = [TCC] $

a4) The total inventory cost without unit costs = [TC] $

a5) The total inventory cost including unit costs = [TUC] $

b) Adopting 2% discount will yield the following;================================================================

b1) The total price for Q1 units = [F] * Q1 + [FF]

b2) The economic order quantity = [EOQD] units b3) Feasible solution or not = [yn]

b4) The total ordering costs = [TOCD] $

b5) The total carrying cost = [TCCD] $

b6) The total inventory cost without unit costs = [TCD] $

b7) The total inventory cost including unit costs = [TUCD] $

c) Adopting 3% discount will yield the following;================================================================

c1) The total price for Q2 units = [k] * Q2 + [kk]

c2) The economic order quantity = [EOQDD] units c3) Feasible solution or not = [yo]

c4) The total ordering costs = [TOCDD] $

c5) The total carrying cost = [TCCDD] $

c6) The total inventory cost without unit costs = [TCDD] $

c7) The total inventory cost including unit costs = [TUCDD] $

d) The optimal solution for this problem is to choose = [discount]%

In: Operations Management

Goal: Your task is to prepare a business case for a new information system as described...

Goal: Your task is to prepare a business case for a new information system as described below.

A company that handles deliveries for other companies and individuals (you can use Yurtici or Aras Kargo as examples) considers to implement a new system for managing their trucks. Currently, the drivers get a fixed order of destinations, deliver the packages and get a signature on a paper slip. They hand in the slips in the evening to their manager. The manager checks against the orders, and approves that deliveries have been made. With the new system, the drivers have a hand-held device connected to traffic information, and an information system that changes the route dynamically to avoid traffic jams. Also the customers sign with a pen on the hand-held device, if a signature has been done, the delivery is marked as completed automatically.

You should try to identify all possible factors both for benefits and costs. In the business case, describe all of them, and try to quantify them, detailing how this quantification could have happened (actual numbers can be guessed at or made up, like for example hardware costs). Based on this quantification, aggregate the results for costs and benefits over an adequate time interval and give an overall assessment and recommendation. You can also include intangible benefits and strategic considerations in your final recommendation.

You will need to both create a professional proposal

In: Operations Management

What type of international strategy does General Motors use? Justify your answer. (Short Essay)

What type of international strategy does General Motors use? Justify your answer. (Short Essay)

In: Operations Management