three different types of partnerships and provide the elements/details of how each one is organized and...

three different types of partnerships and provide the elements/details of how each one is organized and explain the differences between each type of partnership. A summary paragraph per entity

In: Operations Management

You own a distributor-style franchise, you have a client interested in becoming a franchisee. Please create...

You own a distributor-style franchise, you have a client interested in becoming a franchisee. Please create a franchise agreement for your client by stating the name of the franchise, the purpose of the franchise and include (7) basic elements/terms (50-150 words each) in your franchise agreement with clear explanations of each element. Make the agreement unique to your franchise.

In: Operations Management

Savalot Shopping Centre Ltd (“SSC”) recently opened a new store in your city. SSC is a...

Savalot Shopping Centre Ltd (“SSC”) recently opened a new store in your city. SSC is a membership warehouse club: - this means customers must become a member before they can shop at SSC. As a new business in the area, SSC was keen to attract as many new members as possible so it started an advertising campaign.

The advertising campaign included a catalogue with the following wording at the top of the front page in large bold font:

Do you want to save $$$$ you know you do!!!!!!

Huge savings for all new members

Get a HUGE 25% off all products if you join right now! Today in fact! 30 todays only!

Memberships will go fast, first in best dressed. Be late be disappointed – memberships are limited

At the very bottom of the advertisement, there is additional wording in very small print which states:

“The 25% price reduction for new members only applies to the first $150.00 of items purchased. Fruit and vegetables excluded.”

Dess saw the advertisement flyer and picked it up. Dess thought he could save money by buying bulk supplies for his large family, however, he basically stopped reading at 25% discount and didn’t notice the fine print.

Dess didn’t want to miss out on the limited memberships, so he went to SSC the next day and paid a $10 monthly membership fee, signed some terms and conditions which he briefly glanced at, got his membership card and started shopping. Dess filled five trollies with bulk household items worth about $1200.00.

At the checkout, Dess is told that the 25% discount only applies to the first $100.00 of items purchased. Dess complained and was referred to Miss Strict, a “customer care representative”.

Miss Strict showed Dess the fine print in the advertisement. Dess got very angry and decided not to buy anything. Dess then asked Miss Strict to cancel his membership. However, Miss Strict reminded Dess he signed the terms and conditions which included the following term:

1. The Customer is not permitted to cancel the membership before the expiry of 12 months unless the customer pays a cancellation fee of $150.00.

Dess attempted to negotiate with Miss Strict arguing it was just ridiculous to have such small printing and this was an entirely unacceptable to charge $150 to cancel a $10 membership However, Miss Strict told Dess:

“This is your fault, you should have read the advertisement more carefully, and you indicated you read the terms and conditions by ticking this box and signing the terms and conditions. I think it is unreasonable you think you have grounds to complain.”

Dess stalks out of SSC and decided to lodge a complaint with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (“the ACCC”).


Using the IRAC legal problem solving process give your conclusion on whether the ACCC have any grounds to start legal proceedings against “SSC” if Dess had purchased food for use in his café?

In: Operations Management

1) Choose a well known entrepreneur (example: Bill Gates, Martha Stewart) and in about 700 words...

1) Choose a well known entrepreneur (example: Bill Gates, Martha Stewart) and in about 700 words analyze his/her entrepreneurial traits and explain how they contributed to his/her success. Explain their vision and how/if it has expanded. To the best of your understanding explain how they were able to transition from an enterprise headquartered in a garage or kitchen to a powerful multi-national company (MNC).

In: Operations Management

Subject Name:Human Resource management 1,Job Description and Job Specification are the same. A.correct B.incorrect 2,Job descriptions...

Subject Name:Human Resource management

1,Job Description and Job Specification are the same. A.correct B.incorrect
2,Job descriptions focus on the desired skills, knowledge and attributes of job holders.
A.correct B.incorrect
3,Job Description and Job Specification are indispensable working documents for job applicants, job holders and employers.
A.correct B.incorrect
4、Well-written job descriptions and specifications can help organizations recruit, train and assess employees. A.correct B.incorrect
5、A training manager in a fast food restaraunt will need solid communication skills. This requirement should go into Job Specification.
A.correct B.incorrect

True FALSE kind of

In: Operations Management

“What, in your opinion, is the importance of performance management system and how would the knowledge...

“What, in your opinion, is the importance of performance management system and how would the knowledge and skills you have acquired about the performance management system in this course help you in your career as an effective manager? Use your personal examples to illustrate your reflections.” About 1000words

In: Operations Management

Explain how managerial leadership can foster a high-performance culture. Enumerate at least four actions that managerial...

  1. Explain how managerial leadership can foster a high-performance culture.
  2. Enumerate at least four actions that managerial leadership can take to mobilize the effort for excellence in strategy execution.
  3. When a company's strategy execution effort is not delivering good results, it is the leader's responsibility to step forward and initiate corrective actions. What are some of the actions a leader can take to correct the strategy execution effort?

In: Operations Management

An analysis of the entry modes Netflix uses in its global markets. This analysis should focus...

An analysis of the entry modes Netflix uses in its global markets. This analysis should focus on the rationale of entry mode choice.

In: Operations Management

ch14 "Sustaining Change, Evaluating, and ending an engagement" EXERCISE: SUSTAINING CHANGE Imagine that these are individual,...

ch14 "Sustaining Change, Evaluating, and ending an engagement"

EXERCISE: SUSTAINING CHANGE Imagine that these are individual, team, and organizational changes that you have worked on with clients to implement. What methods to sustain change would you advise in each case? some examples of

1. The accounts payable department has implemented a new technology system for electronic payment of invoices, and all analysts were trained on a new

2. Before they escalate a conflict to their manager, two colleagues have agreed to meet personally first to see if they can resolve the conflict on their own.

3. An organization has implemented a "customer first" initiative to empower service technicians to do what it takes to ensure that customer problem are addressed promptly and accurately the first time.

4. A manager is working to delegate more tasks to her team instead of taking on too much alone.

In: Operations Management

Chapter 14: Sustaining Change, Evaluating, and ending an engagement EXERCISE: SUSTAINING CHANGE Imagine that these are...

Chapter 14: Sustaining Change, Evaluating, and ending an engagement

EXERCISE: SUSTAINING CHANGE Imagine that these are individual, team, and organizational changes that you have worked on with clients to implement. What methods to sustain change would you advise in each case? some examples of

5. Physicians, nurse practitioners, and specialists were trained on how to participate in a collaborative "360 view" process to ensure that patients receive the care of the whole team, not just an individual practitioner.

6. Two departments that had operated in silos have agreed to collaborate on projects together instead of independently. payment process.

7. An executive is working to improve his presentations by thoroughly rehearsing in advance instead of speaking extemporaneously.

8. An organization has implemented a sustainability program to encourage waste reduction, recycling, and environmentally responsible practices.

-thank you

In: Operations Management

You work as an HR Manager at Chenoa Automotive. Chenoa Automotive is an automobile parts manufacturer...

You work as an HR Manager at Chenoa Automotive. Chenoa Automotive is an automobile parts manufacturer and it employs roughly 1,100 employees of whom 825 work in production facilities and are unionized. The rest of the employees are office workers employed in a variety of clerical, professional, and managerial jobs. Lately, the company is dealing with increased tardiness, absenteeism, and accidents. A preliminary investigation suggests that there might be a “drug problem.” Your CEO wants you to develop and implement a drug testing program. Describe in detail what the program will look like, how you will communicate the program, how you will implement the program, and how you will evaluate the success of the program?

In: Operations Management

reflection on the process of working in a group. 1.        What was the situation eg: how...

reflection on the process of working in a group.

1.        What was the situation eg: how did you organize your group to make and/or process decisions?

2.        What was your task in the group i.e. what role(s) did you play in the group, and why?

3.        What actions did you take in the group? What went well? What could you have done differently, and why?

4.        What were some of the results of these actions? What further reflections can you make of these results or outcomes?

In: Operations Management

4. Chemical Company created a new product called “Tire Shine” to clean the oil and tar...

4. Chemical Company created a new product called “Tire Shine” to clean the oil and tar from car tire rims. Chemical company sold 1,000 bottles of “Tire Shine” to Ferrari Corp. Ferrari received and used the “Tire Shine” without altering the product. “Tire Shine” however caused harm to Ferrari employees who used the product, even though they used the product as instructed. In random checks of the “Tire Shine” bottles received by Ferrari, it was discovered that the fumes from the bottles of “Tire Shine” were extremely toxic. If Ferrari can show that “Tire Shine” did not have adequate warning labels mentioning the dangerous conditions or instruction labels indicating how to properly use the product, what cause of action could Ferrari bring against The Chemical Company and why?4. Chemical Company created a new product called “Tire Shine” to clean the oil and tar from car tire rims. Chemical company sold 1,000 bottles of “Tire Shine” to Ferrari Corp. Ferrari received and used the “Tire Shine” without altering the product. “Tire Shine” however caused harm to Ferrari employees who used the product, even though they used the product as instructed. In random checks of the “Tire Shine” bottles received by Ferrari, it was discovered that the fumes from the bottles of “Tire Shine” were extremely toxic. If Ferrari can show that “Tire Shine” did not have adequate warning labels mentioning the dangerous conditions or instruction labels indicating how to properly use the product, what cause of action could Ferrari bring against The Chemical Company and why?

In: Operations Management

Imagine that the small business that you have been working for has started to catch traction...

Imagine that the small business that you have been working for has started to catch traction and you are considering expanding into a few new markets. However, these markets make meeting with key managers inconvenient. You have been charged with developing and finding a way for the company to conduct meetings in an efficient and effective manner while keeping costs to a minimum.

Your task is to search the internet and find two free online communicating services to present as options to your manager. Prepare a summary along with a chart comparing the different features such as: costs, ease of use, ease of setting up an account, number of users, technology required to operate, conferencing, screen sharing, video conferencing, recording conference, etc.


1. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSchedule and conduct an online meeting ( Meeting occurs with all members in attendance )

2. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreate a meeting plan ( Plan is created and lays out the flow of the meeting, as well as designating the facilitator )

3. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTurn in research on communication services ( Research covers two services and compares their pros and cons )

4. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTurn in short reflection essay ( Essay meets word requirements and effectively discusses the success or failure of the call )

In: Operations Management

You have to write an academic essay to answer the following question: How can New Technologies...

  • You have to write an academic essay to answer the following question: How can New Technologies enhance Service Management and competitiveness in the 21st Century companies?

  • Choose 3 different companies in different fields and analyze and compare how are they using new technologies, while answering the proposed question.

  • You are encouraged to use Tables to make the comparisons between the different companies.

In: Operations Management