Quantitative research does come with its drawbacks such as non-response bias. Why is this an issue...

Quantitative research does come with its drawbacks such as non-response bias. Why is this an issue that a marketer needs to be concerned about?

In: Operations Management

my opportunities on my swot analysis for USA is as following Increase the Digital Marketing Revenue...

my opportunities on my swot analysis for USA is as following
Increase the Digital Marketing Revenue
Established Global Partnerships

What would be the recommended strategy and Rationale for USA Today according to my opportunities above.

In: Operations Management

It is said that Bed & Breakfast (B&Bs) can contribute to a more ‘authentic’ travel experience...

It is said that Bed & Breakfast (B&Bs) can contribute to a more ‘authentic’ travel experience for tourists rather than hotel chains. It also provides mutual benefits for both the visitor and the operator. While licensing can be a concern, the HKTB’s hotel rating system being used is also considered not applicable to rate the ‘quality’ of B&Bs for several reasons. If the HKTB’s hotel rating system is applied to rate the B&Bs in Hong Kong, explain how it will disadvantage or advantage the grading of a B&B based on the FIVE key indicators being used in this stage.

A combination of quantitative indicators:

1. Facilities (F&B, IT, Business and Health Related)

2. Location

3. Staff to Room ratio

4. Average Achieved Room Rate

5. Business Mix

In: Operations Management

Choose a business with which you are familiar. Describe the ways in which this business has...

Choose a business with which you are familiar. Describe the ways in which this business has advantages or disadvantages in relation to:

(a) visibility

(b) cost (in terms of likely premises expenses and transport costs)

(c) proximity to customers

(d) proximity to suppliers

(e) proximity to any complementary businesses.

In: Operations Management

For or Against Sensor and Big Data in organizations? what is your opinion?

For or Against Sensor and Big Data in organizations?

what is your opinion?

In: Operations Management

What kind and level of technological innovation would you like to be a part of in...

What kind and level of technological innovation would you like to be a part of in your chosen industry/field? Describe the type and level of innovation and why you think it would be valuable.

In: Operations Management

Based on Chapter- Communication Planning-   Think of a situation from your personal or work activities when...

Based on Chapter- Communication Planning-

  Think of a situation from your personal or work activities when a few communication problems occurred during the project. To do:

2.1. Fully describe the communication problems in detail.

2.2. Using the theory of the course, describe two different communications that, if they had been included in a Communications Management Plan, would have helped reduce or eliminate the communication problems identified. For each communication, explain why it would have reduced or eliminated the problem.

In: Operations Management

1. Why start-up companies have to choose LLCs and Corporation style. 2. Then why this is...

1. Why start-up companies have to choose LLCs and Corporation style.

2. Then why this is so important for start-up companies?

3. Also, how their decisions could make impact their companies in the future?

In: Operations Management

Explain each step of the 08 steps of John Kotter Change plan

Explain each step of the 08 steps of John Kotter Change plan

In: Operations Management

develop/ list the financial objectives of a start up bar & grill. also list/develop strategic objectives...

develop/ list the financial objectives of a start up bar & grill. also list/develop strategic objectives of a start up bar and grill

In: Operations Management

Please use the appropriate variables of one segmentation method to illustrate how can marketing managers from...

Please use the appropriate variables of one segmentation method to illustrate how can marketing managers from a car company segment the market.

In: Operations Management

How did FreshDirect choose to compete, and what competitive challenges do FreshDirect face now?

How did FreshDirect choose to compete, and what competitive challenges do FreshDirect face now?

In: Operations Management

Explain how each of the factors listed below can influence the location of a manufacturing business....

Explain how each of the factors listed below can influence the location of a manufacturing business.

• Visibility

• Cost of rent or purchase

• Proximity to customers and suppliers

• Proximity to competitors

• Complementary businesses

In: Operations Management

Children's Literature Course Reflection Please reflect on our time together. Write a college-level essay that discusses...

Children's Literature Course Reflection

Please reflect on our time together. Write a college-level essay that discusses what you've learned about yourself and children's literature. You may refer to your Discussions, class notes, or completed assignments. Your paper should be 500+ words and completed using APA format.

Consider using the following as section headers:

  • Should children's literature should be studied by all adults?
  • Before this class I thought . . . . now I know that . . . .
  • Now that I've reflected on children's literature, my classroom/home will always . . .
  • My favorite genre is . . .
  • I wish I had learned more about . . . .
  • I will always/never do round robin reading.
  • I will share XXX with my family/students
  • I will apply what I learned in this class by . . .
  • If I had $500 to spend on books, I would include XXX in my collection...
  • Respectful changes that can be made to this class are....
  • Be sure to keep _____________ as a part of this class because...

In: Operations Management

Francis collects music related merchandise, in particular she is a big fan of Kiss (American glamrock...

Francis collects music related merchandise, in particular she is a big fan of Kiss (American glamrock band) and Status Quo (English boogie band) merchandise. Francis appoints Rick as her agent and instructs him to purchase three specific Kiss related items from Allan, another collector of Kiss merchandise. Francis gives Rick a limit of $25,000 to spend, which Rick promptly deposits in his own personal bank account to “keep it safe” until it is needed.

Francis also instructs Rick to keep the purchase of the three items confidential. Rick is very pleased about his appointment as Francis’s agent and tells three of his closest friends on the proviso the friends do not share any information with anyone. However, two of these friends work in the music industry and immediately tell their employers.

Rick approaches Allan and introduces himself as Francis’s agent. Following negotiations it is agreed Allan will sell the three Kiss items to Francis for $32,000. When Francis is informed of the contract, Francis flatly refuses to pay and says:

“Rick never had the authority to make any contracts involving this amount of money. I simply will not pay this amount of money for those three items.”

Allan states the contract stands, wants to proceed with the sale and demands payment in 7 days or he will start legal proceedings for breach of contract.

When Rick was inspecting the items, he noticed Allan also had 3 original Status Quo albums which Francis has always wanted for her collection. Rick also facilitates an agreement where Allan will sell the albums to Francis for $45,000.


Part A ( 15 Marks)

Using the IRAC legal problem solving process give your conclusion on whether:

(a) (b)

Part B

Allan can enforce the contract for the three Kiss items with Francis.
Francis is bound to go ahead with the contract to purchase the Status Quo albums from Allan, and the consequences for Rick if Francis is not bound to the purchase.

( 5 Marks)

Describe the ways in which Rick is in breach of his common law duties as an agent, and any consequences of such breaches.

In: Operations Management