
In: Operations Management

SucceSSion ManageMent at general electric86 General Electric (GE) is widely recognized for its leadership talent and...

SucceSSion ManageMent at general electric86
General Electric (GE) is widely recognized for its leadership talent and its succession management system. One of the best examples of succession management is how GE’s former CEO Jack Welch shaped and elevated the company’s phi- losophy, practice, and reputation for developing leaders. In a speech, Welch stated, “From now on, choosing my successor is the most important decision I’ll make.” GE’s commitment to developing leaders from within has yielded positive results for both the company’s employees and for GE. In fact, the program has been so successful that it’s been widely emulated by other global organizations.
Measuring and developing talent lies at the forefront of GE’s business strategy discussions. GE’s operating system, referred to as its “learning culture in action,” entails year- round learning sessions in which leaders from GE and outside companies share best practices with one another and generate ideas for new practices. Every GE business is responsible for having succession plans for key leadership roles.
GE’s succession management system is fairly simple. GE man- agers and executives are moved from job to job every two to three years, and each job change or promotion is a well-thought-out
process that provides managers with much-needed experience and exposure to certain elements of the business. This has allowed GE to build a management team that is very knowledgeable and experienced. Performance management and leadership assess- ments help to identify future leadership talent, and a comprehen- sive leadership development plan helps prepare these people for what they need to be ready for the next level. GE’s employee management system tracks individual employees’ progress and regular organizational succession reviews help to keep the talent pipeline full. GE also makes it one of its business leaders’ top goals to help their people grow and move them along their career paths. In addition to business results, leaders are also expected to hit employee growth and development targets.
1. Do you think that GE’s approach to succession manage- ment would work for all organizations? Why or why not? 2. What are some possible disadvantages of moving people
to new jobs every two to three years?
3. Why does GE’s succession management approach work
so well?


Expert Solution


GE's way to deal with progression the executives would work for all associations, by all accounts, looks very compelling; anyway its widespread application may in any case involve concern. The explanation being, there are different associations where the departmental capacities may require an authority approach and not a generalist one that could permit the supervisors and administrators to move from employment to work each a few years. Indeed, in cases, for example, Research associations, for example, Pharmaceutical research firms, it will be essentially bulky for the new chief to comprehend the task on the off chance that he is moved there from one anticipate to the next every now and again. In look into firm, it rather sets aside a more extended effort to permit the exploration to result into something profitable. Henceforth in such cases, this progression the board will most likely be unable to do equity with the individuals. This idea of progression the board will assist just with companying to adjust with where it is achievable for the new chiefs to do the initiative capacities with proficiency as opposed to investing the whole energy in learning the extent of the new division as opposed to realizing powerful changes and changes into it.

Answer 2:

Following are the possible disadvantages of moving individuals to new jobs each a few years:

  • The individuals may not discover a lot of inspiration into an occupation for an extensive stretch of time for the explanation being that they will know about the development in a few years of time and subsequently the devotion level for a drag out responsibility towards a specific activity may need.
  • The individuals may not get the due acknowledgment for their exhibition regardless of whether they put their essence to it generally on the grounds that when, the advantages of their endeavors are procured, such individuals are as of now moved to some other activity, in this manner empowering another person to appreciate the trees at the expense of the endeavors so put in by these individuals.
  • It would require some investment to unlearn the past systems of the activity and learn it in another manner in the new division or occupations. This would take some time and deferral in the errands of arranged change or dynamic relating to the new openings and when these individuals are alright with the new set up, it will again be the ideal opportunity for them to move out of it in this manner may result into disappointment.
  • It would likewise not empower the individuals or the workers of the Organization to manufacture a compatibility with the pioneers consistently on account of the successive changes as initiative that every individual may be attempted, prompting a greater amount of examination than to adequacy of the equivalent.

Answer 3:

GE's progression the board works so well because of the accompanying reasons:

  • The previous CEO underscored on the part of viable authority well in order to assemble a climate of inspiration and execution among its individuals.
  • The Organization likewise assessed the gifts and the abilities of its representatives by suitable estimation procedures set up that empowered the workers to perform all the more successfully dependent on the presentation the executives surveys.
  • GE guaranteed that the learning procedure happens in the Organization round the year for which their pioneers would connect with the pioneers from different Organizations too, to figure out how to adjust to better practices for boosting the spirit and execution of their representatives.
  • The obligation of each business movement of GE towards undertaking the Succession the executives plan in a genuine manner enveloped more joining of GE's initiative pledge to powerful authority.
  • The development of the chiefs from occupation to work helped them upgrade their insight and set of authority aptitudes and in this way helping the specialty units perform better.
  • GE has a far reaching authority designs set up that causes the Organization to recognize future initiative gifts and make their representatives arranged for what could be in put away for them in the not so distant future.
  • GE further aides in outlining the vocation ways for its representatives in this manner making their authority thoughts increasingly significant to all the individuals working in the Organization.

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