Q2. In the context of the elements of a freight transportation system, provide the reason on...

Q2. In the context of the elements of a freight transportation system, provide the reason on how the permanent way has:

(a) constrained the size and performance of a cargo transport unit (CTU).

(b) supported the size and improves performance of a cargo transport unit (CTU).

In: Operations Management

Q3. The most successful unitised load for international freight transport is the ISO standard sea container...

Q3. The most successful unitised load for international freight transport is the ISO standard sea container (20-foot and 40-foot variants). Please examine two reasons for its widespread applications

In: Operations Management

Research a company and try to find examples of A. Strategic Philanthropy 1. What are the...

Research a company and try to find examples of

A. Strategic Philanthropy

1. What are the core competencies and resources used to address key stakeholders’ interests to achieve both organisational and social benefit?

2. What are the social benefits and drawbacks associated with this philanthropy? To what extent do they benefits outweigh the risks

B. Causal Marketing

3. What are the links to the organisations products and the social concern? To what extent do you believe this to be a good marketing program?

In: Operations Management

Assume that you are the manager of a shop that assembles power tools. You have just...

Assume that you are the manager of a shop that assembles power tools. You have just received an order for 50 chain saws, which are to be shipped at the start of week 8. Pertinent information on the saws is

Item Lead Time (weeks) On Hand Components
Saw 2 15 A(2), B(1), C(4)
A 1 10 E(3), D(1)
B 2 5 D(2), F(3)
C 2 65 E(2), D(2)
D 1 20
E 1 10
F 2 30

b. Develop the material requirements plan for component E using lot-for-lot ordering. (Leave no cells blank - be certain to enter "0" wherever required.)

Item: E(3) & E(2) LT = 1 wk. Beg. Inv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gross requirements
Scheduled receipts
Projected on hand
Net requirements
Planned order receipt
Planned order release

Please help me super confused on this problem

In: Operations Management

Why is business assurance so important in an organization such as Lloyd’s Register? Describe other business...

  1. Why is business assurance so important in an organization such as Lloyd’s Register? Describe other business sectors that have needs for similar assurance systems and identify how they would need to be developed to meet the needs of those businesses and sectors.

In: Operations Management

Make a Risk Management Plan for your Valuable IT Assets at Home . a. Identify Assets...

Make a Risk Management Plan for your Valuable IT Assets at Home

. a. Identify Assets and their Value, Classify, Prioritize them

b. Identify Threats and Priorities

c. Specify Asset Vulnerabilities

d. Calculate Risk (show all calculations)

e. Select Control Strategies for Mitigating, Treating and Reducing Risk

You would be submitting following documents as outcomes of your activity. Each document has 5 marks.

a. Information Asset Classification Worksheet

b. Weighted Factor Analysis Worksheet

c. TVA Spreadsheet

d. Ranked Vulnerability Risk Worksheet

e. Risk Matrix f. Chart of Risk Controls Strategies with Controls

In: Operations Management

The purchase decision is critical in driving customers to pick which company they will do business...

The purchase decision is critical in driving customers to pick which company they will do business with. How would you use technology to influence customers’ purchase decisions to increase your business’ customer base?

In: Operations Management

The employee credit union at State University is planning the allocation of funds for the coming...

The employee credit union at State University is planning the allocation of funds for the coming year. The credit union makes four types of loans to its members. In addition, the credit union invests in risk-free securities to stabilize income. The various revenue producing investments together with annual rates of return are as follows:

Type of Loan/Investment Annual Rate of Return (%)
Automobile Loans 8
Furniture Loans 10
Other Secured Loans 12
Signature loans 13
Risk-Free Securities 8

The credit union will have $2.4 million available for investment during the coming year. State laws and credit union policies impose the following restrictions on the composition of the loans and investments:

  • Risk-free securities may not exceed 20% of the total funds available for investment.
  • Signature loans may not exceed 11% of the funds invested in all loans (automobile, furniture, other secured, and signature loans).
  • Furniture loans plus other secured loans may not exceed the automobile loans.
  • Other secured loans plus signature loans may not exceed the funds invested in risk-free securities.

How should the $2.4 million be allocated to each of the loan/investment alternatives to maximize total annual return?

Automobile Loans $_____
Furniture Loans $_____
Other Secured Loans $_____
Signature Loans $_____
Risk Free Loans $______

What is the projected total annual return?

$ ______

In: Operations Management

Please give some solid examples of Costco's lean management strategy

Please give some solid examples of Costco's lean management strategy

In: Operations Management

Frito-Lay's Quality-Controlled Potato Chips Video Case Frito-Lay, the multi-billion-dollar snack food giant, produces billions of pounds...

Frito-Lay's Quality-Controlled Potato Chips

Video Case

Frito-Lay, the multi-billion-dollar snack food giant, produces billions of pounds of product every year at its dozens of U.S. and Canadian plants. From the farming of potatoes—in Florida, North Carolina, and Michigan—to factory and to retail stores, the ingredients and final product of Lay’s chips, for example, are inspected at least 11 times: in the field, before unloading at the plant, after washing and peeling, at the sizing station, at the fryer, after seasoning, when bagged (for weight), at carton filling, in the warehouse, and as they are placed on the store shelf by Frito-Lay personnel. Similar inspections take place for its other famous products, including Cheetos, Fritos, Ruffles, and Tostitos.

In addition to these employee inspections, the firm uses proprietary vision systems to look for defective potato chips. Chips are pulled off the high-speed line and checked twice if the vision system senses them to be too brown.

The company follows the very strict standards of the American Institute of Baking (AIB), standards that are much tougher than those of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Two unannounced AIB site visits per year keep Frito-Lay’s plants on their toes. Scores, consistently in the “excellent” range, are posted, and every employee knows exactly how the plant is doing.

There are two key metrics in Frito-Lay’s continuous improvement quality program: (1) total customer complaints (measured on a complaints per million bag basis) and (2) hourly or daily statistical process control scores (for oil, moisture, seasoning, and salt content, for chip thickness, for fryer temperature, and for weight).

In the Florida plant, Angela McCormack, who holds engineering and MBA degrees, oversees a 15-member quality assurance staff. They watch all aspects of quality, including training employees on the factory floor, monitoring automated processing equipment, and developing and updating statistical process control (SPC) charts. The upper and lower control limits for one checkpoint, salt content in Lay’s chips, are 2.22% and 1.98%, respectively. To see exactly how these limits are created using SPC, watch the video that accompanies this case.

Discussion Questions

  1. Angela is now going to evaluate a new salt process delivery system and wants to know if the upper and lower control limits at 3 standard deviations for the new system will meet the upper and lower control specifications noted earlier.

The data (in percents) from the initial trial samples are:

  • Sample 1: 1.98, 2.11, 2.15, 2.06
  • Sample 2: 1.99, 2.0, 2.08, 1.99
  • Sample 3: 2.20, 2.10. 2.20, 2.05
  • Sample 4: 2.18, 2.01, 2.23, 1.98
  • Sample 5: 2.01, 2.08, 2.14, 2.16

Provide the report to Angela.

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Frito-Lay drivers stocking their customers’ shelves?

3.Why is quality a critical function at Frito-Lay?

In: Operations Management

Please describe, in depth, the human capital of Petco and PetSmart.

Please describe, in depth, the human capital of Petco and PetSmart.

In: Operations Management

Question 50 of 60. Which of the following items is NOT necessary to keep in a...

Question 50 of 60.

Which of the following items is NOT necessary to keep in a vehicle?

Spare tire

First aid kit

Blank incident reports

Vehicle rental request

Question 51 of 60.

What is the purpose of an asset tag?

Inform staff that all items are tracked

Identify items needing repair and/or maintenance

Identify and link items to documentation records

Notify transporters that items should not be removed in transit

Question 52 of 60.

What is the purpose of having an asset register?

Ensure proper recording and tracking

Complete the purchase process

Make payments to suppliers

Record general ledger entries

Question 53 of 60.

What are the three key elements you need to consider when developing the definition of asset for your organization?

Non-consumable, acquisition cost, and useful life

Manufacturing year, current market value, and duration of program

List of accessories, size, and value of the item

Question 54 of 60.

Which of the following supporting documents is suitable to justify disposal of an asset that can no longer be operated or repaired?

Procurement contract

Purchase request

Repair estimate

Original estimate

Question 55 of 60.

After a project officer receives her new laptop while on a field assignment, how should she confirm its receipt with the local office?

Call the person that issued it

Text the person that issued it

Email the person that issued it

Skype the person that issued it

In: Operations Management

Imagine for a moment that you are in charge of your favorite local business –not Apple,...

Imagine for a moment that you are in charge of your favorite local business –not Apple, or Amazone. Now that you have a business in mind, how would you go about designing a “system” to evaluate its customers’ service health?

In: Operations Management

Post-purchase evaluation is critical to the business. That is where customers would evaluate if the quality...

Post-purchase evaluation is critical to the business. That is where customers would evaluate if the quality of the product/service is good enough to do repeat business. Also, when it is the case, this will drive customer referrals as well. Discuss how you would capture customer evaluation and how you would use it to improve your business.

In: Operations Management

Though the extent of its long-term impact is still unclear, it is increasingly believed d by...

Though the extent of its long-term impact is still unclear, it is increasingly believed d by experts that the COVID-19 pandemic will change the world in a number of important ways. With respect to business and capitalism, COVID-19 poses a number of unique challenges that can already be observed. Based on this, please answer the following questions:


In this course, we have discussed the functional departments of business (finance, supply chain management, human resources, etc.). assume that you are the CEO of a business affected by COVID-19 pandemic. Explain how any 3 of the functional departments of your business would need to change in response to the pandemic. Use examples where possible. (among other things, you answer should briefly include relevant background information about the business, e.g. industry: the answer needs to be based on one business, real or hypothetical) (9marks)

In: Operations Management