How would you determine the extent of institutionalizing changes to become part of a organization’s normal...

How would you determine the extent of institutionalizing changes to become part of a organization’s normal functioning? Justify your answer.

In: Operations Management

Value is the amount that buyers are willing to pay for what a firm provides them....

Value is the amount that buyers are willing to pay for what a firm provides them. Creating value for buyers that exceeds the costs of production is a key concept used in analyzing a firm’s competitive position. Suggest and critically discuss in details an approach useful for understanding the value creation building blocks that could secure competitive advantage. (250 words)

In: Operations Management

Explain traits of distinguishes leaders from followers? You being a leader, what are the traits you...

Explain traits of distinguishes leaders from followers? You being a leader, what are the traits you would like to develop and why?

In: Operations Management

The family is the most important consumer buying organization in society, and family members constitute the...

The family is the most important consumer buying organization in society, and family members constitute the most influential primary reference group. Name two family categorizations and discuss the impact of each of the categories on buying behavior. Answer this question in 300 words (marketing management).

In: Operations Management

Agatha's Inc. is about to introduce a new product in the market, but is not sure...

Agatha's Inc. is about to introduce a new product in the market, but is not sure as to how it should price the product. The company is facing intense competition from five other companies. In such a situation, what should be Agatha’s Inc. pricing objective? Provide an explanation for your answer.

In: Operations Management

Brand= Aquafresh toothpaste. Word count 1000 to 1500. Media Strategy: Identify the Brand’s media strategy differentiating...

Brand= Aquafresh toothpaste. Word count 1000 to 1500.

Media Strategy: Identify the Brand’s media strategy differentiating between Paid, Own and Earned media.

  1. Media Reach and Frequency: Explain how your Brand intends to optimize its Media Reach.

  2. Media Coverage: Explain the geographic coverage used by your Brand.

  3. Media Efficiency: Based on your research of the Brand, do you think they are achieving an efficient CPM/GRP outcome?

  4. Reputation Management: Perform secondary research online to identify positive and negative reputation issues that your brand may have.

In: Operations Management

Martin Sorrell, chairman of WPP Group PLC, the huge $15 billion advertising and public relations firm,...

Martin Sorrell, chairman of WPP Group PLC, the huge $15 billion advertising and public relations firm, is a strong believer in the use of email. He emails all of his employees once a month to discuss how the company is doing, address specific issues, and offer his perspectives on hot issues, such as new business models for the Internet. He believes that it keeps people abreast of what he is working on. Technology can also enable much more sophisticated forms of communication in addition to knowledge sharing. Cisco, for example, launched Integrated Workforce Experience (IWE) in 2010.109 It is a social business platform designed to facilitate internal and external collaboration and decentralize decision making. It functions much like a Facebook “wall”: A real-time news feed provides updates on employees’ status and activities as well as information about relevant communities, business projects, and customer and partner interactions. (350words)

  1. Explain how technology can enable sophisticated forms of communication to be used for knowledge sharing within an organization.
  2. Critically discuss why “electronic” or “virtual” teams are critical in combining and leveraging knowledge in organizations and how they can be made more effective

In: Operations Management

Aldi, a discount supermarket retailer, has grown from its German base to the rest of Europe,...

Aldi, a discount supermarket retailer, has grown from its German base to the rest of Europe, Australia, and the United States by replicating a simple business format. Aldi limits the number of products (SKUs in the grocery business) in each category to ensure product turn, to ease stocking shelves, and to increase its power over suppliers. It also sells mostly private-label products to minimize cost. It has small, efficient, and simply designed stores. It offers limited services and expects customers to bring their own bags and bag their own groceries. As a result, Aldi can offer its products at prices 40 percent lower than competing supermarkets. (350 words)

  1. Identify and critically discuss the business level strategy adopted by Aldi to outperform rivals and achieve competitive advantage.
  2. Explain the potential pitfalls of Aldi’s strategy and how it can improve company competitive position vis-à-vis the five forces.

In: Operations Management

1. A consumer buys a television made by XYZ company from Town Electronics. The consumer hosts...

1. A consumer buys a television made by XYZ company from Town Electronics. The
consumer hosts a party to watch a football game. The TV explodes, injuries the consumer (who
becomes paralyzed from the neck down), guests and damages the house. The consumer’s wife is
not injured. Describe what tort suits may be brought, by whom, on what theories and the
damages that may be sought and from whom?

2. John is a 41 year old white male who works for NewCo. His female boss, a 38 year-old
female Vice President named Mary, has tried to seduce John several times, but John has rebuffed
her advances. Although everyone in the company gets a 3 percent raise, Mary gives John only a
1 percent raise, telling him that “you know what you need to do to get a bigger raise.” John
complains to the President of NewCo, who tells John to “don’t be an old fart, do what you need
to do to get ahead in this company.” John says he will not, and the next day, he is fired and is
replaced by a 38 year old man who John later learns slept with Mary and got a raise the next day.
What claims does John have against NewCo? Please make reference to the appropriate statutes
by name.

In: Operations Management

1. Explain the difference between Insider Trading based upon a tipper/tippee theory and a misappropriation theory...

1. Explain the difference between Insider Trading based upon a tipper/tippee theory and a
misappropriation theory and give on example of each?

2. Explain the legal concept of a bailment and give one example of a bailment using proper

In: Operations Management

Describe the consequences of conflict in organizational communication arising due to sexual harassment, discrimination, ethical abuses...

Describe the consequences of conflict in organizational communication arising due to sexual harassment, discrimination, ethical abuses and marginality. Explain with examples.

In: Operations Management

Q5. The highly competitive freight transport industry is forcing carriers to form strategic alliances. Explain the...

Q5. The highly competitive freight transport industry is forcing carriers to form strategic alliances. Explain the following:

(a) What is a strategic alliance among carriers?

(b) Two (2) advantages of a strategic alliance.

(c) One (1) disadvantage of a strategic alliance.

In: Operations Management

A manager must decide how many machines of a certain type to purchase. Each machine can...

A manager must decide how many machines of a certain type to purchase.

Each machine can process 101 customers per day.

One machine will result in a fixed cost of $2,038 per day, while two machines will result in a fixed cost of $3,836 per day.

Variable cost will be $22 per customer and revenue will be $49 per customer.

Determine the break-even point in units for TWO machines.

*Round your answers to 3 decimal places in your calculation if necessary.

In: Operations Management

You have just been hired as the new EHS Manager at FunStuff Inc. FunStuff Incorporated manufactures...

You have just been hired as the new EHS Manager at FunStuff Inc. FunStuff Incorporated manufactures large fiberglass manufactured novelty items for carnivals, pools, restaurants, etc. Examples of products produced include logs used in swimming pools and items such as hamburgers, eggs, bacon which are used in children's play area. Parts are assembled using a combination of Styrofoam, fiberglass and hazardous chemicals that includes a toxic mixture of hydrogen peroxide and styrene.

On this particular day, while driving to the plant, you are driving on the frontage road towards the company provided parking lot, with the car windows rolled down, suddenly, you were overcome by a sweet smelling odor in the middle of the roadway. You immediately suspect the odor was coming from the plant, your plant and the location of your new job. The odor made you feel very drowsy and also nauseous. You were driving into what appears to be a volatile situation.( OK this is my feeble attempt at an EHS joke.)

As you sat at your desk, musing what needed to be done about the odor from an EPA perspective, suddenly, your phone rings. It's the Receptionist calling informing you that an OSHA representative is here for a site visit. Taken slightly aback, you as why JC, the owner wasn't notified. She explained that since the owner, JC was off site for the remainder of the day, that you were the next person on her list to call. While JC is supportive of EHS, she also is distrustful of any governmental intrusion. It is up to you to call her and provide your expert opinion about the current situation..


What should you do in this situation?

Should an inspection be permitted? Warrant? And if the inspection is permitted, how can you use manage the OSHA inspection and subsequent "OSHA findings" to your advantage?

In: Operations Management

Q4. In the context of the principles of connectivity, propose two principles that facilitate reliable transit...

Q4. In the context of the principles of connectivity, propose two principles that facilitate reliable transit time in the transportation of goods. Transit time is defined as the period from the pick-up of the goods by the transporter until the goods are delivered to the consignee.

In: Operations Management