Post-purchase evaluation is critical to the business. That is where customers would evaluate if the quality...

Post-purchase evaluation is critical to the business. That is where customers would evaluate if the quality of the product/service is good enough to do repeat business. Also, when it is the case, this will drive customer referrals as well. Discuss how you would capture customer evaluation and how you would use it to improve your business.

In: Operations Management

Though the extent of its long-term impact is still unclear, it is increasingly believed d by...

Though the extent of its long-term impact is still unclear, it is increasingly believed d by experts that the COVID-19 pandemic will change the world in a number of important ways. With respect to business and capitalism, COVID-19 poses a number of unique challenges that can already be observed. Based on this, please answer the following questions:


In this course, we have discussed the functional departments of business (finance, supply chain management, human resources, etc.). assume that you are the CEO of a business affected by COVID-19 pandemic. Explain how any 3 of the functional departments of your business would need to change in response to the pandemic. Use examples where possible. (among other things, you answer should briefly include relevant background information about the business, e.g. industry: the answer needs to be based on one business, real or hypothetical) (9marks)

In: Operations Management

Describe any two models that can be used to diagnose organization environment.

Describe any two models that can be used to diagnose organization environment.

In: Operations Management

What can make a contract too specific and what could happen if it is? Give an...

What can make a contract too specific and what could happen if it is? Give an example.

No handwritten answers please.

In: Operations Management

Hi, can you answer this question in more detail? Subject: Quality Management and Practices 4. Research...

Hi, can you answer this question in more detail?

Subject: Quality Management and Practices


Research on the current state of Toyota's Company quality management covers the following topics, demonstrate your theoretical understanding and skills in evaluating existing operational management issues, and use a quality management framework for analysis.

• Total Quality Management…

( Words: 900 Don't direct copy )

In: Operations Management

You work for a firm that has decided to exploit the possibilities that sales abroad can...

You work for a firm that has decided to exploit the possibilities that sales abroad can bring and want to become an active exporter. You have 2 potential customers under consideration:

a. The first customer you are considering is a potentially large customer in Malaysia where the business potential could be about 15% of you current firm revenues per year for the next few years. This customer requires standard diesel machines, similar to the ones you are already supplying to your customer base in the USA.

b. The second is a potential customer in China. The future business potential is uncertain, however it could grow in the future or this could be even a one-off sale – it depends on how the first few transactions are handled and the support provided to the customer. This customer requires diesel machines which will be custom built for the customer.

What channel (method of entry into the market) would you use in each of the above cases? Justify your answer. What factors would you consider in making the decision?

In: Operations Management

Prepare a brief (maximum 350) report that examines whether, how, and why strategic management is/could/should be...

Prepare a brief (maximum 350) report that examines whether, how, and why strategic management is/could/should be relevant and important. use examples from the Department of corrections to offer a credible analysis. Decide what strategic management elements to include in the reports (e.g. Vision/Mission, situational analysis, external view, internal view, core values, strategy, leadership, etc.)

United States of America Prison

In: Operations Management

Fundamentals of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Message from COVID-19 on Global Sourcing Your Task: Develop...

Fundamentals of Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Message from COVID-19 on Global Sourcing

Your Task: Develop a Proposal for Global Sourcing of Face Masks

You need to address the following questions:

  • Comparing situations of 2003 SARS to 2020 COVID
  • Identify challenges of global sourcing of face masks in Hong Kong
  • Recommendation of solution on short, medium and long term

In: Operations Management

Nike Big Data Management With the analysis on the business of this leader in the sports...

Nike Big Data Management

With the analysis on the business of this leader in the sports industry, it indicates that NIKE is facing a problem in how to market their customers in a more customized way in order to regain the market share for the young market especially.

According to the 5-forces, Nike is suffering from the great level of competitive rivalry in a saturated market. People within this market have very low cost in switching to other brands while competitors are having similar features on their products. Obviously, NIKE’s young market is losing loyalty to it, while Adidas, New Balance and Puma in sports and Vans, Converse and Supreme in streetwear performance are gaining momentum. It is possible to say that they are not only competing on shoes and clothes but also technologies and stylish design nowadays as customers and even retailers have so much to choose from.

On the other hand, NIKE seems to be ignoring some speciality sports retailers while retailers have deep ties to the young market and community. They act an important role in the distribution chain to help promote the brands. NIKE has to closely work with its retail partners like Foot Locker and even more on its 200+ NIKE stores or other speciality sports retailers.

Moreover, young customers usually go to these stores looking for advice on fitting and matching which means stores seriously affecting teenagers’ selection. In this case, the taste and value of the young customer may have been changed a lot in these couple years due to the influence of social media. Therefore, to regain larger market share and create higher profit, NIKE can use BDA on issues like “The most influential athlete to teenagers'', “The fashion color of the coming year”, “Hot icon or images in the world”, “How many hashtags on the product” and “Most popular Internet celebrity” etc. Although NIKE have been innovative for a long time and equipped with advanced technologies, only further customized marketing can take it up to a notch.

- Please write considerations in developing a Strategy for Integrating Big Data Analytics into the selected company. (1500words)

In: Operations Management

You have just begun a new stage in your career—you have been hired to be the...

You have just begun a new stage in your career—you have been hired to be the Human Resources (HR) Manager for Berkley Innovative Technologies. Upon meeting the CEO, she described how the company’s workforce demographics have changed substantially over the past two decades. Previous HR managers, along with many supervisors, have mostly been Caucasian males ranging in age between 50s and early 60s, and typically from a Judeo-Christian background. The CEO also indicated that workplace strife has been steadily increasing, and her team is concerned that it may be related to the changing demographics in the workforce.

The CEO has tasked you with creating an educational manual to be utilized in training the existing front-line supervisors. This will be followed with sensitivity training to help all employees understand the complexities of the changing workforce and what it means for the future.

Diversity Training Manual: Part I (2–3 pages)

Part I of the training manual should address the following:

  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Part I is to be titled: Introduction to Diversity and Demographics in the Workforce
  • Begin your manual with a brief explanation of each form of discrimination (religion, race, gender, age, and immigrant vs. native-born) as it relates to the workplace.
  • Part 1 will conclude with information on the sections below regarding the demographics of the U.S. population:
    • Sections:
      • Current statistics
      • Recent trends
      • Forecasted trends
    • Information for this question can be located using some or all of the Web sites listed below. You are not limited to the resources provided and may use additional outside materials for this section if needed. Be sure to properly cite all work.
      • Web site 1
      • Web site 2
      • Web site 3
      • Web site 4
  • Then, address the following information as it relates to diversity in the workforce:
    • The customs and values of 2 of the largest minority races or religions in the workforce (e.g., the dramatic increase in the Hispanic and Muslim percentage of the workforce)
    • The need for sensitivity to their differing values and customs
    • Legislation affecting supervisor regulations relating to these groups

Diversity Training Manual: Part II (1–2 pages)

As the new HR Manager, you are now ready to complete the next section of the diversity training manual that is targeted at making your workforce supervisors more aware of current racial diversity issues, explaining how the supervisors should address them. The goal of this section is to supply information to reduce potential tensions in the workplace among a racially diverse body of employees.

Part II is to be titled: Historical Issues of Different Races in the Workplace and How to Handle Them

  • This section should discuss the following:
    • Racial diversity in the workforce now and how it will look in the future, based on the U.S. population's racial demographic changes
    • Specific issues that create tensions in the workplace between different groups
    • How leaders and supervisors need to address these potential issues
      • Potential areas of focus for this part could include, but are not limited to, the following:
        • Adopting a more diverse definition of diversity
        • Using technology such as AI to avoid unconscious bias
        • Sourcing candidates with nontraditional credentials
        • Testing diversity initiatives with data
        • Standardizing the interview process to reduce bias

Diversity Training Manual: Part III (2–3 pages)

The CEO indicated that gender issues are also of great concern for her in moving the company forward. With an overwhelming amount of men at the company, she wants to avoid any potential gender issues when writing job requirements, hiring employees, and interactions in the workplace. For this section, specifically address these 3 gender issues, and provide suggestions as to how to raise the sensitivity of all supervisors regarding these issues. Be certain to address concerns such as: Can the supervisor hand out work assignments that he or she feels are better suited to different genders? Can he or she write a job requirement that only one gender can meet, such as a strength requirement?

Part III is to be titled: Overcoming Gender Issues in the Workforce

  • This section of the manual must, at a minimum, address the following information:
    • A few general facts about the U.S. population's gender mix and the gender mix found in notable segments of the workforce
      • Make sure to include all sources of information.
    • Address the 3 gender issues raised by the CEO, and provide suggestions on how to raise the sensitivity of all supervisors regarding these issues.
    • The essence and applicability of the landmark Griggs v. Duke Power case dealing with stated job requirements should be addressed
      • Click here to read the Griggs v. Duke Power case.
    • Describe state minimum job requirements when requesting new employees to be hired into the department
    • Explain how the supervisor might communicate to his or her department (of all male employees) when a female is about to become part of the work team

In: Operations Management

Sony Corporation – Since its founding in 1960, Sony was always known for innovation and market...

Sony Corporation – Since its founding in 1960, Sony was always known for innovation and market leadership. But in the last 20 years, troubling issues have emerged to partially counter the many successes along the way. Research Sony and its subsidiaries, and answer the following questions:

  1. What competitive threats does Sony face? From which companies and geographic regions? How does Sony stack up against these competitors?
  2. Is it possible for a diversified company like Sony to be an innovation leader and stay profitable? How?

Thank you!

In: Operations Management

Signatures Inc. specializes in producing personalized products such as coffee mugs and pens with company logos....

Signatures Inc. specializes in producing personalized products such as coffee mugs and pens with company logos. The company generates over $40 million in annual revenues and has more than 300 employees. The company is in the middle of a large multimillion-dollar SCM implementation, and it has just hired your project management outsourcing firm to take over the project management efforts.

On your first day, your team is told that the project is failing for the following reasons:

  • The project is using the traditional waterfall methodology.
  • The SDLC was not followed and the developers decided to skip the testing phase.
  • A project plan was developed during the analysis phase, but the old project manager never updated or followed the plan.

Determine what your first steps would be to get this project back on track. Why?

Respond to two of your peers. Do you agree with their choice? Why or why not?

What obstacles might they encounter?

In: Operations Management

A company that handles deliveries for other companies and individuals (you can use Yurtici or Aras...

A company that handles deliveries for other companies and individuals (you can use Yurtici or Aras Kargo as examples) considers to implement a new system for managing their trucks. Currently, the drivers get a fixed order of destinations, deliver the packages and get a signature on a paper slip. They hand in the slips in the evening to their manager. The manager checks against the orders, and approves that deliveries have been made. With the new system, the drivers have a hand-held device connected to traffic information, and an information system that changes the route dynamically to avoid traffic jams. Also the customers sign with a pen on the hand-held device, if a signature has been done, the delivery is marked as completed automatically.

You should try to identify all possible factors both for benefits and costs. In the business case, describe all of them, and try to quantify them, detailing how this quantification could have happened (actual numbers can be guessed at or made up, like for example hardware costs). Based on this quantification, aggregate the results for costs and benefits over an adequate time interval and give an overall assessment and recommendation. You can also include intangible benefits and strategic considerations in your final recommendation.

In: Operations Management

Sony Corporation – Since its founding in 1960, Sony was always known for innovation and market...

Sony Corporation – Since its founding in 1960, Sony was always known for innovation and market leadership. But in the last 20 years, troubling issues have emerged to partially counter the many successes along the way. Research Sony and its subsidiaries, and answer the following questions:

3. Should Sony’s R&D efforts be focused on a limited number of core products, or should it aim to be the leader in each business segment it operates in?

4. Some say Sony Entertainment “runs the show” now, because one very successful movie returns massive profits. Do you think excessive diversification is Sony’s problem? They usually target the upscale high-end consumer groups. Should they change strategies?

Thank you!

In: Operations Management

Hi, can you answer this question in more detail? Subject: Quality Management and Practices 3. Research...

Hi, can you answer this question in more detail?

Subject: Quality Management and Practices


Research on the current state of Toyota's Company quality management covers the following topics, demonstrate your theoretical understanding and skills in evaluating existing operational management issues, and use a quality management framework for analysis.

• Total Quality Management…

( Words: 900 Don't direct copy )

In: Operations Management