
In: Operations Management

4.4 Find an article about a company that had to deliver a communication of bad-news to...

4.4 Find an article about a company that had to deliver a communication of bad-news to its constituents or the general public. The bad-news message could be a result of one of the following situations: A product defect or failure A reduction in workforce An under-performing financial quarter A new but unpopular policy such as a pricing strategy Write a 600 to 800 word paper demonstrating clear, insightful critical thinking on the proper approach to delivering bad-news messages. Review the components of bad-news messages: ease in with a buffer, provide a rationale, deliver the bad news, explain impacts, focus on the future and show goodwill. (see LO 11.3 Components of Bad-News Messages). Which components are included in the bad-news message you are reviewing? Which are missing that should have been included? Explain. How well did the bad-news message meet the needs of the victims and other stakeholders? Do you believe the communication was completely fair? Explain. What are three aspects of the bad news message that could have been improved? Explain. Expert Answer Anonymous answered this Was this answer helpful? 0 0 193 answers The problem pertains to the change management at the organisation and giving bad news about the dissolution of the company and hence termination of employment of the employees with the company. Since this news has financial, emotional, psychological and social implications for the employees, it needs to be dealt with utmost sensitivity keeping in mind that employees have been major stakeholders in the growth of the bank and thus they need to be approach with a mature outlook towards their problems. Most business communication professionals do not feel that email is a good way of communicating when the sender has to convey a bad news and it is much better to have a face to face or telephonic conversation in such cases. But, sometimes it is not feasible to have meetings or conversations because of the large number of people involved, unavailability of all the parties, validity and proof of the conversation and geographical distance between the participants.


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Intel Lay Off Bad News Analysis

Company Intel has conveyed the message towards the employees about lay off. This lay off is proposed for the senior managers. The reason offered to the employees about the ineffective and inefficient management layers that have resulted in the ineffective and slow decision making. Along with that company has provided the benefits such as three months separation pay. Company has expressed that if company does not eliminate the impact of lay off to employees, company will provide them support in their difficult time.

The reasons offered by company for this lay off for the purpose of making structure of organization and efficiency effective. It is communicated that due to increasing numbers of managers, company management layers has been increased and it has become ineffective. It has impaired the decision making and communication. The benefits are a leaner and more agile company, quicker decisions, better collaboration and competitiveness.

The company said that it will still be the largest and most profitable semiconductor company on the earth after this retrenchment. As the competition has intensified company has planned to introduce this retrenchment.


The analysis reveals that company has faltered in many ways to address the grievances of employees and there should have been indirect organizational plan to convey the bad news to employees.

The components that have been used in the communication of bad news is a direct organizational plan. Here the main ideas are presented first and after that the explanations, reasons and details are offered. After that a closing has taken place in the letter. This kind of plan is generally used for conveying the good messages to the audience. So company management has faltered here to convey message. The bad news is offered first and then the reasons and explanations are offered. There should be a buffer statement and then the reasons should have been offered.

Company should have used this strategy to convey the message. There should be a buffer statement and this component is missing from letter. The buffer statement should be to introduce the positive news first about the employees’ capability and contribution to the company such as company appreciates your contribution for the success of company. This buffer statement will assist to avoid the shock of bad news employees receive. It can be such that company is looking for the competitive enhancement and creating a leaner and flexible organizational structure. This rationale argument may persuade employees to prepare for the bad news. Company should have presented the reasons for the decision of termination as well as it should have promoted the bet relationship possible for the future retention of employees. That company has done after conveying the bad news that company will support employees in their difficult time and three months’ salary will be provided to them. Company did not mention that in the future if the position will be vacant these employees will be called again to join. This component is also missing in their communication.

Intel company has not delayed in communicating the bad news and covered the interests of all stakeholders in the message, justifies its position, provides every fact, but it has also included surprise element, does not look for the silver lining, and does not offer solution of rehiring in the future (Bies, 2012).

All these components could have helped company to formulate a better relationship with the employees.

The analysis shows that it does not meet the needs of victims completely. But it certainly meets the needs of stakeholders for creating a leaner and flexible organization and enhancement of competitiveness.

The conveying of message is not completely fair to the employees. The three aspects that are missing in the letter are not including the indirect organizational plan components, buffer statement and rehiring of employees in the future.

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