Describe the structured interview. What are the characteristics of structured interviews that improve on the shortcomings of unstructured interviews? Develop one original situational question and an accompanying rating scale using benchmark responses with assigned values to be used in a structured interview. Be sure to note the task you are targeting for the job.
In: Operations Management
POS 220
Answer 4 of the following questions in approximately 4-6 sentences
1)Identify and explain the three indicators of power.
2)Identify and explain four ways the Corporate Community is powerful outside formal politics.
3)Identify and define the three components of the Policy Planning Network.
4)Identify the three organizations involved in the Opinion Molding Process and explain what each does.
5)Identify and define the 4 aspects of Hamilton's ''energetic executive.”
6)What Supreme Court case established judicial review? Identify two court cases where judicial review led to an increase in corporate power.
7)Identify and explain four ways in which Congress is restrained in its lawmaking power.
In: Psychology
Company Z’s earnings and dividends per share are expected to grow by 3% per year for the next 4 years, then stop growing. In year 5 and after, it will pay out all earnings as dividends. Assume next year’s dividend is $3, the market capitalization rate is 10%, and next year’s EPS = $10. What is Company Z’s stock price?
Please explain answer and solution clearly
In: Finance
In: Operations Management
In this program, there are 3 bugs and 2 syntax errors. Please identify them! The source code is below.
The source code is in C:
File: CylinderVolume.c (Lab 3)
Author: Gilbert Arbez, Fall 2018
Description: Calculates how the volume changes for different depths
in a horizontal cylinder.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
// Define symbolic constant
#define N 50 // number of points to compute
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
// Prototypes
void computeDisplayVolume(double, double);
Function: main
Description: Gets from the user the radius and length of the cylinder,
calls computeDisplayVolume to compute and display a table
of how the volume changes with depth of a liquid in
the cylinder.
void main()
// Variable declarations
double radius; // cylinder radius
double length; // cylinder length
int flag; // sentinelle for controlling data input
// Get input from user, the cylinder radius and length
flag = TRUE;
printf("Please give cylider radius and length: ");
scanf("%lf %lf",&radius, &length);
if(radius <= 0.0 || length <= 0.0)
printf("Both values must be greater than zero.\n");
flag = FALSE;
} while(flag == TRUE)
// Compute/display depth/volume data
computeDisplayVolume(radius, length);
Function: computeDisplayVolume
radius - radius of the horizontal cylinder
length - length of the horizontal cylinder
Description: Computes and displays depth/volume data points in a table
that varies the depth of the liquid from 0 to the cylinder diameter.
N such data points are computed (i.e. the increment in the
value of h is 2r/N).
void computeDisplayVolume(double radius, double length)
// Declaration of variables
double increment; // how to increment the depth
double h; // depth value
double volume; // volume value
int i ; // loop counter
// setup the variables
increment = radius/N;
h = 0.0;
// Table Header
printf("The change in liquid volume of the cylinder with radius %.2f \nand length %.2f as depth changes is as follows.\n",
radius, length);
printf("%10s %10s\n","Depth", "Volume");
// Loop for calculating each of the n depth/volume points.
for(i = 0 i < N; i = i + 1)
volume = pow(radius,2)*acos((radius-h)/radius);
volume = volume - (radius - h)*sqrt(2.0*radius*h - pow(h,2));
volume = volume*length;
// Display the row with ocmputed values
printf("%10.2f %10.2f\n", h, volume);
In: Computer Science
In: Computer Science
An employee’s total weekly pay equals the hourly wage multiplied by the total number of regular hours plus any overtime pay. Overtime pay equals the total overtime hours multiplied by 1.5 times the hourly wage. Write a python program that takes as input the hourly wage, total regular hours, and total overtime hours and displays an employee’s total weekly pay.
The script must start with comments about the author, assignment and submission date. Save the script using the following naming convention: Please submit pseudocode, flow chart and screenshot of the output.
In: Computer Science
Java Programming
Write a program that displays the following pattern
* * *
* * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * *
* * *
Printing Pattern A
Printing Pattern B
Printing Pattern C
In: Computer Science
Communicate how your organization handled a recent hire. How did those involved in recruitment select the worker for the position?
In: Operations Management
Assume a market index represents the common factor and all stocks in the economy have a beta of 1. Firm-specific returns all have a standard deviation of 34%.
Suppose an analyst studies 20 stocks and finds that one-half have an alpha of 2.1%, and one-half have an alpha of –2.1%. The analyst then buys $1.4 million of an equally weighted portfolio of the positive-alpha stocks and sells short $1.4 million of an equally weighted portfolio of the negative-alpha stocks.
a. What is the expected return (in dollars),
and what is the standard deviation of the analyst’s profit?
(Enter your answers in dollars not in millions.
Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answers
to the nearest dollar amount.)
Expected return | $ |
Standard deviation | $ |
b-1. How does your answer change if the analyst examines 50 stocks instead of 20? (Enter your answer in dollars not in millions. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest dollar amount.)
Standard deviation $
b-2. How does your answer change if the analyst examines 100 stocks instead of 20? (Enter your answer in dollars not in millions.)
Standard deviation $
In: Finance
Workshop: SQL Simple Retrieval For this workshop, you are to submit the SQL statements. Do not submit the output produced by running the query. However, you may wish to examine the output to ensure the correctness of the query. When writing a query, do not rely exclusively on the current content of the database. Remember that when working with a real-world company’s database there can be far too many rows to allow you to visually examine the content of a table and validate your query. The following exercises all pertain to the FACULTY table. This table has the following columns: FNO, FNAME, FADDR, FHIRE_DATE, FNUM_DEP, FSALARY, and FDEPT. The table is owned by the user STUDENT.
1. Display the entire FACULTY table.
2. Display all information about any employee whose yearly salary is less than $40000.
3. Display all information about any employee who is employed by the Computer and Information Systems (CIS) Department.
4. Display the department, faculty number, and name of all faculty members.
5. Display the name and date of hire for any faculty member whose department alphabetically precedes THEO.
6. Display the departments to which faculty are assigned. Do not show duplicate values.
7. Display the name and salary of any employee earning less than $36000. Present the result set such that the highest paid employee is listed first, the second highest is listed next, and so on - that is, show the result with salaries in descending sequence.
8. Display the department, employee name, and salary for every employee. The output should be presented such that rows are arranged by salary within department. (Employees assigned to the same department will appear next to each other, but these rows will be sorted by salary.)
In: Computer Science
1. Write a program that includes a function search() that finds the index of the first
element of an input array that contains the value specified. n is the size of the array. If
no element of the array contains the value, then the function should return -1. Name your
program .C The program takes an int array, the number of elements in the array,
and the value that it searches for. The main function takes input, calls the
search()function, and displays the output.
int search(int a[], int n, int value);
Example input/output #1:
Enter the length of the array: 4
Enter the elements of the array: 8 2 3 9
Enter the value for searching: 3
Output: 2
Example input/output #2:
Enter the length of the array: 6
Enter the elements of the array: 4 7 1 0 3 9
Enter the value for searching: 5
Output: -1
2. Modify the part 1 program so that it deletes all instances of the value from the array. As
part of the solution, write and call the function delete() with the following
prototype. n is the size of the array. The function returns the new size of the array after
deletion (The array after deletion will be the same size as before but the actual elements
are the elements from index 0 to new_size-1). In writing function delete(), you may
include calls to function search(). The main function takes input, calls the
delete()function, and displays the output. Name your program .C
int delete(int a[], int n, int value);
Example input/output #1:
Enter the length of the array: 6
Enter the elements of the array: 4 3 1 0 3 9
Enter the value for deleting: 3
Output array:
4 1 0 9
In: Computer Science
Janet Johnson, an
African American woman, has been working at the Tennessee
Hydroelectric plant for 15 years. During that time, his performance
reviews have been exemplary. She decided to apply for the new plant
foreman position. Although she felt that she was eminently
qualified for the position, she also was growing tired of a certain
good old boy culture at the plant. For years, the plant has had a
culture of highly lewd “jokes,” and many of the employees had also
engaged in inappropriate touching of female employees. The plant
had an anti-harassment policy on record, but Janet’s boss shrugged
and said “boys will be boys” when she reported the harassment to
Competition for the position was fierce. But ultimately, Jose
Martinez, a Chilean man, received the position. Jose had 7 years of
experience. Unbeknownst to the applicants the promotion board
secretly ran a credit check on the applicants. Janet credit score
came in as lower as average, and this factored into the board’s
decision. Although he met the qualifications of the position, one
of the hiring managers told Janet in confidence that Janet was the
most qualified person for the job. And the other managers had
applied a racial preference on Jose’s behalf due to there never
having been a Latino manager at the plant even though Latino’s
represented 35% of employees at the plant. Janet sues the plant for
disparate treatment, disparate impact, and sexual harassment under
Title VII.
In: Operations Management
Step 1) Following the steps from prior weeks, add a new page to your website. Save this new page as AboutUs.html. Make sure that the name of the page does not have a space (see the screenshot below of the Save dialogue box).
Step 2) Add the <body> tag, navigation, and <header> tag. The header <h1> text should say “About Us”.
Hint: Refer to Week Three, Steps 3, 4, and 5 for a refresher on how to add these elements.
Step 3) Add a link to the external CSS page.
Hint: Refer to Week Three, Step 8 for a refresher on how to add the link to the MyStyle.css page.
Step 4) Save your page and open it in a web browser, such as IE or Chrome. Your page should render like the image below with the header and the navigation on the top right of the page.
Step 5) Add a <div> tag between the closing </header> and closing </body> tags. To avoid confusion with <div> tags that you will add later, name this tag “div1”.
<div name="div1">
Step 6) Add a new file folder named media to the folder where you’ve chosen to save your Week Five files (the screenshot below shows your file structure with the media folder in the same place as your HTML and CSS files).
Step 7) Copy the file named Swiss_Mountain_House.mp4 to the “media” folder.
Note: It’s important that you have the legal right to use any and all media files you add to web pages; you automatically own all rights to media files you created yourself, most other files you must obtain permission from the owner of the file. Some copyright owners grant free use of their work just for asking. Websites that offer free media files will state on their site that the files are royalty free. Never use someone else’s work without being sure you have the right to do so. In this case, your instructor has ensured you have the right to use these files.
Step 8) Within the opening <div> and closing <div> tags for “div1”, add the following code to add a video clip to your AboutUs.html page:
<video width="400px" controls>
<source src="media/Swiss_Mountain_House.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Use a browser (such as IE or Chrome) that supports the HTML5 video tag for mp4 files.
Note: The source “src” tag for the path is pointing to the media folder. The line under the <source> tag is verbiage that the user may see if the browser is not compatible with the HTML5 video tag, or if the file is missing. All browsers behave differently, but it is a good practice to provide the alternate text.
Step 9) Add the following HTML comment on the line above the beginning <video> tag. Note the syntax that delineates the start and stop of the HTML comment. The HTML interpreter will ignore everything between the opening and closing comment tags so you only see this comment when you look at the source. Notice that the HTML comment syntax is different from the JavaScript® comment syntax.
<!-- Royalty-free video loops are from -->
Step 10) Save and refresh the browser. Your page should render like the image below with an embedded video file below the header.
Step 11) Click the play arrow to test the 5-second video.
Note: There is no audio with this video.
Step 12) Copy the files named Cow-SoundBible.mp3 and Cow-SoundBible.wav to the “media” folder.
Step 13) Add a second <div> tag (named “div2”) after the closing </div> tag for “div1”, but before the closing </body> tag. Insert the <article> and <audio> element code below. Note that the source “src” tag for the path is pointing to the media folder and there is also a comment above the opening <audio> tag.
<div name="div2">
<article >
Our cheese products come from the finest farms in Switzerland. Click the audio play button below to hear our happy cows!
<!-- Royalty-free sound clips are from -->
<audio controls >
<source src="media/Cow-SoundBible.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
<source src="media/Cow-SoundBible.wav" type="audio/wav">
<source src="media/Cow-SoundBible.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
Your browser does not support the audio tag.
Step 14) Save and refresh the browser. The page will render like the image below with text and the embedded sound file below the video. Press the audio play arrow to test the audio.
Note:In Step 14, the line under the <source> tag is verbiage that users may see if their browsers are not compatible with the HTML5 audio tag, or if the audio files are missing. To simulate this situation, comment out the two lines for the MP3 and WAV files. When your interpreter cannot see the two commented-out lines, it will only read the file for the OGG file. Since that file is missing, your browser will either show the alternate text, or disable the audio control. All browsers behave differently, but providing these options allows different browsers to handle the situation gracefully. Without these options, a browser might display a broken link to a sound file with no explanation, which would confuse your users and give them the impression that your site is poorly constructed. Remember that in HTML the beginning comment tag is <!-- and the closing comment tag is -->. If you tested the missing file scenario above, be sure to uncomment the lines that point to the MP3 and WAV files.
Step 15) To float “div1” and “div2” side-by-side, use the "myColumns" CSS class from Week One to both <div> tags. Save your file after you are finished. The modified opening <div> tags will look like this:
<div name="div1" class="myColumns">
<div name="div2" class="myColumns">
Step 16) Open the MyStyle.css page in NotePad++. Add the following code to the end of the existing code, right after the closing curly brace } for the myColumns block, as follows:
.aboutUsMedia {
width: 250px;
Step 17) Back in the AboutUs.html page, modify the opening <video>, opening <article> tag, and opening <audio> tags.
Note: The “aboutUsMedia” class will replace the “width” attribute for the <video> tag.
<video class="aboutUsMedia" controls>
<article class="aboutUsMedia">
<audio class="aboutUsMedia" controls >
Step 18) Save and refresh the browser. The <video> tag, <article> tag, and <audio> tag are all resized to a width of 250px, and the two <div> tags are now floating side-by-side as shown in the image below.
Step 19) Add the following <footer> code between the closing </body> tag and the closing </html> tag:
<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>
to learn more about the National Grocers Association.
Step 20) To push the <footer> to the bottom of the page, and to stop the floating of the footer to the right, add the following to the end of your MyStyle.css page.
footer {
clear:both; /* this clears the float */
display: block;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
background-color: lightgray;
text-align: center;
Step 21) Save your file and refresh it in the browser window. Your page should render like the image below with a formatted footer at the bottom of the page that includes a link. To test the external link, click the “here” hyperlink in the footer at the bottom of the page. The external page will open in a new window.
Note: Be sure to save all the files, as you modified the AboutUs.html and MyStyle.css files in the prior steps.
In: Computer Science
why does the financial sector have such low asset
turnover ratios compared to other industries?
why is the asset turnover ratio important for financial
In: Finance